up to date advice relating to types and amount food, food groups, & dietary patterns that will help aus maintain health outcomes
National health & meds research council
there was an increase in diet related diseases & condtions to many energy dense, processed foods, not enough fruit and veg
health pros, educators
all people, & people with common risk factors or over weight
people with serious med condtions like T2D
for people to start to get healthy increase h&wb
keep healthy weight, be physcially active, choose right amount of nutirtious food and drinks to meet energy needs
enjoy a wide varity of nutritous food from 5 food groups everyday & drink water
limit intake of foods constaining salt, sat fat, added sugar, alcohol
relates to serving sizes
help people pick food that meets nutrients & energy needs avoid energy dense food
consumers to help with healthy eating
agl 2 says drink water seen in top right corner on AG2HE
guideline 3 limit intake of salt sugar, AG2HE discrenary food limit intake small amounts outside of circle
40%grains: whole meal, pasta, rice
10%fruit: apple, banana, orange
10%dairy: milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese
10%lean meats:chicken, lean beef, fish eggs
30%veg: tomato, greens, carrot
nutrition aus main educator for nutrition and mission promote optimal h&wb for all aussies with 5 food groups and physical activites
provide lastest info on current food and h&wb trends
education, healthy eating books,
healthy eating week
top layer: healthy fats
middle layer: lean meats, dairy
bottom foundation layer: veg, legumes, beans
text: enjoy a varity of foods be active everyday guideline 1&2
choose water
enjoy herbs and spices replace salt add flavour and colour
discrenary foods limit salt and sugar
people like certain foods
sugar foods guve short doperme makes you feel good
willpower resist disctrentary behaviour