doing something to create positive change people can take social action at personal level or an organised group
address a problem and changes it. Together people can get govs to change descions. It makes a difference
to help less fortunate
perserve somethingf historical or social value
so needs of people are met
volunteer be a volunterr to a program to imrpove lives of others
conduct fundraiser events in school or cpmmunity to support social change
aim to raise awarness of injustice & make social action to make change.
Lots of people didn't have toilets led to diareeiha for africa lots died. Launched campaign to get toilets
sell environment friendly toilet paper help address water & sanitation issue
Impact of wgac
donated 8.3billion to fund hygiene & sanitation projects
SDG 13 climate action: eco friendly material saving trees reduce deforestation fighting degregation
SDG 6 clean water & sanitation: raising funds can give funds to hygiene & sanitation projects MIC & LIC clean drinking water
promotes HD achieve good society everyone can learn & go down own way, gives control of lives can acheieve full potential