Unit 15: Key terms
Sensory receptors
collect information from the environment, and rely it to the CNS on sensory neurons, link the nervous system to internal and external changes or events, can be specialized cells or multicellular structures
General senses
receptors that are widely distributed throughout the body, skin, various organs and joints
Special senses
specialized receptors confined to structures in the head, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth
Special senses cont.
Smell, taste, hearing and equilibrium, sight
Olfactory system
allowing for detection of odorants in air transduces them into signals perceived as odors
Olfactory organs
cover upper parts of nasal cavity, superior nasal conchae and a portion of the nasal septum
initiated at olfactory epithelium
Olfactory epithelium
small region of specialized cells in superior nasal cavity
Olfactory neurons
(olfactory receptor cells), modified bipolar neurons: chemoreceptors detect chemical substances perceived as odors
Supporting cells
columnar cells, surround olfactory neurons
Olfactory nerve (CN 1)
combined axons of olfactory neurons
Olfactory bulb
sits above cribriform plate of ethmoid bone, inferior to frontal lobe of brain
Olfactory tract
axons that exit olfactory bulb, travel to other regions of CNS for interpretation
the sense of taste
Taste buds
organs of taste, located on papillae of tongue, roof of mouth, linings of cheeks and walls of pharynx, about 10,000 of these, each with 50-150 taste cells
Taste receptors
Taste cells
modified epithelial cells that function as receptors, replaced every 3 days
Taste hairs
microvilli that protrude from taste cells through pores of taste buds, sensitive parts of taste cells
5 primary taste sensations
sweet, sour, saltly, bitter, umami, each flavor results from 1 primary taste sensations or a combination
stimulated by carbohydrates
stimulated by acids (H+)
stimulated by salts (Na+ or K+)
stimulated by many organic compounds, Mg and Ca salts
stimulated by some amino acids, MSG
Sense of sight
visual receptors are found in the eye
Accessory organs for sense of sight
upper and lower eyelids, eyelashes, lacrimal apparatus, extrinsic eye muscles
palpebrae, composed of 4 layers, skin, muscle, connective tissue, conjunctiva
Orbicularis oculi
muscle that closes eyelid
Levator palpebrae superioris
muscle that opens eyelid
Tarsal glands
secrete oil onto eyelashes
mucous membrane lines eyelid an covers portion of eyeball
Lacrimal apparatus
lacrimal gland, canaliculi, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal duct
Lacrimal gland
in orbit, lateral to eye, secretes tears
2 ducts that collect tears
Lacrimal sac
collects tears from canaliculi, lies in groove in lacrimal bone
Nasolacrimal duct
collects from lacrimal sac, empties tears into nasal cavity
Superior rectus
rotates eye up and medially
Inferior rectus
rotates eye down and medially
Medial rectus
rotates eye medially
Lateral rectus
rotates eye laterally
Superior oblique
rotates eye down and laterally
Inferior oblique
rotates eye up and laterally
Structure of the eye
hollow, spherical organ of sight, wall has 3 layers, outer (fibrous) tunic, middle (vascular) tunic, inner (nervous) tunic
Outer (fibrous) tunic
cornea + sclera
transparent, helps focus light rays, transmits and refracts light
white, opaque, protects the eye, attaches muscles, pierced by the optic nerve and blood vessels
Middle (vascular) tunic
choroid coat + ciliary body + iris
Choroid coat
provides blood supply, contains melanocytes, melanin absorbs extra light
Ciliary body
thickest portion, pigmented, forms a ring to hold the lens, changes lens shape for focusing
anterior to the ciliary body, in front of the lens, pigmented, makes the color of your eye, controls light entering eye, changes size of pupil
The anterior portion of the eye
anterior cavity of eye, between cornea and lens, is filled with a watery fluid, aqueous humor
transparent, biconvex, lies behind iris, elastic, held in place by suspensory ligaments of ciliary body helps focus light rays, and changes shape for long-distance or close vision
Ciliary body cont.
forms internal ring around the front of the eye, ciliary processes are the radiating folds, ciliary muscles contract and relax to move lens, suspensory ligaments hold lens in position
window or opening in the center of the iris, dim light->pupil dilates, bright light -> pupil constricts
Inner (nervous) tunic
consists of retina, pigmented layer, neural layer
contains visual receptors (photoreceptors), continuous with optic nerve in back of eye, ends just behind margin of the ciliary body toward front of eye, composed of several layers
Macula lutea
yellowish spot in the retina
Fovea centralis
center of macula lutea produces sharpest vision via photoreceptors
Optic disc
blind spot, contains no photoreceptors, found where nerve fibers from retina leave eye to become optic nerve
Posterior cavity
space enclosed by lens, ciliary body, and retina, contains vitreous humor
Vitreous humor
think gel that supports internal structures and maintains shape of eye
function best in bright light for processing high-resolution color vision
do not detect colors: most sensitive in low light and as a component of peripheral vision
synapse with bipolar cells
Bipolar cells
neurons that communicate with retinal ganglion cells
Retinal ganglion cells
in anteriormost region of retina, axons from optic nerve (CN 2)
Horizontal cells and amacrine cells
involved in image processing
3 sections of ear
outer (external) ear, middle ear, inner (internal) ear
Parts of the outer ear
auricle (pinna), external acoustic meatus, tympanic membrane (eardrum)
Auricle (pinna)
funnel-shaped, collects sound waves
External acoustic meatus
s-shaped tube, carrier sound to tympanic membrane, terminates at tympanic membrane
Tympanic membrane (eardrum)
vibrates in response to sound waves
Parts of the middle ear
tympanic cavity, auditory ossicles, oval window, auditory (eustachian) tube
Tympanic cavity
air-filled space in temporal bone
Auditory ossicles
3 tiny bones, vibrate in response to tympanic membrane vibrations: amplify force, malleus, incus, and stapes, hammer, anvil, and stirrup
Oval window
opening in wall of tympanic cavity, stapes vibrates against it to move fluids in inner ear
Auditory (eustachian) tube
connects the middle ear to the throat, helps maintain equal pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane, usually closed by valve-like flaps in throat
Parts of the inner (internal) ear
a complex system of labyrinths, osseous (bony) labyrinth, membranous labyrinth
Osseous (bony) labyrinth
bony canal in temporal bone, filled with perilymph fluid
Membranous labyrinth
tube of similar shape that lies within osseous labyrinth, filed with endolymph fluid
Windows of the inner ear
2 membrane-covered "windows" in the wall of the bony labyrinth, oval window, round window
Oval window
opening in the all of the tympanic cavity, through which the stapes transfers vibrations to the fluid of the inner ear, these vibrations stimulate hearing receptors
Round window
window in the wall of the inner ear facing the tympanic cavity, through which excess vibrations dissipate into the tympanic cavity
3 parts of labyrinths
cochlea, semicircular canals, vestibule
functions in hearing
Semicircular canals
function in dynamic equilibrium
functions in static equilibrium contains chambers: utricle and saccule
Static equilibrium
senses position of head when body is not moving, receptors are found in vestibule of inner ear
Dynamic equilibrium
senses rotation and movement of the head and body, receptors are found in semicircular canals
Utricle and saccule
are expanded chambers of the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule, each contains a macula, an organ of static equilibrium
a patch of hair cells and supporting cells
spiral, snail-shaped tube, widest at its base and progressively narrower toward its tip, coiled around body core or axis, the modiolus
bony core or axis the cochlea coils around
Spiral lamina
a bony shelf that coils around cochlea
3 compartments of the cochlea
scala vestibuli, scala tympani, cochlear duct
Scala vestibuli
upper compartment, leads from an oval window to the apex of the spiral, part of a bony labyrinth
Scala tympani
lower compartment, extends from apex of the cochlea to round window, part of bony labyrinth
Cochlear duct
middle compartment, portion of membranous labyrinth in cochlea
Vestibular membrane
sheet of epithelium, forms a boundary between the cochlear duct and scala vestibule, separates endolymph from perilymph
Basilar membrane
cochlear duct and scala tympani are separated by this, composed of collagenous connective tissue, connected to small shelf of bone projecting from bony labyrinth
Basilar membrane part 2
becomes more flexible as it widens, allows it to detect variations in sound pitch
Spiral organ
organ of corti, within cochlear duct, basilar membrane supports this, contains receptor cells for hearing
Hair cells
receptor cells within a spiral organ, grouped into inner and outer hair cells, equipped with microvilli called streocilia
Inner hair cells
form single row of cells, primarily responsible for detecting sound
Outer hair cells
in 3 rows
each hair cell is equipped with this microvilli, extend from cell into endolymph of cochlear duct
Cuestionario |
Final Exam Questions |
All Quiet on the Western Front List C |
biologygrowth and differentiation year 9 |
Conflit Israël-Palestine : entre terre promise et religion |
Capitale du monde |
Haut-karabakh : un conflit centenaire entre l'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan |
L2 S1 : DP : Les sources de la loi pénale (3) |
Religion 110-C Exam |
Lésions ADN |
Week 4 - Skin Care 1 - Assignment - Skin Anatomy Part 2 |
biologiebiologie |
Chapitre 16: Santé et stress |
Week 4 - Skin Care 1 - Assignment - Skin Anatomy Part 1 |
Chapter 9 |
Propriétés des acides nucléiques |
Séquences ADN répétées |
Chapitre 12: Personnalité |
Ch 28 Air Induction Systems |
chap 10 Intelligence |
Psychology Exam Final |
Psychology Vocabulary Chapter 9 |
2e semaine |
chap 4 Developpement |
Y9 Science - Detection in Chemistry, Forces, Fit and HealthyScience revision for the 2nd test of year 9. |
frans h2 |
chap 20 |
Régime politique français |
test 2quiz |
Ventricles of the brain |
Brain |
Mandats Présidents Français |
plab 2 |
Biology Quiz 2 |
M11: H16.6 |
Level 3 questions |
9 x 9 |
MDSÉlimination vésicale et intestinale |
PSYCH*1000 therapies |
Army Idrarmy idr inspection questions |
PSYCH*1000 mental disorders |
PSYCH*1000 health stress and coping |
Quiz 13 surrentrainement |
cours 12b Doping |
cours 12b |
Répétition des ADN |
Biochimica clinica |
Variation |
1- SCIN 1557 Interventions (examen finale) |
Anthropolgie et comportement humain |
anatomy final |
L2 S1 : DP : Les caractéristiques de la loi pénale (2) |
Bases moléculaires du génome |
L2 S1 : DP : Introduction (1) |
Substantiv |
MDSS.V. et mesures anthropométriques |
samhällprov |
Ma1c |
Enzymologie |
Sociology -educationeducation topic 2 |
Sociology - Educationeducation overall AI generated |
Sociology- EducationEducation- Sociology Topic 1 |
Manon Lescaut |
Introduction to Organic chemistry |
chinese |
sociology names! |
Film Quotations |
Chromosomes |
PSYCH*1000 social psychology |
genglish - copy |
Interventions autre |
PSYCH*1000 personality |
PSYCH*1000 motivation and emotion |
citizenship test (studying) pt2 |
citizenship test (studying) |
Biology exam |
Bible Exam |
Circulatory System |
history |
Week 3 - Skin Care 1 - Facial Muscles and Massage Techniques |
indigenous art vocab |
Week 2 - Skin Care 1 - Wellness Concepts and Aromatherapy |
Week 7 - Skin Care 1 - Enzymes & Fitzpatrick Scale Skin Typings |
Week 10 - Skin Care 1 - Client Consultation and Homecare |
nederlans |
PSYCH*1000 lifespan development |
Geschiedenisgeschiedenis |
quiz 10A Fixation de buts |
diversity week 10-11 |
African American History: American Revolutionary War for Independence EraAn exploration of African American role during the 18th Century C.E American Revolution Era . |
science ks3langton boys |
Hemostase |
Oscars Trivia |
math trial revisionrevision flash cards for maths trial |
Sociology test Revision |
Tissu musculaire |
L2 S1 : DO Sanctions de l'inexécution (papier orange moyen) (8) |
L2 S1 : Les effets du contrat entre les parties (papier moyen bleu) (6) |
L2 S1 : Le contenu du contrat (papier vert moyen) (5) |
L2 S1 : Le consentement (papier rose bas) (4) |
L2 S1 : Les avant-contrats (papier orange bas) (3) |
anatomisk språk |
Tissu nerveux |
L2 S1 : DO : La période pré-contractuelle (papier bleu bas) (2) |
Kin - MusclesHip Flexors & Extensors - Anterior & Posterior
Hip Adductors
Anterior & Posterior Extrinsic Foot Muscles |
Hematology |
SOC Final |
module 5 part 3- final |
personalities |
MDSPrévention des infections et
Examen mentale et physique |
titles of JesusMr O is cruel |
semiologie cardique |
cours 9A relaxation |
Jayla |
thoracic and lumbar spine revision |
KIN 1070 Final Exam |
Stimulus Recover Adapatation (SRA) |
cours 9b Imagerie et hypnose |
pelvis, hip and femur revision |
psycho cours 6 |
WGS FInal |
PSYCH*1000 intelligence |
vocab 14 |
History |
PSYC*1000 thought and language |
knee revision - diagnostic radiography |
Kraft och rörelse |
Engelska läxa |
frans leest toets |
Intro to Canadian Legal System - Dec 6study for test |
Intro to Canadian Legal System |
welness exam |
PSYC*1000 memoryquestions to practice for psych final exam |
particel model of matter |
Criminal Law- non-fatal offences |
..... |
strat socialestrat sociale quizz |
French |
EngelsVwo leerjaar 1 Irregular verbs |
russian |
L2 S1 : DO : Introduction (papier vert bas) (1) |
women |
History 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2 |
Stoichometry |
SOC Term 2 |
social chapter 2 quizsocia |
OSI Model Layers |
Molecular Genetics Part 2 |
chem 120 |
Week 1 - Skin Care 1 - First Impressions & Room Furnishings |
Week 1 - Skin Care 1 - Bacteriology & Sanitation |
Crim 2p33 start-test 1 |
PSYCH 333: Early Adulthood |
PSYCH 333: Adolescence |
Intervention |
korean |
Module 6- part 4 |
Criminal law- sexual offences |
Criminal Law- Robbery |
Bio Unit 0,3a,3b |
English NounsPeople = Personas |
Crim 2P33 2nd midterm-final class |
Economie |
tent |
Gov final |
2.2 History Review |
2.1 History Flashcards |
diritto internazionale |
initiation |
frans |
frans |
woorden |
L2 S1 : HDP Section 5 & 6 (Mr Hoarau) (7) |
EPA - Project Management |
L2 S1 : HDP : Des peines et des châtiments (Mr Hoarau) (6) |
L2 S1 : HDP La naissance et développement de la procédure laique (Mr Hoarau) (5) |
PSYCH 333: Early AdulthoodFinal exam on December 11 |
droit penal international |
PSYCH 333: Middle AdulthoodFinal exam on December 11 |
French |
Science test Prep 2 |
science |
french verbs |
New Religious Movements |
L2 S1 : HDP Section 1 : justice royale et 2 : sources (Mr Hoarau) (4) |
Life science |
Criminal Law- Duress |
Criminal law- Self-Defence |
Criminal law- Theft |
Chapter 13- STD's |
spanska till 5 December |
Psych exam! |
L2 S1 : HDP La peine dans le monde héllénistique antique (Mme Lault) (3) |
Module 6 part 3 final anatomy |
Chapter 12- Substance Use and Abuse |
Fegato |
the atomic structure |
Chapter 11- Cancer development |
Criminal, Civil or Administrative |
L2 S1 : HDP De la justice domestique à la justice publique (Mme Lault) (2) |
Chapter 10- Cardio disease |
L2 S1 : HDP Introduction (Mme Lault) (1) |
chap 13les sentiments |
chap 55time and calendar |
micro final |
zinnnen c franslet op interpunctie
groetjes juul |
Biology Revision Y8 2023 |
frans b |
Marie |
L2 S1 : FP La procédure du budget de l'Etat et son contrôle : Partie 5 (5) |
MusclesMuscles |
physics revision part 2 |
Bio lecture 28-30 slide 14 |
REC 230 |
physics revision part 1 |
Climate change |
anatomy 3 |
Labo des nerfs |
L2 S1 : FP La procédure lois de finances/ budget : Partie 3 & 4 (4) |
motion |
energy |
space |
electricity |
sound |
forces |
geschiedenis blad |
L2 S1 : FP La loi de finances : Partie 2 (3) |
bio lec 6 |
bio lec 5 |
Weather Abbreviations |
unit 4 higher vocab 2 |
french |
19 gedragsproblematiek |
maths conversions |
crime 1.4 |
franska viktiga verb |
franska grammatik |
Nederlands woordenschatwoorden en spreekwoorden |
la comida |
frans a |
crime 1.3 |
3x3 bld |
SOC109 Theories |
Prebiotic earth |
Cell Types |
geo quiz unit 3 |
fnce 3 |
tobom final |
Ento. 4 |
Sociology 100 Exam (Chapters 4 & 5) |
labo - 7 et 8 - muscle |
geo |
All Quiet on the Western Front List B |
fnce 2 |
biolec 4 |
bio120 |
ecosystems |
health |
reproduction |
cells |
organs |
theater |
Exam |
espagnol 2 |
espagnol 1 |
Spanish |
Dutch board game - copyPJ |
Dutch prepositions - copyPJ |
Dutch vocabulary - copyPJ |
French DL - Units 1-3 - copyPJ |
French Unit 1 Revision - copyPJ |
french body parts - copyPJ |
French (les verbes- family) - copyPJ |
French infinitive words and endings - copyPJ |
French language - copyPJ |
Les verbes pronominaux & hobbies (french) - copyPJ |
french weather - copyPJ |
L2 S1 : FP LOLF 2024 (à part) |
final vocab |
Geschiedenis hoofdstuk 11.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 |
ELA: Government |
math multiplacationmath is number 1# |
chapter-2 |
chapter-9 Human Resource Management |
chapter-11 Duplicate |
chapter-11 Risk Management |
chapter-10 Communication Management |
chapter-13 DONT NEED TO STUDY |
chapter-12 edited |
chapter-8 edited |
chapter-7 edited |
chapter-6 duplicate |
chapter-6 edited |
chapter-5 edited |
chapter-4 edited |
chapter-3 edited |
Sociology 100 Final Exam (Chapters 2 & 3) |
blood spatter terminology |
Travel- Exta info i didn't add |
Italian Pizzas |
Traditional Pizzas |
Lower Limb Muscles Origin Insertion and Action |
Un frere penible |
History 106 Exam |
Spanish 101 Exam |
Humanities 110 Exam |
Business 121 Exam |
Religion 110 Exam |
sexual reproduction in animals |
reproduction in animals |
diabetic foot |
Diabetes |
Material tenta |
13 gezondheidseducatie en bewegingsactiviteiten |
stems list 8 |
PhysicsPhysics [Waves] |
Bio 105 Lecture 9 |
Biological molecules |
georgia national real estate exam |
georgia real estate laws and pratices |
Biological molecules |
Intro to Canadian Justice Final |
🌎 📜wrld hstryjiba
jiba |