Unit 9: Key Terms
Structure of a skeletal muscle
blood vessels, nerves, connective tissue
individual muscle cell
connective tissue layer that surrounds individual muscle cells (fibers)
a bundle of skeletal muscle fivers surrounded by perimysium
a connective tissue sheath that surrounds individual muscle fascicles
outer fibrous connective tissue wrapping surrounding (enclosed) fascicles
most superficial connective tissue sheath: continuous with epimysium
Naming muscles
based on specific muscles appearance, size, or position
Naming muscles: Actions performed
flexors, extensors, adductors, abductors, levators
Functional Groups of muscles
take the cooperation of several individual muscles working as a group to perform the movement (action): roles of different muscles in a group
Agonists (prime movers)
provide most force for given muscle action
usually opposite side of bones and joint where they meet, opposite action of agonist
aid agonists by supplying supplemental force, minimizing unwanted movement, helping stabilize joints
also provide stabilizing force that anchors bone, provides movement efficiency and protection from injury due to unnecessary movements
Muscle origin and insertion
skeletal muscles begin and end at distinct anatomical locations
anchoring point on bone where skeletal muscle "originates from", typically not involved directly with movement of joint
moving end of muscle whose tendon attaches to bone or other structures, usually on far side of joint
Lever System
3 components, load resistance, applied force that moves load, pivot point (fulcrum), changing configuration of these variables leads to lever classes
Superficial muscles: anterior view
head, shoulder, forearm, pelvis/thigh, leg, facial, neck, thorax, abdomen
Superficial muscles: posterior view
arm, forearm, leg, thigh, hip, shoulder, neck
Muscles of facial expression
occipitalis, epicranial aponeurosis, frontalis, orbicularis oculi, obicularis oris, platysma, zygomaticus minor and major, buccinator
Muscles of head
temporalis, maseter
Muscles of the neck
sternocleidomastoid, splenius capitis
Entrinsic Eye and Orbit muscles
each eye has six muscles attached to outer surface, allowing for quick and accurate movements, directing our vision
Four rectus muscles
superior, inferior, medial, lateral, named from straight line they take from origin to more anterior insertion
Superior and inferior oblique muscles
attach to eye at angle
Muscles of the vertebral column
critical for both locomotion and posture
Erector spinae
group of muscles along vertebral column and posterior ribs, mostly powerful extensors of the spine, also lateral bending and rotation
Erector spinae: spinalis
most medially situated muscle group on either side of vertebral column
Erector spinae: longissimus
just lateral to spinalis group
Erector Spinae: Iliocostalis
most lateral group
Quadratus lumborum
large, deep muscle, allowing the vertebral column to extend and bend laterally
Muscles of trunk
muscles grouped together by anatomical proximity, function, or both
Muscles of respiration
diaphragm, internal intercostals, and external intercostals
Abdominal muscles
rectus sheath, rectus abdominis, linea alba, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, external oblique
Transverse abdominis
located under the obliques it is the deepest of the abdominal muscles and wraps around your spine for protection and stability
Internal abdominal oblique
located under the external obliques, running in opposite direction
External abdominal oblique
located on the side and front of the abdomen
Rectus abdominis
located along the front of the abdomen, most well know abdominal muscle, "six pack"
Muscles of shoulder and arm: anterior view, Deltoid
shoulder muscle
Muscles of shoulder and arm: anterior view, Pectoralis major
large, superficial
Muscles of shoulder and arm: anterior view: Pectoralis minor
smaller, more deep
Muscles of shoulder and arm: anterior view: Serratus anterior
lateral side of ribs, "serrated"
Muscles of shoulder and arm: anterior view: Coracobranchialis
goes from the coracoid process, to the arm region down
Muscles of shoulder and arm: Posterior view: Trapezius
looks like a trapezoid, neck and back muscle
Muscles of shoulder and arm: Posterior view: Latissimus dorsi
superficial back muscle
Muscles of shoulder and arm: Posterior view: Levator scapulae
elevate our scapulae, deep muscle
Muscles of shoulder and arm: Posterior view: Rhomboid minor
small, deep muscle, looks like a rhombus
Muscles of shoulder and arm: Posterior view: Rhomboid Major
large, deep muscle, looks like a rhombus
Arm muscles: Biceps brachii
2 heads, superficial to brachialis
Arm muscles: Brachialis
2 heads, deep to biceps brachii
Arm muscles: Triceps brachii
underside of arm, three heads
Arm muscles: Brachioradialis
runs from the brachii to the radius
Rotator cuff
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and major
Wrist flexors of the anterior forearm
flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris
Finger and thumb flexors (deep anterior forearm)
flexor digitorum superficialis
Forearm Pronators
pronator teres, pronator quadratus
Forearm supinater
Wrist extensors of posterior and lateral forearm
extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris
Extensors of fingers and thumb
extensor digitorum
Muscles of thigh and leg: Psoas major
lumbar vertebrae-> femur, part of lliopsoas
Muscles of thigh and leg: lliacus
iliac crest -> femur, broad, part of the iliopsoas
Muscles of thigh and leg: Gluteus Maximus
superficial muscle
Muscles of thigh and leg: Gluteus medius
upper posterior butt muscle, lies under gluteus maximus
Muscles of thigh and leg: Gluteus minimus
deep muscle, smaller
Muscles of thigh and leg: Piriformis
behind the gluteus maximus, runs diagonally from the lower spine to the upper surface of the femur
Muscles of thigh and leg: Tensor fasciae latae
IT band, proximal anterolateral thigh
Muscles of thigh and leg: Pectineus
pubic bone to the femur
Muscles of the thigh and leg: Adductors: Adductor Brevis
short, lateral
Muscles of the thigh and leg: Adductors: Adductor Longus
longer, lies in the middle
Muscles of the thigh and leg: Adductors: Adductor Magnus
largest one, interior of thigh
Muscles of the thigh and leg: Gracilis
interior of thigh, most medial
Muscles of the thigh and leg: Sartorius
runs obliquely over the adductors and gracilis
Muscles of the thigh and leg: Hamstrings: Biceps Femoris
lateral, long and short head
Muscles of the thigh and leg: Hamstrings: Semitendinosus
superficicial to semimenbranosus
Muscles of the thigh and leg: Hamstrings: Semimembranosus
deep to semitendinosus
Quads Group: Rectus Femoris
most superficial
Quads Group: Vastus medialis
Quads Group: Vastus lateralis
Quads Group: Vastus intermedius
deep to rectus femoris
Lower leg muscles: Tibialis Anterior
Lower leg muscles: Extensor Hallucis longus
long, connects to the big toe
Lower leg muscles: Extensor digitorum longus
connects to digits, lateral
Calf muscles: Soleus
deep to gastrocnemius muscle
Calf muscle: Achilles tendon
connects your calf muscle in the back of your low leg to the heel bone in your foot
Calf muscles: Plantaris
runs down back of leg
Cuestionario |
Africanna Studies: Medieval Ghana , Mali 🇲🇱, and Songhai Empires III |
It-grabbarna CCNA1 |
kemiska och fysikaliska mätemetoder |
History WW1 Revision |
AP Lang: Vocab Quiz |
german flashcards theme 2 |
history 2 some people to know |
Epithelial Cells |
Première semaine - Embryo |
Chapter 4 VocabThe great gastby vocab def |
Chapter 6 VocabGreat Gatsby Vocab def |
Animals |
German wordsToets 1 |
specialised cell |
disorders of childhood |
body image & eating disorders |
Protéines associées aux microfilaments d'actine |
clubpremière experience club libertin |
Project management mid term |
HHD: how are countries classified |
bysbysbysbysybs |
development therory and applications thas 104 |
Chapter 10 Vocab |
Chapter 10 Questions |
schizophrenia |
HHD: Aus dietary guildlines and health eating pyramid |
HHD: funding, sustainabilty, access, equity of medicare, PBS, NDIS, PHI |
Interview questions |
Chemistry 2.4 |
personality disorders |
Chemistry 2.3 |
math |
Chemistry 2.2 |
Ord. |
pharmaceutical microbiology week 5 |
Chapter 6 |
AK 2.6 Samenhang: ontwikkeling en migratie |
AK 2.5 Samenhang: ontwikkeling en demografie |
Chapter 5 |
Filosofie begrippen module 1 |
AK 2.2 Patronen: bevolkingsspreiding en cultuurgebieden |
anph 12 unit e - plasma membrane |
origins of digital computing |
freud's structural model of mind and its role in psychoanalysis |
kks,sks,sks,sk,s,s,s |
freud's structural model of the mind |
AK 2.1 Patronen: verschillen in welvaart |
ScienceFor quiz coming up - Oct 30th |
Deborah Peters |
Deborah PetersFrench flashcards |
Portuguese days of the week vocabVoacbulary |
Shatterpoint - Maximal skadaHur mycket skada kan olike enheter glra i Shatterpoint? |
Romeo&Juliet - character revision |
Levensbeschouwing |
Psychology YR 1 |
Clinical Psychology - Diagnosis and tools |
sexual disorders |
English Language YR 1 |
Poetry quotes, connotations and contextFor xmas |
Portuguese NumbersNumbers in Portuguese. |
RE Sowa's Xmas mockMarriage and the family, Living the christian life. |
Rogers |
Portuguese Days of the week questionsPortuguese Days of the Week and Hour/Minute |
NGEA31Summary of lecture slides |
Statuatory Interpretation |
TERM 1 - LAW |
SAA085För tentamen, |
Scienceughygyg |
Eng en flex jaar 1 |
Probability concepts |
mood disorders |
HHD: Health system |
Probability Distributions |
HHD: Action areas of Ottwa charta |
OCD & trauma-related disorders |
conversarionTest 02 |
professionaltest 01 |
HHD: Public health |
anxiety disorders |
classification of mental disorders |
People |
High Valyrian |
chapter 4 |
Africanna Studies: Medieval Ghana , Mali 🇲🇱 , & Songhai Civilizations II |
Information Systems, research methods |
Freud |
chapter 3 |
Mang. & Org. |
Karate Terms |
vocabulary gamevocabulary game- go fish synonyms |
chapter 1 |
BIO Qs I missed |
OPTA 215 (Supporting Clients) |
Economie H2/3 begrippen |
Economie formules H2/3/6/9/10/11 |
500 단어words from "my first 500 korean words" book 1 |
Maths |
bacteria |
PATHOLOGY 1pathology 1
bronchite |
acidsacids |
lukas sahlin |
Ontwikkelingspsychologie |
Economie H9/10/11 begrippen |
fungi |
Organelles functions |
plants cell |
bio- Mrs H Gren |
Bio 105 Lecture 6 |
social studies |
Ions polyatomiques |
historu rubia |
HHD: undersumption, high intake, low intake of fruit and veg, dairy, fat, fibre |
micro |
Expressions je suis fatigué |
Personnalité |
♡ describing appearance |
Expressions communes |
feelings/symptoms |
Bio 111 Lecture 12 |
Measurements and Dimensions |
Adjectif |
Expression de ses impressions |
Questions |
Expression de sentiment |
Verbe |
♡ Marqueurs de temps |
kenneth fahlberg |
mikaela björklund fahlberg |
madonna |
science pt.1 |
Émotions |
INDG1. PE Basics 2 |
Science Cell Quiz Unit 1for science test |
BBP181 midterm prep |
tottenham hotspur |
kenneth fahlberg |
njurunda |
matfors |
schack |
fotboll |
Spanish |
verb rule |
Geneesmiddelkunde |
verb |
Spanish module 1 |
Grundläggande strålningsfysik & strålskyddInstuderingsfrågor och gamla tenta |
people |
Nurul idah TAYAMMUMNurul idah vocabs revision for 2nd year exams topic: TAYAMMUM |
nurul idah GHUSLvocab flashcards for 2nd year nurul idah exams for topic: GHUSL |
Computer studies - Algorithms |
Structure of a bacterial cell |
Prokaryotic cells and viruses |
HHD: Alcohol, smoking, sugar, low iron, BMI, impact on Burden of disease and health status |
HHD: Health Status Indicators |
JLPT N2 (1)il faut mettre la traduction et la lecture du mot (côte à côte, sans ponctuation) |
Tenta Essä Begrepp |
ApproachesPsychology revision |
Cell ultrastructure |
FöreläsningarSlay |
duits examenidioomh1 en h2 |
music |
Ak H2 § 1 t/m 4. Basis boeknummers, begrippen, aantekeningen. 2 Havo/Vwo |
Nepali-English Translation |
HHD: 5 Dimensions of Healh and wellbeing |
HHD: Health and wellbeing |
fransfranse woorden |
branden |
Types of Clouds |
Clouds |
AP LANG RC practicePractice Tanya doing at home |
New WordsQuiz me on the definitions for the following words: loathe, reprimand, lackluster, caustic, wrest, infamous, jostle, dupe, incipient, inadvertent, ominous, tremulous, repudiate, cessation, bristle, eu... |
The study of the properties of matter and the changes it undergoes.
An agent that burns or destroys living tissue.
Homogenous Mixture
A mixture in which particles are uniform... |
the roaring 20's |
PrecipitationPrecipitation |
french flash cards |
Vocabulario |
psycology midterm 3 |
the great depression 1930s |
Theory Comm Exam 2 |
Finansiell analys 2.0 - k |
glosor |
spanska 4 tidsuttryck dåtid |
ash |
Geography |
art |
löpande redovisning |
Kindermishandeling |
ento. |
anatomy lecture 3 exam |
VäderHögtryck, lågtryck, nederbördstyper, m.m. |
BBP182 midterm prep |
gs woordjesha |
No - Prov - Kroppen💕💕💐 |
Finansiell analys 2.0 |
health |
Tree ident - latin to english |
Espagnol Vocabulario : El Flamenco |
définitions droit |
Unit 2 - Lisa Walker |
Meningit |
Straffrätt JPG 014 |
Infektiösa tarmsjukdomar Endokardit |
Medicine through time |
PE: Nutrion |
PE: Strategies to Improve Performance and Recovery |
Homework Week 43 |
??? |
PE: Chronic adaptations to training |
PE: Training principles and training methods |
PE: Fitness components |
PE: Acute responses |
PE: Energy systems |
PE: levers |
PE: Qualitative movement |
PE: Direct or constraint based coaching |
PE: Feedback for skill development |
PE: Learning stages movement skills |
PE: Characteristics of skills and stages of learning |
Mod 7 Regulating Gene Expression |
Mod 6 Protein Synthesis |
Vocabulary #6This Vocabulary quiz consist of 10 words |
Factors Affecting the Business Environment |
lecon 4AFrench 9 |
225 |
PE: biomechanicsbiomechanics test |
OPTA 204 (sleep) |
Physics |
French |
OPTA 222 (Cerebral Palsy) |
OPTA 222 (Tourette Syndrome) |
1510 MIDTERM |
OPTA 222 (ADHD) |
demografi |
PSY113 midterm prep |
laagland module 3 |
driving test |
mode 2 week 2 |
Astronomy |
Physics P2a revision - copy x |
Läkemedel Cellväggssynteshämmare |
Business Test#2 |
biology |
Populuma |
latijns 3.Alatijn 3.A |
Neuroscience and control |
Persuasieve Communicatie |
greyhoundraise your knowledge on history and training of a greyhound |
Celler & vävnaderceller & vävnader |
Läkemedel Pneumeni - ProteinsynteshämmareMakrolider och tetracykliner |
Blodet & immunförsvaretblodet |
1MC615 - SEPSIS & UVI |
variables and tests. |
photosnthesis. |
georiv |
knoppar |
Mod 5 Molecular basis of Inheritance |
Animal/Plant cell anatomy (flashcards)KILL ME PLEASEEE (It's 12:33AM) |
Different body systems (flashcards)AHHHHHH I hate quizzessssss (also made at 12:26AM) |
Cell ---> Organism (flashcard)Science test flashcards I might at literal 12:20AM the day before the test. |
science |
irregular verb conjugations |
fractions, decimals and percents |
Universum NO |
Cybersecurity Final Exam |
scisci test |
Kemet Civilization |
Soci Test 2 |
Science testScience test soon need to sturdy. |
Africanna Studies: Ancient Christian ✝️ Nubia |
Biology 102 Exam 2 |
Africanna Studies: Medieval Ghana 🇬🇭, Mali , & Songhai Civilizations I |
l'approche phénoménologiqur |
month , day in a week |
numbers 0-100 |
style academy |
chapter 7 - 1480 |
1MC615- INFEKTIONSSJUKDOMAR - INFEKTION & PNEUMONIVi lever tillsammans med mikroorganismer som inte ska hamna på fel ställe. |
Kemiprov |
Homework porter |
GeografiPrivate |
bio |
SOC Term 1 |
Naturvetenskap |
PE-Psychological and social principles(paper 2)-Classification Continuums(3.2.1) |
Amount of substance (Chapter 2) (CHEMISTRY) |