meeting needs of the present without compronmising ability of future gens
having average income in all countires to sustain decent standard of living
soceity that meets needs of all citizens can be motivated always
ensure natural environment used in a sustinable way that keeps resources for future
kids can go to school have friends social h&wb
ensure all people earn decent income and can access education,healthcare, mental h&wb less stress & anxiety
work is safe less likely to be in dangerous condtions better physical h&wb less injuries
better peace and security as adults can work, kids in school supportive friends
if climate change is reduced less risk of natural disasters impacts mental h&wb less stress & anxiety
economic growth get job leads to income, can then get an education, if people are educated learn how to reduce waste and keep clean
creating environment which people can devlop to full potential lead productive , creative lives according to their needs and interests
devlop to full potential
lead productive & creative lives
according to their needs & interests
access to knowledge
decent standard of living
life of comminuity
descions affecting their lives
tool devloped by united nations to measure & rank countries level of social & economic devlopment
long healthy life - LE at birth how long someone will live
knowledege - mean years of school average years of education by age 25 - expected years of schooling number of years kid goes to school from start school age
Gni per capita - Gross national income GPC overall income of country after debt has been paid to other countires divided by population of country
good for analysing progress of a country overtime
provides one statistic to make a comparsion
no data collected on how people feel about there lives & issues
HDI doesn't measure gender equlity