pink tint, close grain, tough, durable, smooth to finish, used for toys, laminate furniture, not resistant to mositure or outdoor use
dark red colour, very close grain, fine finish, high-quality, expensive, environmental issues (deforestation in rainforests), used for high-quality furniture, jewelry boxes
unique, attractive grain, tough, durable, used for high-quality furniture, building boats and houses, wine barrels, expensive and becoming rare as harder to work than some woods
pale, wide grain, very soft, easy to form, too weak for most products, used for model making, primary school projects
close, even grain, easy to cut and shape, too soft for structural purposes, used for model making, vacuum forming moulds
even grain, easy to cut and shape, liable to rot and insect attacks, used for veneers in furniture
light coloured, smooth, straight-grained, finishes well, strong and flexible, liable to rot and insect attacks, used for ladders, walking sticks, sports equipment, oars