- Social forces --> values, needs and standards of behavior
- Political forces --> influence of political and legal institution on people and organizations
- Economic forces --> forces that affect the availability, production and distribution of a society's resources.
During industrial revolution coordination and control and salaried managers was born. Organizing, scheduling increase producivity.
- scientific management
- bureaucratic organizations
- administrative principles approach
- standards methods for performing each job
- selected workers with appropiate abilities for each job
- trained workers in standard methods
- supported workers by planning work and eliminating interruptions
- provided wage incetives to workers for increased output
- Max weber, a german theorist introduced the bureaucratic theories.
- rational authority, more efficient and adaptable to change. People are chosren for their competencies, not for who you are.
- The term bureaucracy has taken on a negative tone, associated with endless rules.
- focuses on the total organization rather than the individual worker
- delineates the management functions of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling
emphasizes understanding human behavior, needs and attitudes in the workplace:
- Money no longer the only incentive
- Positive treatment of employees by managers and satisfaction of basic needs results in higher output.
- Start of studying organizational behavior
stresses the satisfaction of employees basic needs as the key to increased productivity
Shaping ideas concerning how managers should treat workers
Suggest that jobs should be designed to meet people's higher-level needs by allowing employees to use their full potential
draws from psychology, socialogy, and other social sciences to develop theories about human behavior, and interaction in an organizational setting
use mathematics, statistical techniques ans computers technology to facilitate management decision-aking particularly for complex problems.
new approaches of management thinking considering ineraction with environment aswell are:
- system thinking
+ system, sets of interrelated parts that function to achieve a common purpose
+ subsystems are parts of the system that are all interconnected
+ synergy the whole s greater than sum of its part
- Total quality management
+ focusses on managing the total organization to deliver quality to customer
+ employees involvement
+ focus on customer
+ benchmarking
+ continuous improvement