red colour dissapers and a clear pale yellow liquid is colur appers as a pellet at the bottom
Yellow liquid that makes 55% of the blood.Mostly is water but has subctances disolved in it including protiens,glucose,amino acids,various salts,carbon dioxide and other posionous wastes such as urea.
temperature regulation
exchange of materials in body tissues
preventing infections
blood clotting
High density lipoprotien (HDL)
Low density lipoprotien(LDL)
deposit fat and cholestoral in the walls of arteries (bad cholestoral)
prevent or even reverse these harmful deposits (good cholestoral)
oxygen and carbon dioxide between the tissues and lungs
iron containing protien called haemoglobin
to increase the space for carrying the maximum amount of heamoglobin
help the exchange of oxygen
heat is genrated in all our cells but especially in tissues such as mucles.blood removes this heat and circualtes it around the body