death, love, fate, light vs darkness, chance vs choice, youth vs age, love vs hate, public vs private, fast vs slow, male pride and honour
Romeo is outside the Calulets orchard expressing his love for juliet,
conevys the intensity and passion of his love for juliet, highlights love as a powerful force
romeo, overwhelmed by his grief and love for juliet, he drinks poison and takes his own life, whilst he believes juliet is dead
where they both sacrifice their lives for each other -emphasizing their intensity of their love
theme of darkness is shown as the scene is set in a dark and gloomy capulet tomb, representing darkness and despair surrounds the lovers fate
theme of light is shown since when Romeo first meets juliet he describes her beauty as a "source of light that outshines the darkness"
Romeos arrival at the tomb, believing Juliet is dead is a result of unfortunate events and miscommunication driven by fate
both romeo and juliet kill themselves
shows the power of love and consequences of unresolved conflict
death isnt directly shown but is foreshadowed
nurse arrives with news of Tybalts death and romeos banishment, which his banishment feels like a 'death' sentence to juliet
-Romeos decision to attend the Capulets party
highlights that while chance may bring people together, it is their choices that determine their destiny
-through interactions between Friar Lawrence and Romeo
Friar lawrence as an older and wiser character, advises Romeo to slow down and not let his youthful passion get the best of him
highlights the contrast between the recklessness of youth and wisdom that comes with age
shown between juliet and her parents
juliet, being young and impulsive, denies her parents wishes by refusing to marry Paris
her parents, representing the older generation, expect her to obey their authority and follow tradition
highlights the tension between youth and age in the play
between the feud between the families Capulets and Montauqes -opening the scene withem the two families fighting
however, romeos love for Rosaline is introduced, contrasting with this atmosphere of hatred
shown through the secret marriage of Romeo and Juliet
which takes place in Friar lawrences cell, serving as an intimate setting for their union
contrasts between the world outside with their families feud and societal expectations exisiting
shown through the Friars advice to romeo
When friar L warns romeo about dangers of rushing into love and encourages him to take it slow -"love moderately"
hihlighting the contrast between the impulsive and hasty nature of young love and the wisdom of taking a more measured approach
shown through the conflict between Tybalt and Mercutio
Tybalts pride and desire to defend his familys honour lead him to challenge romeo to a duel
mercutio defends romeos honour and steps in to fight tybalt