a a form of gene that is that is dominant or recessive
a pair with the same shape,size,length,same genes but diffrent alleles
4 haploid cells
a certain physical peice of dna that will code for anspecific protein
A piece of DNA and a associated protein
it's a process in meiosis where homologous chromosomes pair up
A allele that will be expressed in a homozygous or heterozygous condition
Elias that can be only expressed in the homozygous condition
The genetic makeup of a cell or organism (combination of alleles)
phenotype is how the genotype is expressed example physical characteristics of a organism
two of the same alleles for one gene RR OR rr
two different alleles for the same genes Rr or Aa
The proportion of one thing to another
The portion of one thing to a total
meiosis will occur within diploid reproductive organs, called ovaries for females and testes for male
is a cross between two organisms, the difference with one characteristic
it means there was a dominant homozygous parent
alleles with different genes assort independently of one another during the gamete formation
when they're closer together, they have a lower chance of recombinant because the frequency is very close to zero
Turner syndrome
there would be short stature, a webbing neck, mental challenges, rudimentary ovaries and no menstruation in females
down syndrome
they will have distinct facial features,lower set eyes, a protruding tongue, shorter statue, and they also will have heart problems
there is a extra X chromosome