Build public health policies: Law make it harder to make unhealthy choices
Create supportive environments: Imrpove physical, socicutrual environments for h&wb like shade in schools
Stregthn community action: Buildlinks between people and comminunity focus on what they want to acheieve
Develop personal skills: education allows people people to get health knowledge & skills can make descions
Reoriant health services: Doctors taking on the role of educators like healthy eating
Aim: Reduce harm caused by smoking and for people to break away from addiction.
How quit is effective? Provides lots of services, 17% stoppted smoking
Quit create supportive envrionment: Friedly helpline to support smokers
Quit devlop personal skills: Works to educate people on harm of smoking
Program for indig perspective sends indig represensitives, which indig the target. only work with comminties that ask, helps indig and ATSI people work together. Help with mental, spirtual, physcial wb. provides fam with plans and let others teach family
Spirtual: Talks about loss of land, identity, langauage, better sense of belonging
Physical: less drugs, violence, alcohol, better functioning organs and body system.
mental: less stress and anxiety with families
Red dust devlop personal skills: lets them grow on their own and educate their own fams by themselves
Red dust supportive environment: Only goes to those who want it