conflict can impact all 5 dimensions of H&wb health status, burden of disease
limit access to food supply, water healthcare, schools, electricty
destruction of land crops struggle to grow less food malnutrion
low malnutrition low energy and immune ssytem increasing risk of disease and illness
with conflict bombs hosptials/healthcare faclities destoryed leads to high mortality rates
if there are no hospitals to treat them higher stress and anxiety
movment of large group from one place to another becuase of war and violence
displacmentof people from homes, jobs, living in poverty
over croweded housing
people don't have sense of belonging sp h&wb
an't earn income to get kids to school so drop out. Parents will worry stress how to provide for their kids with no money
women don't have money, might be last choice. Impact social h&wb as friends and family might stay away from them
exchanges of goods & services between countires
trade allows countires to share tech, ideas, skills, promotes healthy competition, boost inovation faster economic growth
buying from local small businesses
many expert ferms hire women in LIC & MIC
when kids have education from school gives knowledge & skills to live healthy life increased LE
faster economic grwoth
reduce poverty
promote greater equlity
not mnay laws and safety rules kids and women in dangerous low paying jobs
LIC no laws to protect workers
countires ignore environmental standards
tourism provides jobs lift countires out of poverty
promote understanding peace & secuirty
quickest growing industry
environmnetal challenges over crowded houses
increased travel means more transmission of illness & disease
salt water unusable for many crops
affects physcial h&wb higher mortality & morbidity from water borne diseases .
from floods and cyclones increased mosqtoe population increased malaria levels poor body functions
use phones to collect info like name & age and if they get medical health. resgitered birth, marriage, deaths.
disaster alerts to phones
privacy & safety of young people in LIC & MIC