Basic Music 1
What is a simple meter?
A meter where the beat is divisible by 2
What is a compound meter?
A meter where the beat is divisible by 3
What is a duple meter?
A meter where it is divisible by 2 (i.e. 2/4, 4/4, 6/8, etc..)
What is a triple meter?
A meter where it is divisible by 3 (i.e. 3/8, 3/4, 6/4, etc..)
Types of 7th Chords
(not common and unimportant) Minor-major
What makes a half-diminished 7th chord?
A diminished triad with a minor 7th
What makes a fully-diminished 7th chord?
A diminished triad with a diminished 7th
What and where is figured bass placed/found in music?
It is Roman numerals and numbers next to them to indicate the type of chord within the music. It is found below the stuff under the chord.
Types of Inversion Figured Bass for Triads
Root = no numbers or a 5/3
1st inversion = just a 6 or a 6/3
2nd inversion = 6/4
How do we notate "fractions" in music?
Without a lil fraction bar line!
**Note; all of these flashcards WILL have the fraction bar line but only for clarity
Types of Inversion Figured Bass for 7th Chords
Root = 7
1st inversion = 6/5
2nd inversion = 4/3
3rd inversion = 2 or a 4/2
What is a root chord?
A chord (triad or 7th) where there are no inversions and the bass has the root of the chord
What is a 1st inversion chord?
A chord (triad or 7th) where the 3rd is in the bass
What is a 2nd inversion chord?
A chord (triad or 7th) where the 5th is in the bass
What is a 3rd inversion chord?
A 7th chord where the 7th is in the bass
Names for Scale Degrees
1) Tonic
2) Supertonic
3) Mediant
4) Subdominant
5) Dominant
6) Submediant
7) Subtonic or (in minor) Leading Tone
What and where are lead sheet symbols?
They are letters that are found above the staff using uppercase letters to indicate the name of the chord.
Types of Lead Sheet Symbols
-The letter by itself = Major chord
-Lowercase "m" next to the letter = Minor chord
-"dim" next to letter OR a "degree" sign = Diminished
-"+" = Augmented
-"M7" or triangle "7" = Major Major 7th chord
-Just a "7" = Mm 7th chord
-The letter, "m" and a 7 = mm 7th chord
-The letter, "degree" sign w/slash, and a 7 = Half diminished 7th
-The letter, "degree" sign, and a 7 = Diminished 7th chord
-The letter slash another letter below it = Inversion (the letter in the bottom is the note in the bass)
What is the notation for the 3rd of a chord being raised (by a half setp)?
What is the notation for the 6th of a chord being raised (by a half step)?
A slash through a 6
What is the notation for the 4th of a chord being raised (by a half step)?
What is the notation for the 7th of a chord being lowered (by a half step)?
7b (7 flat symbol)
What is the Roman numeral progression for a major key?
I ii iii IV V vi vii(degree symbol)
What is the Roman numeral progression for a natural minor key?
i ii(degree symbol) III iv v VI VII
What is the Roman numeral progression for a melodic minor key?
i ii III+ IV V #vi(degree symbol) vii(degree symbol)
What is the Roman numeral progression for a minor key that we usually find?
i ii(degree symbol) III+ iv V VI vii(degree symbol)
How large of a space is acceptable between two upper voices at a time?
No more than an octave (between two at a time)
How large of a space is allowed between the tenor and bass?
Any space (within reasonable ranges)
What is closed position (in voice leading)?
It is where the upper three voices do not skip any chord tones (making it within an octave between the tenor and soprano)
What is open position (in voice leading)?
It is where the upper three voices skip a chord tone (making it usually more than an octave between the tenor and soprano)
Types of Motion
Contrary = moving in opposite ways
Parallel = moving in the same direction in the same interval
Oblique = one voice stays the same and another moves
Similar = same direction in different intervals
Static = no movement at all
What are some general rules of voice leading to follow?
-No parallel 5ths or 8ves
-No direct 5ths or 8ves (sop. & bass)
-No more than an octave between two upper voices
-Don't let any voices cross one another (i.e. the alto cannot have an A 440 when the soprano had only a G in the notes before)
-Avoid leaps of augmented intervals, 7ths, and any intervals larger than an octave
What are some rules to follow in root position part writing?
-Double the root
-In minor keys, when there is a VI chord, doubling the 3rd is necessary
-Keep the common tone(s) when moving by intervals of a P4, P5, 3rd, or a 6th
-Stepwise motion in other voices when the common tone(s) is kept
-When moving by a P4 or P5, the only leaps that can be taken in the upper voices are a 3rd, P4, or P5
-When moving by a 2nd (or 7th), the upper voices move contrary to the bass
What are some rules to follow in first inversion part writing?
There are variations to what to double:
a) the soprano and an inner voice
b) the bass and an inner voice
c) the soprano and bass are doubling each other
d) the inner voices double each other
What are some rules to follow in second inversion part writing?
-Double the bass always!
-Watch for parallel 5ths!
What kinds of second inversions happen and what are they?
-Cadential 6/4 = I 6/4 to V to I at the end of a phrase
-Passing 6/4 = used for smooth voice leading b/w any chord (like stepwise motions)
-Pedal 6/4 = Top notes move to a neighboring tone while the bass is sustained
What is bass arpeggiation?
It is where the bass moves outlining a chord
What is the order of motion from most independent to least independent?
Contrary, oblique, similar, parallel
What is a melodic sequence?
It is a repetition of a melody on another scale degree in the same voice
What are the types of melodic sequences?
Tonal = within the same key, thus changing the intervals b/w each note
Real = "modulating key," or repeating the same intervals presented in the first sequence
What is the typical harmonic progression in major?
iii - vi - [IV or ii] - [vii dim or V] - I
What is the typical harmonic progression in minor?
VII - III - VI - [iv or ii dim] - [vii dim or V] - i
What is a Plagal progression?
A harmonic progression where it goes to IV instead of ii
What is a retrogression?
Going backwards in the harmonic progression
What types of cadences are there?
-Authentic = V to I in any form; includes Perfect Authentic (PAC) and Imperfect Authentic (IAC)
-PAC = V to I in root position and the tonic is in soprano
-IAC = V to I in NOT root position and/or the tonic isn't in the soprano
-Deceptive (DC) = V to vi
-Half (HC) = end on V and includes Phrygian
-Phrygian Half = iv/IV to V
-Plagal (PC) = IV to I
What are the types of minor scales?
-Natural = lowered 3rd, 6th & 7th
-Melodic = lowered 3rd throughout, raised 6th & 7th on the way up and lowered on the way down
-Harmonic = lowered 3rd & 6th, raised 7th
What is imitation?
Where the melodic line is repeated in a different voice
What is repetition?
Where the melodic line is repeated in the same voice
What are somethings we should remember about bass contour (in writing music)?
1) Avoid repeated notes, especially across bar lines
2) With large leaps (in intervals) between notes, change the direction of the motion after it
3) Try not to have two of the same peak notes
Reminder: Go Study (in-class notes)...
1) Soprano counterpoint rules
2) Soprano w/bass line rules (counterpoint chapter)
3) Motion rules (counterpoint chapter)
4) Midterm shit probably
Passing Tone (P)
Approached by: step
Resolved by: step in the same direction
Neighboring Tone (N)
Approached by: step
Resolved by: step in the opposite direction
Suspension (S)
Approached by: same note
Resolved by: step down
Retardation (R)
Approached by: same note
Resolved by: step up
Appoggiatura (App)
Approached by: leap (usually up)
Resolved by: step
Escape Tone (E or ET)
Approached by: step
Resolved by: leap in opposite direction
Neighbor Group (N. Group)
Approached by: step
What's next?: skips to the next note
Resolved by: step in opposite direction BACK to original note
Anticipation (Ant)
Approached by: step, rarely skips (but still can)
Resolved by: same note in any direction w?a new chord
Pedal Point (Pedal)
Approached by: same note
Resolved by: same note (next/new chord)
Types of Suspensions
How do we determine the types of suspensions?
Examine the interval from the bass up to the nonchord tone note
In a V7 chord, how should the 7th be resolved?
It always resolves down by step
How should the leading tone in a V7 chord be resolved (soprano voice)?
The leading tone must resolve up by step to the tonic
How should the leading tone in a V7 chord be resolved (inner voice)?
Anywhere any which way (as long as errors are avoided)
How should the 7th (in a V7 chord) be approached?
With one of the following:
1) Suspension
2) Passing tone
3) Neighbor tone
4) Appogiatura
What part of the chord is okay to omit & okay to duplicate (when resolving to V-I) (V7 chapter)?
- Omit the 5th
- Duplicate the root of a chord
- Keep the 3rd
What is one way to resolve V7-I (incomplete version)?
Have an incomplete V7 chord (w/the 5th omitted + doubled root). I is a complete chord.
What is one way to resolve V7-I (frustrate version)?
Have a complete V7 chord but the leading tone is in an inner voice and "frustrates" by resolving to the 5th of the tonic triad (leaping by a M3 interval to do so).
What steps have to be taken for V7 to resolve to vi (or VI)?
1) Bass (root) moves up by step to the root of the vi chord
2) Leading tone resolves up to tonic if it's in the soprano. If it's in an inner voice, it can also leap down to the 6th SCALE DEGREE
3) Other voices move down by step
Cuestionario |
French speakingFocusing on the question and answer |
P6 stadgar |
Marketing Research |
Chapter 35 Questions |
verbe irrégulier |
Chapter 35 Vocab |
Révolution Française |
Beco |
Style on Q |
Regulations and Manuals |
The Aviation Workplace |
history migration through time |
cell organellesabout cells |
HDD: Social action |
HHD: Types of aid |
HHD: Who work areas |
substance-related disorders |
Chapter 16 Questions |
Theory of flight |
Bio 105 Lecture 7 |
Digestive System |
Introduction to AviationIntroduction to specific aviation terms and identify the main features of an aircraft. |
Chapter 16 Vocab |
dissociative disorders |
Physiology of FlightEffects that Altitude, Pressure Changes and Lack of Oxygen have on the body. We will also look at what happens during aircraft decompressions. |
Hus InteriörHus, inredning och interiör. |
historyQuestions en géneral sur la révolte scientifique et celle des Lumières (17e-18e siècles) |
Thermo Chem |
Organic Chem |
HHD: Sustainablity |
KonstMålningar, teckningar, färger. |
science |
science |
HHD: Global trends |
Unit 9: Key Terms |
Africanna Studies: Medieval Ghana , Mali 🇲🇱, and Songhai Empires III |
It-grabbarna CCNA1 |
kemiska och fysikaliska mätemetoder |
History WW1 Revision |
AP Lang: Vocab Quiz |
german flashcards theme 2 |
history 2 some people to know |
Epithelial Cells |
Première semaine - Embryo |
Chapter 4 VocabThe great gastby vocab def |
Chapter 6 VocabGreat Gatsby Vocab def |
Animals |
German wordsToets 1 |
specialised cell |
disorders of childhood |
body image & eating disorders |
Protéines associées aux microfilaments d'actine |
clubpremière experience club libertin |
Project management mid term |
HHD: how are countries classified |
bysbysbysbysybs |
development therory and applications thas 104 |
Chapter 10 Vocab |
Chapter 10 Questions |
schizophrenia |
HHD: Aus dietary guildlines and health eating pyramid |
HHD: funding, sustainabilty, access, equity of medicare, PBS, NDIS, PHI |
Interview questions |
Chemistry 2.4 |
personality disorders |
Chemistry 2.3 |
math |
Chemistry 2.2 |
Ord. |
pharmaceutical microbiology week 5 |
Chapter 6 |
AK 2.6 Samenhang: ontwikkeling en migratie |
AK 2.5 Samenhang: ontwikkeling en demografie |
Chapter 5 |
Filosofie begrippen module 1 |
AK 2.2 Patronen: bevolkingsspreiding en cultuurgebieden |
anph 12 unit e - plasma membrane |
origins of digital computing |
freud's structural model of mind and its role in psychoanalysis |
kks,sks,sks,sk,s,s,s |
freud's structural model of the mind |
AK 2.1 Patronen: verschillen in welvaart |
ScienceFor quiz coming up - Oct 30th |
Deborah Peters |
Deborah PetersFrench flashcards |
Portuguese days of the week vocabVoacbulary |
Shatterpoint - Maximal skadaHur mycket skada kan olike enheter glra i Shatterpoint? |
Romeo&Juliet - character revision |
Levensbeschouwing |
Psychology YR 1 |
Clinical Psychology - Diagnosis and tools |
sexual disorders |
English Language YR 1 |
Poetry quotes, connotations and contextFor xmas |
Portuguese NumbersNumbers in Portuguese. |
RE Sowa's Xmas mockMarriage and the family, Living the christian life. |
Rogers |
Portuguese Days of the week questionsPortuguese Days of the Week and Hour/Minute |
NGEA31Summary of lecture slides |
Statuatory Interpretation |
TERM 1 - LAW |
SAA085För tentamen, |
Scienceughygyg |
Eng en flex jaar 1 |
Probability concepts |
mood disorders |
HHD: Health system |
Probability Distributions |
HHD: Action areas of Ottwa charta |
OCD & trauma-related disorders |
conversarionTest 02 |
professionaltest 01 |
HHD: Public health |
anxiety disorders |
classification of mental disorders |
People |
High Valyrian |
chapter 4 |
Africanna Studies: Medieval Ghana , Mali 🇲🇱 , & Songhai Civilizations II |
Information Systems, research methods |
Freud |
chapter 3 |
Mang. & Org. |
Karate Terms |
vocabulary gamevocabulary game- go fish synonyms |
chapter 1 |
BIO Qs I missed |
OPTA 215 (Supporting Clients) |
Economie H2/3 begrippen |
Economie formules H2/3/6/9/10/11 |
500 단어words from "my first 500 korean words" book 1 |
Maths |
bacteria |
PATHOLOGY 1pathology 1
bronchite |
acidsacids |
lukas sahlin |
Ontwikkelingspsychologie |
Economie H9/10/11 begrippen |
fungi |
Organelles functions |
plants cell |
bio- Mrs H Gren |
Bio 105 Lecture 6 |
social studies |
Ions polyatomiques |
historu rubia |
HHD: undersumption, high intake, low intake of fruit and veg, dairy, fat, fibre |
micro |
Expressions je suis fatigué |
Personnalité |
♡ describing appearance |
Expressions communes |
feelings/symptoms |
Bio 111 Lecture 12 |
Measurements and Dimensions |
Adjectif |
Expression de ses impressions |
Questions |
Expression de sentiment |
Verbe |
♡ Marqueurs de temps |
kenneth fahlberg |
mikaela björklund fahlberg |
madonna |
science pt.1 |
Émotions |
INDG1. PE Basics 2 |
Science Cell Quiz Unit 1for science test |
BBP181 midterm prep |
tottenham hotspur |
kenneth fahlberg |
njurunda |
matfors |
schack |
fotboll |
Spanish |
verb rule |
Geneesmiddelkunde |
verb |
Spanish module 1 |
Grundläggande strålningsfysik & strålskyddInstuderingsfrågor och gamla tenta |
people |
Nurul idah TAYAMMUMNurul idah vocabs revision for 2nd year exams topic: TAYAMMUM |
nurul idah GHUSLvocab flashcards for 2nd year nurul idah exams for topic: GHUSL |
Computer studies - Algorithms |
Structure of a bacterial cell |
Prokaryotic cells and viruses |
HHD: Alcohol, smoking, sugar, low iron, BMI, impact on Burden of disease and health status |
HHD: Health Status Indicators |
JLPT N2 (1)il faut mettre la traduction et la lecture du mot (côte à côte, sans ponctuation) |
Tenta Essä Begrepp |
ApproachesPsychology revision |
Cell ultrastructure |
FöreläsningarSlay |
duits examenidioomh1 en h2 |
music |
Ak H2 § 1 t/m 4. Basis boeknummers, begrippen, aantekeningen. 2 Havo/Vwo |
Nepali-English Translation |
HHD: 5 Dimensions of Healh and wellbeing |
HHD: Health and wellbeing |
fransfranse woorden |
branden |
Types of Clouds |
Clouds |
AP LANG RC practicePractice Tanya doing at home |
New WordsQuiz me on the definitions for the following words: loathe, reprimand, lackluster, caustic, wrest, infamous, jostle, dupe, incipient, inadvertent, ominous, tremulous, repudiate, cessation, bristle, eu... |
The study of the properties of matter and the changes it undergoes.
An agent that burns or destroys living tissue.
Homogenous Mixture
A mixture in which particles are uniform... |
the roaring 20's |
PrecipitationPrecipitation |
french flash cards |
Vocabulario |
psycology midterm 3 |
the great depression 1930s |
Theory Comm Exam 2 |
Finansiell analys 2.0 - k |
glosor |
spanska 4 tidsuttryck dåtid |
ash |
Geography |
art |
löpande redovisning |
Kindermishandeling |
ento. |
anatomy lecture 3 exam |
VäderHögtryck, lågtryck, nederbördstyper, m.m. |
BBP182 midterm prep |
gs woordjesha |
No - Prov - Kroppen💕💕💐 |
Finansiell analys 2.0 |
health |
Tree ident - latin to english |
Espagnol Vocabulario : El Flamenco |
définitions droit |
Unit 2 - Lisa Walker |
Meningit |
Straffrätt JPG 014 |
Infektiösa tarmsjukdomar Endokardit |
Medicine through time |
PE: Nutrion |
PE: Strategies to Improve Performance and Recovery |
Homework Week 43 |
??? |
PE: Chronic adaptations to training |
PE: Training principles and training methods |
PE: Fitness components |
PE: Acute responses |
PE: Energy systems |
PE: levers |
PE: Qualitative movement |
PE: Direct or constraint based coaching |
PE: Feedback for skill development |
PE: Learning stages movement skills |
PE: Characteristics of skills and stages of learning |
Mod 7 Regulating Gene Expression |
Mod 6 Protein Synthesis |
Vocabulary #6This Vocabulary quiz consist of 10 words |
Factors Affecting the Business Environment |
lecon 4AFrench 9 |
225 |
PE: biomechanicsbiomechanics test |
OPTA 204 (sleep) |
Physics |
French |
OPTA 222 (Cerebral Palsy) |
OPTA 222 (Tourette Syndrome) |
1510 MIDTERM |
OPTA 222 (ADHD) |
demografi |
PSY113 midterm prep |
laagland module 3 |
driving test |
mode 2 week 2 |
Astronomy |
Physics P2a revision - copy x |
Läkemedel Cellväggssynteshämmare |
Business Test#2 |
biology |
Populuma |
latijns 3.Alatijn 3.A |
Neuroscience and control |
Persuasieve Communicatie |
greyhoundraise your knowledge on history and training of a greyhound |
Celler & vävnaderceller & vävnader |
Läkemedel Pneumeni - ProteinsynteshämmareMakrolider och tetracykliner |
Blodet & immunförsvaretblodet |
1MC615 - SEPSIS & UVI |
variables and tests. |
photosnthesis. |
georiv |
knoppar |
Mod 5 Molecular basis of Inheritance |
Animal/Plant cell anatomy (flashcards)KILL ME PLEASEEE (It's 12:33AM) |
Different body systems (flashcards)AHHHHHH I hate quizzessssss (also made at 12:26AM) |
Cell ---> Organism (flashcard)Science test flashcards I might at literal 12:20AM the day before the test. |
science |
irregular verb conjugations |
fractions, decimals and percents |
Universum NO |