Last section of soc
THE definition
-Times Higher Education
-World Univeristy Rankings
Education and society
Sociologist have closely examined the degree to which education succeeds in providing social order and individual oppurtunity.
Conflict theory and feminsism prespective on Education
Hidden school costs and hidden curriculam
CORRESPONDANCE PRINCIPLE (Samual Bowles and Herbert Gints
Streaming (tracking) definition
The practice of placing students in spesific curriculum groups on the basis of their test scores and other criteria
Credentialism definition
refers to the common practice of relaying earned credentials when hiring staff or assignng social status
Symbolic interactionsm prespective on Education
-Construction of meaning in the classroom
-Power differentilals in the classroom
-Teachers prespectives affect student outcomes and self perceptions
Deviance and Crime (Objective)
Behaviour that violates the standerds of conduct or expections of a group or society
High consensus deviance definition
Everyone can agree that these acts are horrible. High public agreeance (Mass shootings)
Low consensus deviance
Smaller degree of agreeance ex- gambling or swearing
Objective deviance examples
Harm- Drugs, driving on the wrong side of the road
Normative Violation- Premarital sex, not saying thank you after a service
Statistical Rarity- Jail would be considered devient but being left handed would not
Negative societal reaction- Murder is consdiered bad but killing in war may not seen devient
Deviance (subjective)
-The changing social construction of deviance
-Individuals or groups with the greatest status/power define what is acceptable and what is deviant
-People have different ideas about what counts as deviance and the seriousness of these various deviant acts
Milgrams expatiment (Social Control)
He found that people tend to obey and follow instructions from people
Our responses to legitimate authority, confiming obedient behaviours to law due to socialization
Conformity def
The act of going along with peers-indivuals of our own satus who have no special right to direct our bahvaiour
Obediance def
compliance with higher authorites in a hierarchy structure
Informal Social Control
Control that is carried out casually by ordinary people through such means as laughter, gestures and ridicule
Formal Social Control
Control that is carried out by authorized agents such as police, judges, employers, school admin
Crime def
violation of law for which some governmetal authority applies formal penelties- high consensus devience
How much crime is there?
-Overrepersentaion of violence in the media
-Moral panic
-Public preception is important because it influences the polices governments enact
-Public pressure to act on preceptions might be counter productive inneffective
Limitations of crime statistics
Statistics only include crimes reported to law enforcement.
White collar crime def
Edwin Sutherland defined the term as "crimes commited by a person of resoectability and high social status in the course of his occupation"
-Occupational and cooperate crimes (Marshell B. Clinard, Richard Quinney (1973)
Organized crime def
Continuiny crinimal enterprise that rationally works to profit from illicit activites that are often in great public demand.
Existance is maintained through corruption of public offcials and the use of intimidation, threats or force to protect its opperations
Victimless crime def
term used by sociologists to describe the willing exchange amoung adults of widely desired but illegal goods/services
Functionalism (deviance and crime)
Emile Durkheim
Viewed crime as a normal part of a well functioning society and crime serves several society funtions
Strain theory
Robert Merton
Strain is a gap between societys culturally defined goals and uneven distribution of these means nessesary to achieve those goals. Trying to understand why individuals engage in devient behaviours
5 ways to respnd to strain theory
1-Conformity- chose not to be deviant. try their best to achieve their goals in a socially accepted way
2-Innovation- Use devient, socially unnacceptable ways to achieve goals ex- stealing
3-Ritualism- people give up their goals but still go through the motions of life until they have means to achieve it
4-Retreatlism- reject both homeless/ beggers
5-Rebillion- reject both goals but replace goals with own goals to achieve ex- terrosism
Social control theory
Travis W. Hirchi
Explains how weak social contol in society may lead individuals to commit criminal or devient acts
Social control works through the social bond of individual developed between the indivudual and larger society
Post moderism views on deviance:
Power is invisable and unverifiable
Survalliance and social control
Micheal Foucault -Panopticon
Factors posing enviomental challaneges:
Human Overpopulation
Industerization/ urbanization
Overconsumption of resources
Ecological overshoot def
The ecological foorprint for humanity is 1.5 planets
3 ways populations growth is affected
1-Fertility (going down in industerilazed countries)
2-Mortality (death in various groups, health, water shelter)
Thomas Malthus
Population checks must prevent the popuation from exceeding the human carrying capasity
Population checks
1-Moral restraint- people must practice abstance before marriage (Dont have more chidren than you can support)
2-Distaster (famine/war/disease)
Requires land and other non renewable resources
Consequences of Urban Sprawl:
Huge use of agriculture land
Vehicles increase carbon admission
Reduce walkability (safety, weather)
Causes of Urban Sprawl
Heavy dependance on cars
Desire for cheeeper homes
Alot of things are available online (shopping,bank, movies)
Overconsumption of resources
Resources are used at a rate that exceeds sustainability
Disposable society
Planned obsolenscene
2-No proof
3-Hidden Tradeoff
5-Lesser of 2 evils
7-Worshipping false labels
Enviomentalism definition
political and ethical movement that seeks to improve and protect the quality of the natural environmemt through changes to environmentally harmful human activites
First wave of environemtalism
Focas on polution as a result of industrilization
Second wave femisnism
much larger global issues than 1st wave. Changing climate, water crisis and wildlife
The Candian case of Grassy Narrows
Study generated valuabale insights but it failed to question the roles of Reed Pulp and paper company and government
Conflict theory prespective on environment:
Environmental problems negatvely affect the poor more often and more severe than the rich
Feminist prespective on environment:
Ecofeminism- links destruction of environmet with gender inequality
Functionalism prespective on environment:
Environmetal problems result naturally from population growth, denstity and specialization
Symbolic interactionism prespective on environment:
Manipulate symbols to avoid critisism
What is an ideogoly
System of ideas and ideals especilly one that forms the basis of social, poltical or economic poicy or protest
Poltics def
Process by which individuals and groups act to promote their interest. Distributing and excersising power
Antonio Gramsci:
Marxist in the 20th century
-Ideology makes people follow things and ideology is very tied to hygemoney
Munlinational corperations
commeicial organization that is headquarted in one country but operates in several countries
Ability to excerise ones will over others even if they resist (weber)
Three basic sources of power in any political system
1- Force- Actual and threatened use of cororsion. Physical or not
2-Influence- Pursuation as a form of power
3-Authority- Institutionalized power to subject people (degitimate power)
Authority def
Institutionaized power that is recognized by the people of whom it is excercized
1- Traditional- Legitimate power conferred by custom and accepted practice. Loyalty reenforces authority
2- Rational legal- authority based on formally agreed upon and accepted rules, principles and procedures of conduct established to accomplish goals effeciently
3- Charismatic- Power made legitimate by a leader exceptional personal or emotional appeal to his or her followers
Social movement-
Social movements are sustained challenges to existing holders of power in the name of a wronged population
Elements of social movements (Charles Tilly)
-Involve sustained challenge
-Engage those with power
-Represent a wronged population
-Disrupt the daily routines of power holders
-WUNC- Worthiness, unity, numbers, committed
Collective bahaviour-
Group behaviour that is relatively spontaneous, unstructed, unconventional. May occur in localized crowds or in more dispersed forms
Conflict theory on Politics and movement
create false conciousness
"American Dream"
Marxist thinks that working class leads to social revoultion to rebel
Gramsy said this is a very pervasive system
Maintain status quo of system
Participatry in social movements as a way to participate in government
Social movements-
The strength of social movemnts
Dispersed collective behvaiour-
1-Fads- temporary, highly popular social patterns, activites, hobbies, collectables
2-Fashions- Longer lasting, popukar social patterns usually involving clothing and accessories
3-Rumours- Unsubstained stories about people or events distorted overtime
4-Moral panic
Contagion Theory
Gustave Lebon
Crowd behaviour is irrational and rapid dissemination of mood impulse and bahaviour ex. Van city stanley cup riots
Convergance Theory
Crowd bahaviour is rational. Those who decide to participate in collective behavior in crowds are there because they are ready to manifest the kinds of behaviours crowds will engage in
Emergant Norm Theory
-New norms emerge in unique situations
-Crowd members create justifications for new norms
Resource mobalization theory
-Explains movement success in terms of the ability to acquire resources and mobalize individuals
-Moral, cultural, human and material resources
Quiz |
Diverse 1 |
French- Verb to like |
French- Pronouns |
ADN, opéron Trp |
Ljud och ljus begreppNO prov begrepp träning |
infection and responses |
geschiedenis hoofstuk 2hoofdstuk 2 woorden |
Chem-121 Exam |
PHL Final |
Lipides 1 et 2 |
Lipides 3 |
test review |
Python |
lecture 1-4 research methdology |
Lois de probabilités |
Business- Booklet F |
Intérêts des statistiques |
7 ontleedbare stoffen |
Rayons X |
metallurgy exam reviewmetallurgy exam review |
CHYS 2P10 Final Flashcards- from lecture content from the remaining lectures |
Week 11 - Skin Care 1 - Assignment - Nutrition |
RBCs |
Fizika |
Week 12 - Skin Care 1 - Assignment - Cosmetic Chemistry Part 1 and Part 2 |
Key Spanish Vocab Year 10 Mocks |
1.2.2Demand |
1.1.5Specialisation and the Division of Labour |
1.4. Mon école au quotidien |
1.1.4Production Possibility Frontiers |
bocchiaro |
model |
milgram |
Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Authors and titles |
1.1.1 - 1.1.3Nature of Economics |
woorden 3 |
Reversible reactions |
Rate of reaction |
cellbiologi - metabolism |
Inhibition enzymatique |
Anatomy bonesbones i need for my anatomy test |
Geography Year 9 Term 1Includes
-oceanic and continental crusts
-pangea and evidence
-convection currents
-plate boundaries (diagrams, what happens, features) |
Intersectionallities RG&S |
Détermination protéines |
SRMSocial Research Methodology |
L2 S1 : DP (6,7,8) |
L2 S1 : DP : Les élements constitutifs de l'IP : élément moral (5 2/2) |
MEtabolism |
Tentamen Kwalitatief Onderzoek |
Figure de répulsion |
Stéréochimie |
L2 S1 : DP : Les élements constitutifs de l'infraction pénale : élément matériel (5 1/2) |
WW6 |
lucy |
Psy 3080 final exam |
civics unit test |
macromolecules |
digestive system |
chapter 4 |
Etre- to be (present tense) |
Samhällskunskap 9 prov |
RE judaism |
modern world exam |
latijn woorden 1/130latijn leren |
Hoofdstuk 1 #2 |
Reading Unit 5 Vocabulary 11-20 |
1- SCIN 1505 Discipline infirmières (mi-session) |
english vocabulary (mixed) |
discipline infirmière |
anglais |
History of Ireland |
L2 S1 : DP : L'application de la loi pénale (4 2/2) |
Pools hoofdstuk 1 #1 |
Mécanique ventilatoire |
L'appareil ventilatoire |
L2 S1 : DP : L'application de la loi pénale (4 1/2) |
Physiologie respiratoire |
yr 9 knowledge JPN |
Triple gcse biology paper 2 |
Bella Dunnelecrity |
german 12 |
Gonnerhea |
memory |
jia yi rekenen |
memory |
jia yi |
Unit 15: Key terms |
Final Exam Questions |
All Quiet on the Western Front List C |
biologygrowth and differentiation year 9 |
Conflit Israël-Palestine : entre terre promise et religion |
Capitale du monde |
Haut-karabakh : un conflit centenaire entre l'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan |
L2 S1 : DP : Les sources de la loi pénale (3) |
Religion 110-C Exam |
Lésions ADN |
Week 4 - Skin Care 1 - Assignment - Skin Anatomy Part 2 |
biologiebiologie |
Chapitre 16: Santé et stress |
Week 4 - Skin Care 1 - Assignment - Skin Anatomy Part 1 |
Chapter 9 |
Propriétés des acides nucléiques |
Séquences ADN répétées |
Chapitre 12: Personnalité |
Ch 28 Air Induction Systems |
chap 10 Intelligence |
Psychology Exam Final |
Psychology Vocabulary Chapter 9 |
2e semaine |
chap 4 Developpement |
Y9 Science - Detection in Chemistry, Forces, Fit and HealthyScience revision for the 2nd test of year 9. |
frans h2 |
chap 20 |
Régime politique français |
test 2quiz |
Ventricles of the brain |
Brain |
Mandats Présidents Français |
plab 2 |
Biology Quiz 2 |
M11: H16.6 |
Level 3 questions |
9 x 9 |
MDSÉlimination vésicale et intestinale |
PSYCH*1000 therapies |
Army Idrarmy idr inspection questions |
PSYCH*1000 mental disorders |
PSYCH*1000 health stress and coping |
Quiz 13 surrentrainement |
cours 12b Doping |
cours 12b |
Répétition des ADN |
Biochimica clinica |
Variation |
1- SCIN 1557 Interventions (examen finale) |
Anthropolgie et comportement humain |
anatomy final |
L2 S1 : DP : Les caractéristiques de la loi pénale (2) |
Bases moléculaires du génome |
L2 S1 : DP : Introduction (1) |
Substantiv |
MDSS.V. et mesures anthropométriques |
samhällprov |
Ma1c |
Enzymologie |
Sociology -educationeducation topic 2 |
Sociology - Educationeducation overall AI generated |
Sociology- EducationEducation- Sociology Topic 1 |
Manon Lescaut |
Introduction to Organic chemistry |
chinese |
sociology names! |
Film Quotations |
Chromosomes |
PSYCH*1000 social psychology |
genglish - copy |
Interventions autre |
PSYCH*1000 personality |
PSYCH*1000 motivation and emotion |
citizenship test (studying) pt2 |
citizenship test (studying) |
Biology exam |
Bible Exam |
Circulatory System |
history |
Week 3 - Skin Care 1 - Facial Muscles and Massage Techniques |
indigenous art vocab |
Week 2 - Skin Care 1 - Wellness Concepts and Aromatherapy |
Week 7 - Skin Care 1 - Enzymes & Fitzpatrick Scale Skin Typings |
Week 10 - Skin Care 1 - Client Consultation and Homecare |
nederlans |
PSYCH*1000 lifespan development |
Geschiedenisgeschiedenis |
quiz 10A Fixation de buts |
diversity week 10-11 |
African American History: American Revolutionary War for Independence EraAn exploration of African American role during the 18th Century C.E American Revolution Era . |
science ks3langton boys |
Hemostase |
Oscars Trivia |
math trial revisionrevision flash cards for maths trial |
Sociology test Revision |
Tissu musculaire |
L2 S1 : DO Sanctions de l'inexécution (papier orange moyen) (8) |
L2 S1 : Les effets du contrat entre les parties (papier moyen bleu) (6) |
L2 S1 : Le contenu du contrat (papier vert moyen) (5) |
L2 S1 : Le consentement (papier rose bas) (4) |
L2 S1 : Les avant-contrats (papier orange bas) (3) |
anatomisk språk |
Tissu nerveux |
L2 S1 : DO : La période pré-contractuelle (papier bleu bas) (2) |
Kin - MusclesHip Flexors & Extensors - Anterior & Posterior
Hip Adductors
Anterior & Posterior Extrinsic Foot Muscles |
Hematology |
SOC Final |
module 5 part 3- final |
personalities |
MDSPrévention des infections et
Examen mentale et physique |
titles of JesusMr O is cruel |
semiologie cardique |
cours 9A relaxation |
Jayla |
thoracic and lumbar spine revision |
KIN 1070 Final Exam |
Stimulus Recover Adapatation (SRA) |
cours 9b Imagerie et hypnose |
pelvis, hip and femur revision |
psycho cours 6 |
WGS FInal |
PSYCH*1000 intelligence |
vocab 14 |
History |
PSYC*1000 thought and language |
knee revision - diagnostic radiography |
Kraft och rörelse |
Engelska läxa |
frans leest toets |
Intro to Canadian Legal System - Dec 6study for test |
Intro to Canadian Legal System |
welness exam |
PSYC*1000 memoryquestions to practice for psych final exam |
particel model of matter |
Criminal Law- non-fatal offences |
..... |
strat socialestrat sociale quizz |
French |
EngelsVwo leerjaar 1 Irregular verbs |
russian |
L2 S1 : DO : Introduction (papier vert bas) (1) |
women |
History 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2 |
Stoichometry |
SOC Term 2 |
social chapter 2 quizsocia |
OSI Model Layers |
Molecular Genetics Part 2 |
chem 120 |
Week 1 - Skin Care 1 - First Impressions & Room Furnishings |
Week 1 - Skin Care 1 - Bacteriology & Sanitation |
Crim 2p33 start-test 1 |
PSYCH 333: Early Adulthood |
PSYCH 333: Adolescence |
Intervention |
korean |
Module 6- part 4 |
Criminal law- sexual offences |
Criminal Law- Robbery |
Bio Unit 0,3a,3b |
English NounsPeople = Personas |
Crim 2P33 2nd midterm-final class |
Economie |
tent |
Gov final |
2.2 History Review |
2.1 History Flashcards |
diritto internazionale |
initiation |
frans |
frans |
woorden |
L2 S1 : HDP Section 5 & 6 (Mr Hoarau) (7) |
EPA - Project Management |
L2 S1 : HDP : Des peines et des châtiments (Mr Hoarau) (6) |
L2 S1 : HDP La naissance et développement de la procédure laique (Mr Hoarau) (5) |
PSYCH 333: Early AdulthoodFinal exam on December 11 |
droit penal international |
PSYCH 333: Middle AdulthoodFinal exam on December 11 |
French |
Science test Prep 2 |
science |
french verbs |
New Religious Movements |
L2 S1 : HDP Section 1 : justice royale et 2 : sources (Mr Hoarau) (4) |
Life science |
Criminal Law- Duress |
Criminal law- Self-Defence |
Criminal law- Theft |
Chapter 13- STD's |
spanska till 5 December |
Psych exam! |
L2 S1 : HDP La peine dans le monde héllénistique antique (Mme Lault) (3) |
Module 6 part 3 final anatomy |
Chapter 12- Substance Use and Abuse |
Fegato |
the atomic structure |
Chapter 11- Cancer development |
Criminal, Civil or Administrative |
L2 S1 : HDP De la justice domestique à la justice publique (Mme Lault) (2) |
Chapter 10- Cardio disease |
L2 S1 : HDP Introduction (Mme Lault) (1) |
chap 13les sentiments |
chap 55time and calendar |
micro final |
zinnnen c franslet op interpunctie
groetjes juul |
Biology Revision Y8 2023 |
frans b |
Marie |
L2 S1 : FP La procédure du budget de l'Etat et son contrôle : Partie 5 (5) |
MusclesMuscles |
physics revision part 2 |
Bio lecture 28-30 slide 14 |
REC 230 |
physics revision part 1 |
Climate change |
anatomy 3 |
Labo des nerfs |