key concepts RGS
when people pretend there are no races, people should be treated as if their ethnicity doesn't matter
Cultural archieve (Wekker,2016) & (Said, 1993)
Knowledge of structures of attitude and reference about culture, which foregrounds the centrality of imperialism to Western culture.
Everyday racism (Essed, 1983)
Racism is more than structures and ideologies. It is;
- systematic
- socialized
- cumulative
Grounds for race making (Hall, 1992)
Religion; way to disctinct 'old christians' from 'new christians'. (Jews and Muslims)
Scientific racism or racial biology. Classification of different phenotypes and/or genotypes into discrete races (Aryan, Semite, Negro,...)
Racism re-coded from biology to culture. Race is shared history. Institutionalized racism.
Race as a floating signifier (Stuart Hall)
“Race works like a language”
A “signifier” is a word, and the “signified” is the meaning or concept it represents
Linguistic theory
The connection between the word and the concept is arbitrary, which means its a social agreement and not a fact
Race as prejudice (prejudice approach)
It focuses on the individual attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours of people
Racial Structures (Lentin)
Racial logics that have specific historical origins in European invasion, slavery and colonisation.
Two modalities of race (Lentin)
- Naturalism: some races are naturally inferior
- Historicism: some races are part of humanity but ‘in need of civilisation’
Racialised groups are hierarchically ordered and ‘social relations’ and ‘practices’ emerge that fit the position of the groups in the racial regime.
Relation between racism and colonialism
Colonialism naturalized and justified racism. It is the origin to modern racism.
Reverse racism
When individuals from racial groups that have typically been in power (Whites) claim to be victims of racial discrimination from typically marginalised racial groups.
Structural racism
Prefered over institutional racism by Bonilla-Silva and Essed, but basically the same only more comprehensive and overarching.
Valladolid debate
First public moral debate about the treatment of the colonized, by their colonizers.
White innocence
Not knowing/ not wanting to know (collective action problem)
Biologization of difference (Oyêwùmí)
The process through which Western ideas and theories about gender and sex have been imposed on African cultures, often essentializing and oversimplifying complex indigenous systems of categorization.
Gender as a perfomance (Butler)
Acting out a gender (masculine/feminine) usually to fit the norms. Based on the idea that gender is a social construct and not innate or fixed.
Gender as performative (Butler)
Gender is something that you reinforce on yourself through routine. Producing a series of effects.
The thought that heterosexuality is the norm, and that people should conform to male/female gender roles.
When people do not have a clearly definable sex due to having a mix of both genitalia/reproductive organs.
Social reproduction
The ways in which societies maintain the structures and values over time. Things need to be reproduced in order to continue existing.
The idea that certain actions or behaviours don’t just express an existing identity or role but actually create an identity.
National recognition and inclusion of homosexuallity.
Sexual identity
Being straight or gay is often seen as a part of someone’s identity/core being, but sexuality is something someone can identify with.
Sexual scripts (Gagnon & Simon)
- Cultural/historical scenario (traditional)
- Social/interpersonal scenario ( Adapting script to social scenario)
- Personal/interpsychic scenario (desires, fantasies etc.)
Mati-work (Wekker)
Mati are women who engage in sexual relationships with men and with women, either simultaneously or consecutively, and who conceive of their sexual acts in terms of behaviour. Not an identity.
"Ask the other question"
When I see something that looks racist, I ask, ‘Where is the patriarchy in this?’ When I see something that looks sexist, I ask, ‘Where is the heterosexism in this?’ When I see something that looks homophobic, I ask, ‘Where are the class interests in this?’” (Matsuda, 1991)
Cultural domain of power (Collins & Bilge)
This domain involves the manipulation and deployment of cultural elements, such as language, symbols, rituals, and narratives, to influence and shape the beliefs and behaviours of individuals and groups.
Disciplinary domain of power (Collins & Bilge)
In essence, power operates by disciplining people in ways that put people's lives on paths that make some options seem viable and others out of reach.
Interpersonal domain of power
How power dynamics play out in personal interactions.
Structural domain of power
The ways in which power operates within larger social, economic, and institutional systems.
Identity politics
Politics based on what people identify with. Crenshaw critiques the lack of intersectionality in social and legal contexts.
Intersectionality (Collins, 2015)
References the critical insight that race, class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, nation, ability, and age operate not as unitary, mutually exclusive entities, but as reciprocally constructing phenomena that in turn shape complex social inequalities.
4 unresolved questions Nash (2008)
1. Lack of clearly defined intersectional methodology
2. Black women as prototypical intersectional subjects
3. double meaning; is intersectionality a theory to understand multiply marginalised groups, or our own positionality?
4. The coherence between intersectionality and lived experiences of multiple identities.
Cuestionario |
Kunstgeschiedenis Kunstenaars Flashcards 2023 |
Fungi- Biodiversity |
Straffrätt |
Anatomie système squelettique |
CRIM3016 - exam |
Midterm 1: the Self |
Geo |
spanish |
Midterm 1: Introduction |
englishvocab |
cabin crew exam - copy |
NSE 101 |
Mitosis (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Midterm 3: Prejudice |
cours 12 Les Canadiens aux Jeux Olympiques : 1960-2022 |
Midterm 3: Aggression |
Cours 8 Sports de balles et ballons |
netflix series |
Cours 7 Loisir, sport de masse et les Canadiens français s’emparent du sport |
French vocub |
module 6 final exam review : skeletal and muscular systems |
espagnolwjjsjs |
Formules UE4 |
Waves gcse higher |
bio |
Nutrition |
Horror and Terror Authors |
entrepeneurship test |
Physiologie urinaire |
L2 S1 : HCE : IIIème République (6) |
L2 S1 : HCE : 2nd Empire (5) |
Equilibre acido-basique |
Système nerveux |
L2 S1 : HCE : II ème République (4) |
3Bet Ranges |
L2 S1 : HCE : Monarchie de Juillet (3) |
Question |
TENTA 3 - organisation |
TENTA 3 - ritningsläsning |
WBCs |
Cours 6 Jeux français et sports autochtones en Nouvelle-France |
begrippen hoofdstuk 5 t/m 8 |
Phase Potentiation |
itm 618 week 3 |
stems list w |
Communication |
Organisation du noyau |
nucleic acidThe polymer of DNA is called |
itm618 week 2final exam review |
bacteriology |
NGO toets 2.3 & 2.4 |
1- SCIN 1556 Communication infirmière (examen finale) |
dual facial |
Nucleic acids (a-level) |
chapter-2 |
Afrikanska huvudstäder |
La membrane plasmique |
Mitochondries |
bio 11 |
Pharmacology |
Cytosquelette |
newfoundland drivi g test |
Communication cellulaire |
Les choses practiques |
History |
bill of rights |
french directionsFrench directions |
BLG101 Chapter 16 |
Last section of soc |
Diverse 1 |
French- Verb to like |
French- Pronouns |
ADN, opéron Trp |
Ljud och ljus begreppNO prov begrepp träning |
infection and responses |
geschiedenis hoofstuk 2hoofdstuk 2 woorden |
Chem-121 Exam |
PHL Final |
Lipides 1 et 2 |
Lipides 3 |
test review |
Python |
lecture 1-4 research methdology |
Lois de probabilités |
Business- Booklet F |
Intérêts des statistiques |
7 ontleedbare stoffen |
Rayons X |
metallurgy exam reviewmetallurgy exam review |
CHYS 2P10 Final Flashcards- from lecture content from the remaining lectures |
Week 11 - Skin Care 1 - Assignment - Nutrition |
RBCs |
Fizika |
Week 12 - Skin Care 1 - Assignment - Cosmetic Chemistry Part 1 and Part 2 |
Key Spanish Vocab Year 10 Mocks |
1.2.2Demand |
1.1.5Specialisation and the Division of Labour |
1.4. Mon école au quotidien |
1.1.4Production Possibility Frontiers |
bocchiaro |
model |
milgram |
Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Authors and titles |
1.1.1 - 1.1.3Nature of Economics |
woorden 3 |
Reversible reactions |
Rate of reaction |
cellbiologi - metabolism |
Inhibition enzymatique |
Anatomy bonesbones i need for my anatomy test |
Geography Year 9 Term 1Includes
-oceanic and continental crusts
-pangea and evidence
-convection currents
-plate boundaries (diagrams, what happens, features) |
Intersectionallities RG&S |
Détermination protéines |
SRMSocial Research Methodology |
L2 S1 : DP (6,7,8) |
L2 S1 : DP : Les élements constitutifs de l'IP : élément moral (5 2/2) |
MEtabolism |
Tentamen Kwalitatief Onderzoek |
Figure de répulsion |
Stéréochimie |
L2 S1 : DP : Les élements constitutifs de l'infraction pénale : élément matériel (5 1/2) |
WW6 |
lucy |
Psy 3080 final exam |
civics unit test |
macromolecules |
digestive system |
chapter 4 |
Etre- to be (present tense) |
Samhällskunskap 9 prov |
RE judaism |
modern world exam |
latijn woorden 1/130latijn leren |
Hoofdstuk 1 #2 |
Reading Unit 5 Vocabulary 11-20 |
1- SCIN 1505 Discipline infirmières (mi-session) |
english vocabulary (mixed) |
discipline infirmière |
anglais |
History of Ireland |
L2 S1 : DP : L'application de la loi pénale (4 2/2) |
Pools hoofdstuk 1 #1 |
Mécanique ventilatoire |
L'appareil ventilatoire |
L2 S1 : DP : L'application de la loi pénale (4 1/2) |
Physiologie respiratoire |
yr 9 knowledge JPN |
Triple gcse biology paper 2 |
Bella Dunnelecrity |
german 12 |
Gonnerhea |
memory |
jia yi rekenen |
memory |
jia yi |
Unit 15: Key terms |
Final Exam Questions |
All Quiet on the Western Front List C |
biologygrowth and differentiation year 9 |
Conflit Israël-Palestine : entre terre promise et religion |
Capitale du monde |
Haut-karabakh : un conflit centenaire entre l'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan |
L2 S1 : DP : Les sources de la loi pénale (3) |
Religion 110-C Exam |
Lésions ADN |
Week 4 - Skin Care 1 - Assignment - Skin Anatomy Part 2 |
biologiebiologie |
Chapitre 16: Santé et stress |
Week 4 - Skin Care 1 - Assignment - Skin Anatomy Part 1 |
Chapter 9 |
Propriétés des acides nucléiques |
Séquences ADN répétées |
Chapitre 12: Personnalité |
Ch 28 Air Induction Systems |
chap 10 Intelligence |
Psychology Exam Final |
Psychology Vocabulary Chapter 9 |
2e semaine |
chap 4 Developpement |
Y9 Science - Detection in Chemistry, Forces, Fit and HealthyScience revision for the 2nd test of year 9. |
frans h2 |
chap 20 |
Régime politique français |
test 2quiz |
Ventricles of the brain |
Brain |
Mandats Présidents Français |
plab 2 |
Biology Quiz 2 |
M11: H16.6 |
Level 3 questions |
9 x 9 |
MDSÉlimination vésicale et intestinale |
PSYCH*1000 therapies |
Army Idrarmy idr inspection questions |
PSYCH*1000 mental disorders |
PSYCH*1000 health stress and coping |
Quiz 13 surrentrainement |
cours 12b Doping |
cours 12b |
Répétition des ADN |
Biochimica clinica |
Variation |
1- SCIN 1557 Interventions (examen finale) |
Anthropolgie et comportement humain |
anatomy final |
L2 S1 : DP : Les caractéristiques de la loi pénale (2) |
Bases moléculaires du génome |
L2 S1 : DP : Introduction (1) |
Substantiv |
MDSS.V. et mesures anthropométriques |
samhällprov |
Ma1c |
Enzymologie |
Sociology -educationeducation topic 2 |
Sociology - Educationeducation overall AI generated |
Sociology- EducationEducation- Sociology Topic 1 |
Manon Lescaut |
Introduction to Organic chemistry |
chinese |
sociology names! |
Film Quotations |
Chromosomes |
PSYCH*1000 social psychology |
genglish - copy |
Interventions autre |
PSYCH*1000 personality |
PSYCH*1000 motivation and emotion |
citizenship test (studying) pt2 |
citizenship test (studying) |
Biology exam |
Bible Exam |
Circulatory System |
history |
Week 3 - Skin Care 1 - Facial Muscles and Massage Techniques |
indigenous art vocab |
Week 2 - Skin Care 1 - Wellness Concepts and Aromatherapy |
Week 7 - Skin Care 1 - Enzymes & Fitzpatrick Scale Skin Typings |
Week 10 - Skin Care 1 - Client Consultation and Homecare |
nederlans |
PSYCH*1000 lifespan development |
Geschiedenisgeschiedenis |
quiz 10A Fixation de buts |
diversity week 10-11 |
African American History: American Revolutionary War for Independence EraAn exploration of African American role during the 18th Century C.E American Revolution Era . |
science ks3langton boys |
Hemostase |
Oscars Trivia |
math trial revisionrevision flash cards for maths trial |
Sociology test Revision |
Tissu musculaire |
L2 S1 : DO Sanctions de l'inexécution (papier orange moyen) (8) |
L2 S1 : Les effets du contrat entre les parties (papier moyen bleu) (6) |
L2 S1 : Le contenu du contrat (papier vert moyen) (5) |
L2 S1 : Le consentement (papier rose bas) (4) |
L2 S1 : Les avant-contrats (papier orange bas) (3) |
anatomisk språk |
Tissu nerveux |
L2 S1 : DO : La période pré-contractuelle (papier bleu bas) (2) |
Kin - MusclesHip Flexors & Extensors - Anterior & Posterior
Hip Adductors
Anterior & Posterior Extrinsic Foot Muscles |
Hematology |
SOC Final |
module 5 part 3- final |
personalities |
MDSPrévention des infections et
Examen mentale et physique |
titles of JesusMr O is cruel |
semiologie cardique |
cours 9A relaxation |
Jayla |
thoracic and lumbar spine revision |
KIN 1070 Final Exam |
Stimulus Recover Adapatation (SRA) |
cours 9b Imagerie et hypnose |
pelvis, hip and femur revision |
psycho cours 6 |
WGS FInal |
PSYCH*1000 intelligence |
vocab 14 |
History |
PSYC*1000 thought and language |
knee revision - diagnostic radiography |
Kraft och rörelse |
Engelska läxa |
frans leest toets |
Intro to Canadian Legal System - Dec 6study for test |
Intro to Canadian Legal System |
welness exam |
PSYC*1000 memoryquestions to practice for psych final exam |
particel model of matter |
Criminal Law- non-fatal offences |
..... |
strat socialestrat sociale quizz |
French |
EngelsVwo leerjaar 1 Irregular verbs |
russian |
L2 S1 : DO : Introduction (papier vert bas) (1) |
women |
History 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2 |