There are 120,000 species
They have a cell wall made of chitin
They are hetertrophic so they absorb their nutrienst due to having no chlorophyll
Grow via Hyphae amd reprodice via spores
Can be saprophytic ( feed on dead tissue) or Parasitic ( fedd on living material )
Have a single celled flagellated aquatic ansector
Also from Choanoflagellates that are the sister group to animals
Fungi more related to animals than plants are
A Hyphae of seperate fungi are divided into cells
Cells can be dikaryotic
The Hyphae of coenpcytic fungi lack cross walls
Parasitic fungi can have specialised structures calls haustoria
Via the dispersal of Spores
These spores are hapolid of varying sizes and are produced either sexually or asexually
They are dispersed by wind or water
Germinate in moist places with necessary substrates
1000 species
Flagella retained in zoospores
Single celled or Coenocytic
Saprophytic or parasitic
Causing the global wave of amphibain extinction- 100% mortality
Caused 200 species to go exstinct already
1000 species
They have dicaryotic zygosporangia
Feed on soil or decaying matter
The hyphae are coencocytic
Spetae in reprpoducitve hyphae
Example is bread mould
250 species
Have a symbitoic relationship with plants
Arbuscular mycorrhizae
Plant benefit from gtetting soild minerals
Fungus benefit due to getting carbohrdate from plants
65,000 species
They have septate hyphae
Asexual reproduction via conidia
Acospores (8 of them ) in ascin
30,000 species
They have septate hyphae
Basidiosprores 4 of them on top of the basidium
Most common sexual reproduction
There is a symbiotic relaitionship between plant and fungi
Plant benefit due to gain nitrates and a larger suarcae area
Fungus benefit due to gain carbohydrate from the plant in retun for nutrients
Is a growth form and placed in ascomyocta and Basiodiomycota
Single cells evolved from multicellular anscestor
Reprodcution by budding or sexual spores
Get their nutrients from living cells
Highly specialised fungi
Intracellular parasites of animals
Have unique spores
A symbiosis between green algae and fungus after many evolution steps
Algae provide nutrients and fungus give an envrionement
Reproduce via frgament and soredia
Has different traits than normal fungus