describes bx in relations to external events, focuses on observable bx
describes bx by usinf character traits and attributes or labels, what skinner would call explanitory fictions
1) identifying the bx to be measured
2) define the bx in observable terms
3) select an appropriate observation and data-recording method
an assessment used to evaluate the acceptability or viabilty of a programmed intervention
applied, bx, analytic, technological, coneptually systematic, effective and generality
objective - describe observable charactersitics
clear - make sure its readable, clear start and end, other people can replicate
complete - identidy boudnries of what is included and what is excluded
the form of bx/ what it looks like/ category it falls under
repeatabilty (count, rate, celeration) - instances of bx can occur repeadetly through time
temporal extent (duration) - every instnce of behavior occurs during some amount of time
temporal locus (latency) - every instance of bx occurs at a certain point in time wiht respect to other events
simple tally of the number of instances a bx occurs
the degree to which 2 independent observers report the same observed values after measuring the same events, smaller count/larger count x 100
# of responses per unit of time
a measure of how rates of response change over time
duration per occurence - duration of time that each instance of the target bx occurs
total duration per session - cumulative time a person engages in the target bx in an hour, day week month etc.
a measure of the elapsed time between the onset of a stimulus and a subsequent response
a measure of the amount of time that eslapses between two consecutive instances of bx
a ratio or proportion
a measure of the number of response oppurtunities needed to achieve the predetermined level of performance