Protein coat of a virus
Layer of phosopholipids and proteins surrounding the protein coat of some viruses.
A virus that infects bacteria
The kinds of organisms or cells that a virus can infect.
A host species that serves as a continual source of viral infection for other species
Type of infection in which a bacteriophage enters a cell, replicates, and causes the host cell to burst (lyse) as it releases the new viruses
Type of infection in which the genetic material of a bacteriophage is replicated along with the host cell’s chromosome
DNA of a lysogenic bacteriophage that is inserted into a host cell’s chromosome
An infectious agent consisting of genetic information enclosed in a protein coat.
In animals, a viral infection in which viral genetic information replicates along with the host genome, but infected cells do not immediately produce new viruses; when the infection is reactivated, infected cells begin producing viruses.
The degree to which a virus, bacterium, or other pathogen harms its host
A substance that initiates a primary immune response to a pathogen without actually causing a disease
Infectious RNA molecule
Infectious particle composed of protein