errors, omissions, or negligent acts causing damage or loss occurring as a result of performing professional services while trading in real estate
trust account
the public; a registrant; the Association of Saskatchewan REALTORS®; a local board committee; the Superintendent of Real Estate; the Saskatchewan Real Estate Commission on its own volition
meets the educational and experience requirements to be a managing broker, has signing authority for all matters pertaining to their branch office, and has the supervisory responsibilities of a broker over that branch manager's branch office.
time-share plan
meets the educational and experience requirements to be a broker, but who is providing real estate services under the supervision of a broker
1) Responsibility for the brokerage;
2) Responsibility for exercising the rights conferred on the brokerage and the performance of duties imposed on the brokerage by its licence; and
3) Responsibility for the control and conduct of the brokerage's real estate business, including the supervision of its related registrants.
mortgage fraud
- Regulatory bylaw (due to pertaining to the eduction)
- No regulatory byalw can come into effect until approved by the Superintendent and the SLA Saskatchean Legastlative Aseembly
- authorization to present the brokerge that the assocate broker is registered with
- active employment as a salesperson, associate broker, broker or branch manger fora period o 2 years during the precindg 5 years
- successful completion of the eductional requirmetns prescirbed the the SREC Bylaws
- executed in the precense of a withness unless there is an applicable exemption
- contain a single expiry date that is less than 12 months from the date of the agency agreement
- show the total amount of commission to be paid to te broekerage and how it is to be calcuated