in Sep 2015 world leaders came together from united nations to make 17 sdgs that work together to acheive 3 major objectives
end extreme poverty
fight inequlity & injustice
address climate change
progress was happening but uneven people still in poverty
new challenges like climate change, conflict, extrimism
promote physcial & mental h&wb extend LE by adressing cause of mortality & morbidity in HIC, MIC, LIC
Action stregthn prevention & treatment of substance abuse like drugs & alcohol
outcome halve global deaths & injuries from road traffic accdients.
end all forms of poverty by 2030
action equal rights like ownership & control of land & property access to low interests loans (micro finicance)
outcome end extreme poverty reduce half population living in poverty
to end all forms of hunger and malutrition
lack of food needed for active & healthy life
action food protection system
outcome access to nutritous food all year round
action research & tech
outcome end all forms of malunrition
boys & girls have equal acess to education at all levels
action build support education schools
outcome increase child completion of primary & secondary
end discrimnation & violence against women & girls
action make policies that support gender equality for all women
outcome end all forms of violence against women & girls
all people can enjoy clean water & sanatation
action imrpove water quality by reducing pollution
outcome acheive universal access to safe affordable drinking water
take urgent action to combat climate change & its impact
action improve education awarness to prevent destroying environment
outcome stregthn countries resilence to adapt to climate change hazards & natrual disasters