enzymes are a type of protien that work as a catalyst. some help break down a large substance into smaller molecules. and other help with synthesis .
a long chain of amino acids forming a protien molecule
producing a substance from more than one substrate
the enzyme region that binds to substances during a reaction
to destroy the characteristics properties affecting the active site for example changing shape so the substrate cant fit anymore
a long chain of glucose forming a starch molecule
DNA /polymerase
saliva and small intestine
breaking down starch into smaller sugons
synthesis of starch from glucose molecules
most cells especially liver cells
breaking down hydrogen preoxide made in cells into oxyegen
the nucleus
synthesis of DNA from its mannes A,T,C,G
Digestive enzyme catalyst the breakdown of large food molecules
So that they are small enough to cross all membranes
To supply the body with nutrients and sources of energy
enzyme or substrate concentration
lock and key model is when a key can can complement only one lock like the substrate being complementry for the active site and if the active site denatures and changes shape the substrate cant fit anymore like changing a lock for a key to not fit
the substances thats are made by the enzyme after the reaction