Soc Midterm #2-
Define Mass Media
A collection of media organzations that communiate info to the public through a variety of media techniques.
Who is Marshell Mcluhan?
-Canadian Scholar
-"The medium is the message"
-Hightlghted the way we cosume knowledge
-Teaches us how to think and the way we intterpurt knowlekdge
-He argues that we tend to put more emphasis on the format of media and shapes us as a result.
Traditonal Media
Books, newspaer, magazines, chiema, recordings, radio, televsions.
Fake Media
Hoaxes or the deliberate use of misinformation in the traditional news media or social media
New Media
-Internet and electronic gadgets. Social networking, apps, youtube, augmented relaity.
-Media charecaterized bya decentralized process of content creation and distribution
-Anyone can create content to add to the production of knowledge
Who was Manuel Castells?
Discovered global media
What is the theoretical perspectives on mass media?
-Conflict theory believed media is controlled by capitalits to control the working class by using propoganda and agendas.
Strategies to control mass media
2-Being selective (what to share + what to not)
What is dominant ideology good for?
Important for conflict theory and to maintain status quo and maintian capitalists posotion. Also deny individuals agency.
Dominant ideoolgy of the elite group is produced through mass media.
Who was C. Wright Mills?
Could be considered a conflict theorist
-Related to Karl Marx theory
-Wrote the book "The Power Elite" about how media is filtered
-Emphasis on that governemnt and military became a tool into making power elites
-Poitical and economic man makes up the power elite
-Power elite comes together more and cooperates together in times of struggle (EX. Covid or war)
What are the views on mass media?
CONFLICT THEORY- Power elite (C wright mills)
FUNCTIONALISM- Mass media create social cohesion
SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM- Use and meaning of symbols
FEMINISM- How steryotpes re proposed
POST MODERNISM- Simulacra and Hyperreality
What does symbolic interactionsim have to do with mass media?
-Aknowoledges our choice of consumption
-Media uses symbols to affect an individuals sense of self
-Media constucts our relality
Media Consumption
People make choices about their media consumption
What are the feminist prespectives on mass media?
Steryotyoes and mass media
Postmodernism (mass media)
-Questioning the "reality" of media contents
Who is Jean Baudrillard?
Define similacra
-Superficial surface level and false image
-Repersentation of an image
-Blurring between repersentation and real life
-Moving away from relaility
-Still has a slight connection to relaity in a way
-Ex. Pumpkin spice latte and Disneyland- creates hyperrealstic realites
Define simulation
Machine that immitates (process)
Define hyperreality
Last statge of simalacra
Status of society as a consequence of similalacra
Worried that a society cannot tell the differnace between real and copies
Lost completely and cannot distungish between real life and copies
Define Mass literacy
The ability to recodnize, critically asess and make infomed choices about messages contained in mass media forms
Define capitalism
economic system in which the means of production are held largely in private hands and the main incentive for economic activity is the accumilation of profits
Define Bourgeoisie (capitalist)
The social group that posesses capital and owns and commands the means of production
Define Proletatiat:
Working class
The social group that exchanges labour for wages
Define Petite Bourgeosie
Social class that is made up of merchants and white collar workers (lower middle class)
Small scale commercial enterprices
Define Lumpen proletariat:
Lowest class of society
Unemployed, homeless and criminals
Define Commodity Fedishization
Easilly overlooking the labor hours that go into making a product
Qualities that abstract from the labour
Who is Max Weber?
Expands on Karl Marx ideas
Weber indetififed three componemts of stratification
1-Class (non economic conditions. property or service you can offer)
2-Status (group of people who have the same lifestyle or prestige. Status does not nessicarily corespond with class)
3-Party (political association)
Three presepctives on Stratification:
1- Material resources- econiomic resources we own or control. Karl marx thinks this is the most important resource
2-Social resources- Prestige based on the position we occupy and social network connections
3-Cultural resources- Include our tastes, launguages and way of lookin at the the world
Define Race
Socially constructed category used to classify human kind based on physical traits
Define Racialization
social process where human groups are viewed and judged as essentially different in terms of their intelect, morality, values and innate worth
Define essentialism
Tendancy to see the idea of race and identity as something perminent and inhariat. Like fixed and ridgid
Define visalble minorities
A persons, other then indigineous persons, who are non cacasian in race or non white in color
Who was Grace- Edward Galabuzi?
The concept "visable minorites" supports essetialist assumptions about race
Preferance for the term raciaized groups which highlights structures of socially inequlaitly
Define Master narrative
The story a nation tells about itself to celebrate its past and present
Define Ethnicity
Refers to the existance of social groups with shared national or cultural traditions
You can have multiple ethnicities
Define Objective Ethnicity
Determination of ethnicity based on ancestors
Define Subjective Ethnicity
How you identify yourself- self identification
What is the difference between ethnicity and race?
Ethnicity is flexable and can vary
Not fixed and you can have multiple
Race is based on physical attributes that you are born into. Ascribed status. Fixed.
What is the critical race theory?
Provides critique on racially oppressive structure, meanings and ideas
Identifying cases and effects of racialzation
Who are Fredrick Douglas and WEB Du Bois?
Both questioned dominate narrative of racially oppresive structure and the cause and effect of racisism.
Three types of prejudice
Prejudice is an attitide
1-Cognitive component- what we THINK (steryotypes affect preception and memory)
2-Affective component- how we FEEL (thoughts mixed with strong emotion)
3-Behavorial component- how we put prejudice into action (discrimination)
What is the Vertical Mosaic?
-Unassimilated ethnic groups preserving their customs
-These groupings are unequal in both status and power
-Examined the relationship between social class and ethnicity. Huge influence in developing multiculturalism
Who was John Porter?
He concluded that Canada has a class based society
Top- British/protastant
Middle- French Canadians
Bottom- Racialized minorites
Define SEX
The biological differnces between males and females
Social concept reffering to the entire array of social patterns we associate with men and women
Denotes are identies and activites as sexual beings. HOMO AND HETERO. Who are you sexually attrated to?
Alfred Kingsley- Hetro and Homo rating scale
Define Dominant Discource
Gender and sexuality should corespond. Ex. Men should be attracted to women
Benifits/ downsides of catagories
1- Easy to understand people as a group
2- Remove all complexity
1- Prevents us from having a wholeistic understanding of society
2-Marinalizes all sex catagories
Define Intersex
Refers to anyone born with both male and female sexual charecteristcs
Define invisable barriers
the social barrier preveting women from being promoted to top jobs in management (glass ceilings)
1st wave feminism
focased on inequalites in the legal and political system (voting and economic rights)
2nd second wave feminism
Sought equality in workplace, reproductive rights and argued for an end to sexist discrimination and violence
Third wave feminism
Developed as a response to precieved gaps in the second wave
Define gender norms
societial expectations and rules reguarding how men and women should behave, express and present themselves
define gender roles
set of attitudes and responsibilites reguarding how people should behave according to their assigned gender
define gender role socializaton
girls must be feminine, soft, emotional, sweet and submissive
boys must be tough, agressive, daring ect
define multiple mascualinities
the idea that men learn and play a full range of gender roles
Define "second shift"
Typically women work outside the home for money and inside the home on unpaid domestic traits
suggested by Arlie Hochschild
Who is micheal foucault
The history of sexuality
Define heteronormativity
describes the belief that heterosexuality is and should be the preferred system of sexuality
Cuestionario |
Residential Tenancies Act |
cells |
PSYCH 333: Middle childhoodExam November 9 |
media theory midterm - semiotics |
zinnen blz.22 |
spaans indefinido uitgangen ar |
film |
Psykologi - Stress och kriser |
Lecture 7: Raster data analysis |
Lecture 6: Raster structures |
maarschappij - H 2 en 6 |
tenta 2 |
group 1 , group 7 , group 0 |
metals and non metals |
biology gcse |
Droit |
Tidig utveckling 0-2 år |
Histoire Géo Séquence 2 |
Psykoanalytisk teori (Stadieteorier) |
Carbohydrates |
french vocab - 5/11/23 |
german vocab 6/11/23 |
Biologie hoofdstuk H11 |
biologybiology paper 1 revision |
biology |
forces |
Combinaciones frecuentes |
Criminal law- intention |
Espagnol |
anglais s3 |
Criminal law- Causation |
Biologie H10belangrijke onderwerpen en begrippen |
Lecture 5: Data Capture |
AQA Spanish GCSE Unit 1 |
Lecture 4: Geodetic reference systems and projections |
frans apprendre 1+2 |
FreudFreuds basic's |
Remote Area Survival |
Frans winter |
GS Actieweek 1 toets |
Specificity |
Strength and conditioning - Into & Neuromuscular System |
Meteorology & Turbulance |
animal |
exam 2exam 2 |
Arabiska #2 |
Arabiska #1Ord på arabiska |
Dutch board game |
chem 6/7 |
a&p |
Midterm 2: Social Influence |
WW quizWord Wednesdays |
katern 6 risico en informatie |
Biochemistry Test |
whts your nameglqoqb |
katern 5 samenwerken & onderhandelen |
dév. de l'adolescence |
dév. psycho et éducation à la sexualité |
psychology of sex |
Criminal law- Omissions |
Topic 5 and 6 Bio |
Midterm 2: Group Processes |
Unit 10: Key Terms A and P |
The halogens and halides (CHEMISTRY) |
german 8 |
Latin |
Geschiedenis van de Psychologie |
Algemene A1 niveau vragen |
Phil 250 Police Ethics |
psychology |
chemistary |
physics brrrr |
IPA Vowels |
chem naming n netals |
IPA Consonants |
Midterm 2: Attitudes and Persuasion |
blood vessels |
blood function |
blood |
blood and blood vessels. |
biology |
For Kat ^_^ |
anatomy 2 |
MDF | Pot Odds | SPR - Geomtric Bet Sizing |
actual vollyball test |
chemistry higher gcse |
chemistry gcse |
eco katern 4 ruilen over de tijd |
Lecture 3: Vector Analysis |
Eco katern 1 scharrste en ruil |
Geography GCSE paper1 |
F1 namn |
3rd Grade Biome |
Muscles Attachments |
Leadership Test |
Freddy Fazbear |
Private Mortgage Exam |
PSYCH 333: Toddlerhood/Early childhoodExam November 9 |
Science-Metals,Acids and AlkalisRevison for test. |
economics |
nederlands poezie |
maf |
ma se2 |
LATN 110 vocab |
Metabollic Test Part 2 |
sports |
mr kuilenburg |
mrs kalverda |
Lecture 1: Vector structure and DB theory |
mr dieleman |
mr tol |
mr dieleman |
mrs johannes |
Gwen de winter |
tristan |
quinten |
Juliette Tonk |
gwen |
Engelsto be, description, classroom objects, every day activities, place to go in town, prepositons of place, present continuous , rooms in the house, adverbs of frequency |
engels |
Amalgam - c |
Amalgam |
A |
socials |
amendments for part 2 |
Major and minor chords also # major and # minor |
Driving Test Questions |
grade 9 vollyball test |
science-heating and cooling |
computer test |
History unit 3 |
Bio 111 Lecture 14 |
definition of a cell |
testtoets |
biologybiology cells living things microbes imunne system etc |
mains electricity |
ecoyuhh |
phl245 rules |
Chase ch 17 vocab |
Crim Midterm |
Physics equation |
AK rep 2 |
chapter 3 vocab quizThe Great Gatsby |
Mock USA test |
bezittelijke vnw |
German Esttenten (basis) |
German -D en-T |
German Ettenten |
German haben |
German sein |
WW1 and Versailles |
vouge 1995 |
key concepts in biology |
Byggnadsmaterial_1 |
Give examples of political, economic, and social globalization? (such as source |
La seconde guerre mondiale |
Law |
Van Mens tot Cel |
constitution test part 2 |
black mirror |
shapes of molecules - chem |
Latin OCR GCSE VocabHelping GCSE Latin students |
Begrippen syllabus || Oudheid |
conference interviewjhvmghj |
juliette |
frans |
mthv |
Earth phase final 2 |
Biology 20 Biochemistry |
SLYG test #2Going over the topics of Reigion, Gender and Families |
Traffic Bowl |
bible |
Advanced English II Unit 4 Vocabulary Test Preperation |
chapter 1 test grade 10 - copy 1 |
History Exam 2 |
chapter 1 test grade 10 |
Islam terms |
words science |
scince study |
Science |
L'encéphale Chapitre 4encéphale |
RS (term 1a) |
Popular computer games |
Chapter 6 vocabThe great gatsby |
Privity |
Chapter 5 vocab |
Frans |
Anthropology Test |
Consideration (LAW) |
it-grabs GDA |
Anatomy Test 2 |
accounting |
new regional political parties of the 1930s |
history 2 definitions to know |
infectiepreventie |
Frans P1aramsamsam |
Economie H6 begrippen |
Arresten bpre |
fiqh |
social studies termssocail studies terms |
ekonomilära mig alla begrepp |
Thermodynamique |
biologyRemember key words |
Reagents and Shapes |
baroque |
physics quiz 1 |
Cell FunctionsCell Functons 10 cohort IB |
Socialpsykologi |
Responses audience feels in each key scene by lang used |
Romeo&Juliet - how each key event in each act engages the audience |
♡ verbe commun |
Block 1 Introduction to Ecology lesson LIFE |
Real Estate Formulas |
enzymes |
1st Year Sociology - Families and Households |
IMS jaar 1flashcards |
Cell recognition and the immune system (Chapter 5) |
Russian RevolutionRussian revolution cards |
chapter 5 bio |
elizabethan revision: key individuals |
Tenta nöt |
geography Rocks and Minerals |
Biologi |
Spanish Past Participles |
språkhistoria |
Introduction to Psychological TheoriesFlashcards for Introduction to Psychological Theories |
Introduction to management Chapter 3 |
Introduction to management chapter 2 |
burgelijk procesrecht |
auto |
Verplichte jaartallen HC2 duitsland |
Introduction to management chapter 1 |
History |
Finance riskseh |
Health and social care |
Biomolekylär strukturanalysBiomolekylär strukturanalys |
Maths |
IT level 3 UNIT 1 |
50 vragen |
Real Estate Section5 |
Real Estate Section 4 |
Real Estate Section 3 |
Emma |
testhihb |
Real Estate Section 2 |
Real Estate Section 1 |
constitution test part 1 |
beat 18 |
beat 16 + 17 |
beat 13 |
AP Biology Test - Organic Molecules (Chapter 5) |
Bio |
beat 12 |
beat 11 |
beat 9 + 10 |
test bio 2 |
beat 5 |
beat 4 |
Histoire de l'architecturecours 5 à 8 - examen 2 |
beat 3 |
beat 2first scene |
Psychologie exam semaine 8Questions sur la mémoire, stress, l'intelligence et les états de conscience :) |
spanish |
Physical and Cultural Anthropology |
elements of a story |
Earth Phase Final |
Elements of art revisionArt elements revision for yearly exam 2023 |
speech |
Morse Code- LettersLearning the individual letters of morse code |
level of organisation |
Bio 111 Lecture 13 |
atoms |
Romeo&Juliet - Themes of the play |
Romeo&Juliet - Language devices |
해리퍼터해리퍼터와 마법사의 돌 |
Romeo&Juliet - setting |
Romeo&Juliet - scene overviews of act 4 |
Romeo&Juliet - scene overviews of act 3 |
Romeo&Juliet - scene overviews of act 2 |
Romeo&Juliet - scene overviews of act 1 |