LATN 110 vocab
amō, amare, amavi, amatum
to love
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatum
to think
debeo, debere, debui, debitum
to owe; ought, must, should
dō, dare, dedī, datum
to give
errō, errare, erravī, erratum
to error
laudō, laudare, ladavī, laudatum
to praise
moneō, monere, monuī, monitum
to advise, warn
salveō, salvere,
to be well, to be in good health
servō, servare, servavī, servatum
to save
conservō, conservare, conservavī, conservatum
to conserve/ save (stronger ver.)
terreō, terrere, terruī, territum
to frighten, terrify
valeō, valere, valuī, valiturum
to be strong
videō, videre, vidī, visum
to see
vocō, vocare, vocavī, vocatum
to call
fame, reputation (g?)
fama, famae (f.)
form, shape (g?)
forma, formae (f.)
fortuna, fortunae (f.)
patria, patriae (f.)
fatherland, country
pecunia, pecuniae (f.)
philosophia, philosophiae (f.)
penalty, punishment (g?)
poena, poenae (f.)
feeling, thought (g?)
sententia, sententiae (f.)
antiquus, antiqua, antiquum (adj.)
magnus, magna, magnum (adj.)
multus, multa, multum (adj.)
tuus, tua, tuum (adj.)
field, farm (g?)
ager, agrī (m.)
agricola, agricolae (m.)
amicus, amicī (m.) & amica, amicae (f.)
femina, feminae (f.)
filia, filiae, filiabus (f.)
numerus, numerī (m.)
the people (g?)
populus, populī (m.)
sapienta, sapientiae (g?)
wisdom (f.)
avarus, avara, avarum
paucī, paucae, pauca
a few
Romanus, Romana, Romanum
habeō, habere, habuī, habitum
to have
satiō, satiare, satiavī, satiatum
to satisfy
bellum, bellī (g?)
war (n.)
plan, purpose, counsel (n.)
consilium, consiliī
to care (g?)
cura, curae (f.)
donum, donī (n.)
(to) gift
exitium, exitiī (n.)
magister, magistrī (m.) & magistra, magistrae (f.)
schoolmaster / school mistress
mora, morae (g?)
delay (f.)
oculus, oculī (g?)
eye (m.)
officium, officiī (n.)
otium, otiī (n.)
leisure, peace
danger (g?)
periculum, periculī (n.)
remedium, remediī (n.)
cure, remedy
bellus, bella, bellum
pertaining to humans
humanus, humana, humanum
small, little
parvus, parva, parvum
stultus, stulta, stultum
stultus, stultī (m.)
a fool
to help
iuvo, iuvare, iuvī, iutum
to be, exist
sum, esse, fuī, futurum
youth (g?)
adulescentia, adulescentiae (f.)
soul (g?)
animus, animī (m.)
caelum, caelī (n.)
sky, heavens
culpa, culpae (g?) (noun)
fault (f.)
gloria, gloriae (g?)
glory (f.)
līber, lībera, līberum
noster, nostra, nostrum
our, ours
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
suffix attached to first word of a sentence (usually the verb or word on which the question hinges) to pose a question
ceno, cenare, cenavī, cenatum
to dine
culpo, culpare, culpavī, culpatum (verb)
maneo, manere, mansī, mansum OR (remaneo..)
to remain
supero, superare, superavī, superatum
to be above/ to overcome/ conquer
deus & dea/ deae
god and goddess
discupulus, discipulī & discipula, discipulae
student (male and female)
insidiae, insidiarum (f.)
ambush, plot, treachery
tyrannus, tyrannī (m.)
vitium, vitiī (n.)
crime, vice
Graecus, Graeca, Graecum (m.)
a Greek
perpetuus, perpetua, perpetuum
plenus, plena, plenum
full, abundant
salvus, salva, salvum
secundus, secunda, secundum
vester, vestra, vestrum
your (used to address group of ppl - plural)
appended to the second of two words to join them; and
possum, posse, potui
to be able to, can, could
tolero, tolerare, toleravī, toleratum
to bear, endure
amor, amoris (m.) (noun)
carmen, carminis (n.)
song, poem
cīvitas, cīvitatis (f.)
state, citizenship (city)
corpus, corporis (n.)
homo, hominis (m.)
human being, man
labor, laboris (m.)
labour, work
líterra, lítterae (f.) vs lítterae, litterarum
a letter of the alphabet vs a letter (epistle)
mos, moris (m.)
habit, custom
pax, pacis (f.)
peace (otium moreso means leisure/relaxation)
regina, reginae (f.)
tempus, temporis (n.)
virgō, virginis (f.)
virgin, maiden
virtūs, virtutis (g?)
manliness, courage, virtue (f.)
audeo, audere, ausus sum
to dare (think...audacity)
necō, necare, necavī, necatum
to murder, kill
Cicerō, Cicerōnis (m.)
copia, copiae (f.) + copiae, copiarum pl.
abundance, supply + supplies, troops
frater, fratris (m.)
lībertās, lībertatis (f.)
ratiō, ratiōnis (f.)
reckoning, account, reason
scrīptor, scrīptoris (m.)
writer, author
soror, sororis (f.)
victoria, victoriae (f.)
ex or ē (prep.)
out of / by reason of / on account of
agō, agere, egī, actum
to act, to spend
demonstrō, demonstrare, demonstravī, demonstratum
to demonstrate, show
discō, discere, didicī
to learn
doceō, docere, docuī, doctum
to teach
ducō, ducere, duxī, ductum
to lead
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestum
to wage, carry on, accomplish
scribō, scribere, scripsī, scriptum
to write, compose
trahō, trahere, traxī, tractum
to drag, draw, acquire
vincō, vincere, vicī, victum
to conquer, overcome
locus, locī (m.)
place, passage in literature
loca, locorum (n.)
places, region
morbus, morbī (m.)
disease, sickness
studium, studiī (n.)
eagerness (to study)
hic, haec, hoc
this, these
ille, illa, illud
that, those
iste, ista, istud
that of yours, that (near you)
alius, alia, aliud
other, another
alter, altera, alterum
the other of two, second (think alternate option)
neuter, neutra, neutrum
nullus, nulla, nullum
none, not any, no
solus, sola, solum
alone, only, the only
totus, tota, totum
whole, entire
unus, una, unum
one, single
uter, utra, utrum
either, which (of two)
enim (postpositive)
in fact, for, truly
in, prep + acc.
into, toward
nimis, nimium
too, too much, excessively
amīcitia, amīcitiae (f.)
cupiditās, cupiditātis (f.)
desire, longing, passion
hora, horae (f.)
hour, time
natura, naturae (f.)
senectus, senectutis (f.)
old age
veritas, veritatis (f.)
via, viae (f.)
way, road, street
voluptas, voluptatis (f.)
beatus, beata, beatum
happy, fortunate, blessed
audio, audīre, audivī, auditum
to hear, to listen to
capio, capere, cepī, captum
to take, capture, seize
dico, dicere, dixi, dictum
to say, tell, speak
facio, facere, fecī, factum
to make, do, accomplish
fugio, fugere, fugī, fugiturum
to flee, hurry away, escape
venio, venire, venī, ventum
to come
invenio, invenire, invenī, inventum
to find, to come upon
vivo, vivere, vixī, victum
to live
caput, capitis (n.)
head; leader; beginning
consul, consulis (m.)
nemō, nullius, nemini, neminem, nullō or nulla (m. & f.)
no one, nobody
is, ea, id
this; that; he, she, it (id est = that is)
idem, eadem, idem
the same
amicus, amica, amicum
well, satisfactorily, quite
intellegō, intellegere, intellexī, intellectum
to understand
mittō, mittere, misī, missum
to send, let go
sentiō, sentire, sensī, sensum
to feel, perceive
adulescens, adulescentis (m. and f.)
young man or woman
Caesar, Caesaris (m.)
medicus, medicī (m.) medica, medicae (f.)
patientia, patientiae (f.)
patience, endurance
prīncipium, prīncipiī (n.)
acerbus, acerba, acerbum
harsh, bitter, grievous
prō (prep. + abl.)
before, on behalf of, instead of
amittō, amittere, amisī, amissum
to send away, to let go
cadō, cadere, cecidī, casurum
to fall
creō, creare, creavī, creatum
to create
dīvitiae, dīvitiarum (f. pl.)
riches, wealth
factum, factī (n.)
deed, act, achievement
signum, signī (n.)
sign, signal, indication
ipse, ipsa, ipsum
myself, yourself, himself, itself, the very, the actual
quisque, quidque
each one, each person
himself, herself, itself, themselves
doctus, docta, doctum
taught, learned, skilled
fortunatus, fortunata, fortunatum
lucky, fortunate
suus, sua, suum
his own, her own, its own, their own
ante merīdiem
before midday
alo, alere, alui, altum
to nourish, support, sustain, cherish
altus, alta, altum
tall, high
diligō, diligere, dilexī, dilectum
to esteem, love
iungō, iungere, iunxī, iunctum
to join
stō, stare, stetī, statum
to stand (stand still or firm)
animal, animalis (n.)
a living creature, animal
ars, artis (f.)
art, skill
civis, civis, (m. & f.)
ius, iuris (n.)
right, justice, law
pars, partis (f.)
part, share; direction
turba, turbae (f.)
uproar, disturbance; mob
vīs, vīs (f.)
force, power, violence
ā, ab (prep. + abl.)
away from, from; by
trāns (prep. + acc.)
appellō, appellare, appellavī, appellatum
to speak to, address
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursum
to run, rush, move quickly
mutō, mutare, mutavī, mutatum
to change, alter; exchange
teneō, tenere, tenuī, tentum
to hold, keep, posses; restrain
vītō, vītare, vītavī, vītatum
to avoid, shun
Cuestionario |
Metabollic Test Part 2 |
sports |
mr kuilenburg |
mrs kalverda |
Lecture 1: Vector structure and DB theory |
mr dieleman |
mr tol |
mr dieleman |
mrs johannes |
Gwen de winter |
tristan |
quinten |
Juliette Tonk |
gwen |
Engelsto be, description, classroom objects, every day activities, place to go in town, prepositons of place, present continuous , rooms in the house, adverbs of frequency |
engels |
Amalgam - c |
Amalgam |
A |
socials |
amendments for part 2 |
Major and minor chords also # major and # minor |
Driving Test Questions |
grade 9 vollyball test |
science-heating and cooling |
computer test |
History unit 3 |
Bio 111 Lecture 14 |
definition of a cell |
testtoets |
biologybiology cells living things microbes imunne system etc |
mains electricity |
ecoyuhh |
phl245 rules |
Chase ch 17 vocab |
Crim Midterm |
Physics equation |
AK rep 2 |
chapter 3 vocab quizThe Great Gatsby |
Mock USA test |
bezittelijke vnw |
German Esttenten (basis) |
German -D en-T |
German Ettenten |
German haben |
German sein |
WW1 and Versailles |
vouge 1995 |
key concepts in biology |
Byggnadsmaterial_1 |
Give examples of political, economic, and social globalization? (such as source |
La seconde guerre mondiale |
Law |
Van Mens tot Cel |
constitution test part 2 |
black mirror |
shapes of molecules - chem |
Latin OCR GCSE VocabHelping GCSE Latin students |
Begrippen syllabus || Oudheid |
conference interviewjhvmghj |
juliette |
frans |
mthv |
Earth phase final 2 |
Biology 20 Biochemistry |
SLYG test #2Going over the topics of Reigion, Gender and Families |
Traffic Bowl |
bible |
Advanced English II Unit 4 Vocabulary Test Preperation |
chapter 1 test grade 10 - copy 1 |
History Exam 2 |
chapter 1 test grade 10 |
Islam terms |
words science |
scince study |
Science |
L'encéphale Chapitre 4encéphale |
RS (term 1a) |
Popular computer games |
Chapter 6 vocabThe great gatsby |
Privity |
Chapter 5 vocab |
Frans |
Anthropology Test |
Consideration (LAW) |
it-grabs GDA |
Anatomy Test 2 |
accounting |
new regional political parties of the 1930s |
history 2 definitions to know |
infectiepreventie |
Frans P1aramsamsam |
Economie H6 begrippen |
Arresten bpre |
fiqh |
social studies termssocail studies terms |
ekonomilära mig alla begrepp |
Thermodynamique |
biologyRemember key words |
Reagents and Shapes |
baroque |
physics quiz 1 |
Cell FunctionsCell Functons 10 cohort IB |
Socialpsykologi |
Responses audience feels in each key scene by lang used |
Romeo&Juliet - how each key event in each act engages the audience |
♡ verbe commun |
Block 1 Introduction to Ecology lesson LIFE |
Real Estate Formulas |
enzymes |
1st Year Sociology - Families and Households |
IMS jaar 1flashcards |
Cell recognition and the immune system (Chapter 5) |
Russian RevolutionRussian revolution cards |
chapter 5 bio |
elizabethan revision: key individuals |
Tenta nöt |
geography Rocks and Minerals |
Biologi |
Spanish Past Participles |
språkhistoria |
Introduction to Psychological TheoriesFlashcards for Introduction to Psychological Theories |
Introduction to management Chapter 3 |
Introduction to management chapter 2 |
burgelijk procesrecht |
auto |
Verplichte jaartallen HC2 duitsland |
Introduction to management chapter 1 |
History |
Finance riskseh |
Health and social care |
Biomolekylär strukturanalysBiomolekylär strukturanalys |
Maths |
IT level 3 UNIT 1 |
50 vragen |
Real Estate Section5 |
Real Estate Section 4 |
Real Estate Section 3 |
Emma |
testhihb |
Real Estate Section 2 |
Real Estate Section 1 |
constitution test part 1 |
beat 18 |
beat 16 + 17 |
beat 13 |
AP Biology Test - Organic Molecules (Chapter 5) |
Bio |
beat 12 |
beat 11 |
beat 9 + 10 |
test bio 2 |
beat 5 |
beat 4 |
Histoire de l'architecturecours 5 à 8 - examen 2 |
beat 3 |
beat 2first scene |
Psychologie exam semaine 8Questions sur la mémoire, stress, l'intelligence et les états de conscience :) |
spanish |
Physical and Cultural Anthropology |
elements of a story |
Earth Phase Final |
Elements of art revisionArt elements revision for yearly exam 2023 |
speech |
Morse Code- LettersLearning the individual letters of morse code |
level of organisation |
Bio 111 Lecture 13 |
atoms |
Romeo&Juliet - Themes of the play |
Romeo&Juliet - Language devices |
해리퍼터해리퍼터와 마법사의 돌 |
Romeo&Juliet - setting |
Romeo&Juliet - scene overviews of act 4 |
Romeo&Juliet - scene overviews of act 3 |
Romeo&Juliet - scene overviews of act 2 |
Romeo&Juliet - scene overviews of act 1 |
FREN 2F03 Quiz 1 Flashcards |
Mid module 3 |
FREN 2F00 Questions |
Sports |
ImperialismImperialism cards |
microbiology week 6 |
musculo |
resistant materials y11 mocks |
ww1,m/km/lm |
P6 stadgars mening |
OPTA 204(Visual Perception, Agnosia, Apraxia, Acalculia) |
OPTA 215 ( Motor Speech Disorders: Dysarthria and Apraxia of Speech) |
gs |
UE6: droit partie 2 |
Jonctions communicantes |
Duits Flashcards |
germes |
Jonctions d'ancrage |
Jonctions serrées |
Vocabulary |
Généralités cellules |
Basic Music 1Music theory |
French speakingFocusing on the question and answer |
P6 stadgar |
Marketing Research |
Chapter 35 Questions |
verbe irrégulier |
Chapter 35 Vocab |
Révolution Française |
Beco |
Style on Q |
Regulations and Manuals |
The Aviation Workplace |
history migration through time |
cell organellesabout cells |
HDD: Social action |
HHD: Types of aid |
HHD: Who work areas |
substance-related disorders |
Chapter 16 Questions |
Theory of flight |
Bio 105 Lecture 7 |
Digestive System |
Introduction to AviationIntroduction to specific aviation terms and identify the main features of an aircraft. |
Chapter 16 Vocab |
dissociative disorders |
Physiology of FlightEffects that Altitude, Pressure Changes and Lack of Oxygen have on the body. We will also look at what happens during aircraft decompressions. |
Hus InteriörHus, inredning och interiör. |
historyQuestions en géneral sur la révolte scientifique et celle des Lumières (17e-18e siècles) |
Thermo Chem |
Organic Chem |
HHD: Sustainablity |
KonstMålningar, teckningar, färger. |
science |
science |
HHD: Global trends |
Unit 9: Key Terms |
Africanna Studies: Medieval Ghana , Mali 🇲🇱, and Songhai Empires III |
It-grabbarna CCNA1 |
kemiska och fysikaliska mätemetoder |
History WW1 Revision |
AP Lang: Vocab Quiz |
german flashcards theme 2 |
history 2 some people to know |
Epithelial Cells |
Première semaine - Embryo |
Chapter 4 VocabThe great gastby vocab def |
Chapter 6 VocabGreat Gatsby Vocab def |
Animals |
German wordsToets 1 |
specialised cell |
disorders of childhood |
body image & eating disorders |
Protéines associées aux microfilaments d'actine |
clubpremière experience club libertin |
Project management mid term |
HHD: how are countries classified |
bysbysbysbysybs |
development therory and applications thas 104 |
Chapter 10 Vocab |
Chapter 10 Questions |
schizophrenia |
HHD: Aus dietary guildlines and health eating pyramid |
HHD: funding, sustainabilty, access, equity of medicare, PBS, NDIS, PHI |
Interview questions |
Chemistry 2.4 |
personality disorders |
Chemistry 2.3 |
math |
Chemistry 2.2 |
Ord. |
pharmaceutical microbiology week 5 |
Chapter 6 |
AK 2.6 Samenhang: ontwikkeling en migratie |
AK 2.5 Samenhang: ontwikkeling en demografie |
Chapter 5 |
Filosofie begrippen module 1 |
AK 2.2 Patronen: bevolkingsspreiding en cultuurgebieden |
anph 12 unit e - plasma membrane |
origins of digital computing |
freud's structural model of mind and its role in psychoanalysis |
kks,sks,sks,sk,s,s,s |
freud's structural model of the mind |
AK 2.1 Patronen: verschillen in welvaart |
ScienceFor quiz coming up - Oct 30th |
Deborah Peters |
Deborah PetersFrench flashcards |
Portuguese days of the week vocabVoacbulary |
Shatterpoint - Maximal skadaHur mycket skada kan olike enheter glra i Shatterpoint? |
Romeo&Juliet - character revision |
Levensbeschouwing |
Psychology YR 1 |
Clinical Psychology - Diagnosis and tools |
sexual disorders |