The natural world is understandable
Science is a blend of imagination and magic
Science demands evidence
Science ia a social activity
Science tries to avoid bias
Science ideas are durable
Scientific ideas are subject to change
Knowledge of unseen powers in the ecosystem
Knowledge of interconnectedness of all things
Knowledge that personal relationships bond people, communities, and ecosystem
Seeing and undserstanding the world through language and ways of communicating
Knowledge that traditions teach specialized knowledge related to morals and ethics
Knowledge that extended kinship helps the passing of traditions and practices from one generations
bulding understanding within enviroment
peices + wholes
constructing understanding of enviroment.
It's a phrase of traditional Mi'kmaq teaching, highliting the importance of seeing from two different perspective.
Methapor for reconciling ways of knowing. Three main agricultral crops of Indigenous people(Three sisters: corn, squash, beans) grown in a technique called companion planting. When planted together, these crops help each other druing growth, resulting in better yields at harvest.
Investigate and better understand the nature of the universe.
devices, processes, and materials to solve pratical problems and to satisfy human needs and wants.
Technology and science use each other to make life easier
Engine and how it works
using too much of gas
they use vehicles for work and recreation
costly- maintenance - construction
using natural areas for roads
a fact is something the naked eye can see(feel, hear etc.)
Hypothesis is something that can be tested.
A theory is a well substained explantion, acquried through the scientific method and has been reapeatdly tested and comfirmed through observation and experimentation.
A Law is a statement based on repeated experimental observations that describes some phenomenon of nature
Testable questions are questions that can answered by designing and conducting an experiment. Ex. does pepsi have more carbonation than coke?
Non-Testable questions are questions that cannot be answered by conducting an experiment Ex. Why purple is the best colour in the world!
1. It has to be a testable question(be specific)
Ex. "Why is that a star?" is not as good as "What are stars made of?"
2. a good scientific question can be tested by some experiment or measurable that u can do Ex. "Where does the sun come from?" is not as good as "How will human skin react to solar radiation where one participant is covered in SPF 30 sunscreen while the other isn't?"
3. A good scientific question bulids on what you already know Ex. "Will fertilizer make grass grow greener?" is not as good as "What types of fertilizer will make grass grow greener?"
4. A good scientific question, when answered, lead to other good questions. Ex. "What is the flu" does not lead to as many questions as "How does the flu attack the human system?"
Data is information obtained during the experiment meanwhile, observation is a written description of what was noticed during the experiment
Quantitative information - numerical information - measurement
Qualitative Information- Observed with senses