The criteria for scientific knowledge formulated by K. Popper
possibility of verification and falsifiability
What are the criteria of scientific knowledge according to O.Kont
Measurability and empirically based
The term sociological imagination was suggested by
Phrase "The aim does not justify the means" describes the ethical principles in research
Four questions in each research
what, where, when, why?
Bibliography, visual, field methods, content analysis can be combined into a group
Qualitative methods
Statistics, survey, network analysis, content analysis can be combined into a group
Quantitative methods
Research methods are applied for searching
The interpretation of relationship between a large number of facts and data collected in a research
The theories of Einstein and Newton in physics formed new
Paradigm (perspective)
He is considered the father of science, argued that science begins from an act of faith that we can
trust our senses, that the world around is not an illusion.
Perspective in the social sciences:
All are correct
A perspective in which society is studied as an arena of permanent struggle for social benefits (power, money, respect, etc.). The most influential groups determine social norm.
A perspective in which society is studied at the micro level. It examines the constructed during
everyday social interactions social order in a particular group.
Symbolic interactionism
One of the founders of sociology, introduces the concept of anomie of society for explanation of
sharply increased number of suicides in Paris
One of the founders of sociology who paid attention to the spread of organizations in the life of
O. Comte was the founder of
The founder of the conflict perspective, according to his logic attitudes towards the means of
production determine the conscience of the social groups
Qualitative changes in people way of life are called
Social changes
The most important agent of social changes in contemporary is
Globalization mainly is provided by
The principle of this method is “the image instead words”
Visual methods
Visual methods include
Photo, video, maps
In what theory does G. Ritzer formulate an explanation of the spreading the principles of fast food eatery to all spheres of society?
McDonaldization of society
For its exclusion from the process of making goods modern society is often called
Consumer society
The culture of unlimited consumption has led to significant problems in
One of the most important problems of Kazakhstan in ecology
Accesss to clean water
The process of moving people to cities
Researchers from which university first began to apply field research methods to study the life of a big city (ethnic districts, nightlife, gangs, etc. ).
An interdisciplinary scientific direction that studies the problems of a modern city, incl . how
infrastructure (buildings, roads, public spaces) affects the daily interactions of people.
A type of field study in which typical behavior, norms and values are described during long-term
A type of field research which study ways, methods of ordering everyday interactions, producing social order.
The founders of ethnomethodology
G. Garfinkel and I. Hoffman
A type of field research based on the understanding that social life is expressed in a large scale in
conversations, from which it is possible to study the social order in a particular group.
Conversation analysis
In a field study is important to identify the typicality of the interaction, validity of the data. For this reason necessary to do
frequency or longtime observations
Studying family in social sciences includes question
What happens with family as one of the social institutions?
What are the trends in marriage and divorce in the world and in Kazakhstan over the past 50 years
Growth of divorces
What correlates with the increase in divorce rates
Rise of the social status of women
What are the trends in fertility in the world and in Kazakhstan over the past 50 years
Decline in the birth rate per woman
Logical mistake when several cases presents as a rule
sampling mistake
What correlates with the increase in divorce rates
Rise of the social status of women
What are the trends in fertility in the world and in Kazakhstan over the past 50 years
Decline in the birth rate per woman
What correlates with the decline in fertility
All answers
Activities in which a married couple determines how many and when to give birth to children
Family planning
Methods of family planning when various contraceptives are used
A new kind of relationship which is criticized for family commodification and abortion procedures.
Surrogate motherhood
Medical discipline which studies the ethical problems of such phenomena as surrogate motherhood,
IVF, abortion, cloning, euthanasia
The influence of the state on family relations through supporting or restricting laws and measures
Family policy
Research method in which is studied “what has already been studied”, the most authoritative works on the topic are searched for
For bibliography it is useful to work
In special databases
To find the most authoritative works for bibliography it is necessary to pay attention to
Citation index
The research method by which media materials are studied as facts
Content analysis
Justified the method of content analysis in the book "Propaganda Technique in the World War" in 1927.
G. Lasswell
Content analysis main question
How the news are presented?
In content analysis it is counting and studying the context of applying
key words (sense units)
Methods of family planning when sexual behavior is limited during periods of high probability of pregnancy of a woman
The principles and values of presenting news in certain edition are expressed in
Editorial policy
Well known indicator of inequality
Ginny coefficient
Theory that explains social inequality through people's access to various social relationships (family, government services, market, education, politics, etc.).
Inclusion/exclusion theory
Working with statistics, doubts about the credibility of the data should be expressed
At the mention of the data source
The description of graphs or tables should begin with a sentence that answers questions
What? Where? When?
1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 20. What is the median?
1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10. What is the mode?
Statistical relationship between indicators
A causal relationship must be distinguished from
In 1973, in the book The Power of Weak Ties, M. Granovetter substantiated the use
Social network analysis method
Applying the network research method, attention is drawn to
On structure and nodes in social graphs
Conducting surveys, the most important issue is the representativeness of the results, i.e. question about
What type of sampling involves providing a non-zero probability of each element of the general
population to get into the sample
Why internet comments don't represent public opinion
People spend different time on the Internet, not everyone write comments
The reliability of survey data is ensured by
Repeatability of the survey by several organizations
A perspective in which society is studied as a mechanism. The problems of society (for example, divorce) are considered here as breakdowns of the system.
Quiz |
karate words1japenese words you need to get yellow belt |
cells,diffusion, and osmosis |
Holly Hanshaw |
Inequalities |
Actus Décembre 2023 |
End of term7 |
D3 Responses of Travel & Tourism Organisations to External & Internal Factors |
End of term6 |
End of term5 |
End of term4 |
End of term3,,, |
s |
hydraulics 4301-343 |
2.perodic table and bonding |
hydraulics 3251-300 |
hydraulics 2211-250 |
Verbes Passe Compose |
espagnol |
Katakana IE FI WAbabe you're looking mighty fine today *lip bites* |
definitionschemisty definitions |
End of term2/// |
End of term1..... |
urgentní medicina |
College Chem Final |
science testscience test review |
Criminal Law- UDAM |
Slime Molds - Biodiversity |
philo voc 1 |
Tort law- Negligence |
Retorische analyse |
Argumentatie |
cellstalk about cells |
Hlp autorité et séduction parolehlp autorité séduction parole |
عربی |
physics |
.S.S. finalstudie |
Types of Asexual Reproduction (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Cell Cycle - Cell Biology |
introduction to Sociolinguistics |
hydraulicshydraulics final |
English |
engels |
vocab JC 2julius caeser |
droit pénal et science criminelles - copy1 |
engels woordenschat |
Vitiating Factors (Misrepresentaion) |
Terms |
Chromosomes (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Sciences |
Meiosis (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Ploidy (Pre-IB SC 9) |
DNA Structure/Function (Pre-IB SC 9) |
set 4 vocab |
histoire |
social psychology |
economie begrippen hz4 |
economie reken formules hz3 |
economie begrippen hz3 |
history test 2 |
espagnol |
Science-The Earth |
frans unite 3 |
الكمي تأسيس مراجعة قوانين |
Elavon |
Barclaycard |
Texts IRGS |
Worldpay |
Dojo |
Occupation Theorist's |
Sociolect Theorist's |
droit pénal et science criminelles |
3 (1-2) |
llcedkdkd |
(1-2) 1 |
(1-2) 2 |
pob insurance |
Bio PouchinetExamen fatal final de la MORT |
final |
Bio révision |
Japanese Semester 1 Final Review |
kemi 1 |
Chemistry-midterm 2022-2023 |
cellen van planten en dieren |
biologie |
8 Times Tables |
Anatomie système nerveux |
US History Semester 1 exam |
Joy Purperhart💓 |
duits worteliste a blz 112 |
science |
unit 1 particles and mixtureschemsitry |
sem 1 exam history |
karson |
forces and motions |
Amino acids and Proteins- Biochemistry |
monetary |
unit 2 vocab 1 |
Midterm 1: Interpersonal Attraction |
gsegypte havo/vwo MEMO paragraaf 1.3 & 1.4 |
C1- physique-chimie |
verbe irregulier |
Begrippen - H. 4 |
Midterm 3: Psychological Well-being + Prosocial Behaviour |
Modes |
Midterm 1: Social Cognition |
Stats final review chapter 12 |
Stats final review chapter 9 |
MTC 1140 week 2 |
Stats final review chapter 7 |
Stats final review chapter 5 |
Anatomie système musculaire |
Stats final review chapter 4 |
geschiedenis |
Stats final review chapter 3 |
Stats final review chapter 2 |
Physiopatho examen III |
Stats final review chapter 1 |
show me tell me |
duits. |
Criminal Law- Murder |
Criminal Law- Consent |
le rechauffement climatique |
polyatomic |
key concepts RGS |
Kunstgeschiedenis Kunstenaars Flashcards 2023 |
Fungi- Biodiversity |
Straffrätt |
Anatomie système squelettique |
CRIM3016 - exam |
Midterm 1: the Self |
Geo |
spanish |
Midterm 1: Introduction |
englishvocab |
cabin crew exam - copy |
NSE 101 |
Mitosis (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Midterm 3: Prejudice |
cours 12 Les Canadiens aux Jeux Olympiques : 1960-2022 |
Midterm 3: Aggression |
Cours 8 Sports de balles et ballons |
netflix series |
Cours 7 Loisir, sport de masse et les Canadiens français s’emparent du sport |
French vocub |
module 6 final exam review : skeletal and muscular systems |
espagnolwjjsjs |
Formules UE4 |
Waves gcse higher |
bio |
Nutrition |
Horror and Terror Authors |
entrepeneurship test |
Physiologie urinaire |
L2 S1 : HCE : IIIème République (6) |
L2 S1 : HCE : 2nd Empire (5) |
Equilibre acido-basique |
Système nerveux |
L2 S1 : HCE : II ème République (4) |
3Bet Ranges |
L2 S1 : HCE : Monarchie de Juillet (3) |
Question |
TENTA 3 - organisation |
TENTA 3 - ritningsläsning |
WBCs |
Cours 6 Jeux français et sports autochtones en Nouvelle-France |
begrippen hoofdstuk 5 t/m 8 |
Phase Potentiation |
itm 618 week 3 |
stems list w |
Communication |
Organisation du noyau |
nucleic acidThe polymer of DNA is called |
itm618 week 2final exam review |
bacteriology |
NGO toets 2.3 & 2.4 |
1- SCIN 1556 Communication infirmière (examen finale) |
dual facial |
Nucleic acids (a-level) |
chapter-2 |
Afrikanska huvudstäder |
La membrane plasmique |
Mitochondries |
bio 11 |
Pharmacology |
Cytosquelette |
newfoundland drivi g test |
Communication cellulaire |
Les choses practiques |
History |
bill of rights |
french directionsFrench directions |
BLG101 Chapter 16 |
Last section of soc |
Diverse 1 |
French- Verb to like |
French- Pronouns |
ADN, opéron Trp |
Ljud och ljus begreppNO prov begrepp träning |
infection and responses |
geschiedenis hoofstuk 2hoofdstuk 2 woorden |
Chem-121 Exam |
PHL Final |
Lipides 1 et 2 |
Lipides 3 |
test review |
Python |
lecture 1-4 research methdology |
Lois de probabilités |
Business- Booklet F |
Intérêts des statistiques |
7 ontleedbare stoffen |
Rayons X |
metallurgy exam reviewmetallurgy exam review |
CHYS 2P10 Final Flashcards- from lecture content from the remaining lectures |
Week 11 - Skin Care 1 - Assignment - Nutrition |
RBCs |
Fizika |
Week 12 - Skin Care 1 - Assignment - Cosmetic Chemistry Part 1 and Part 2 |
Key Spanish Vocab Year 10 Mocks |
1.2.2Demand |
1.1.5Specialisation and the Division of Labour |
1.4. Mon école au quotidien |
1.1.4Production Possibility Frontiers |
bocchiaro |
model |
milgram |
Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Authors and titles |
1.1.1 - 1.1.3Nature of Economics |
woorden 3 |
Reversible reactions |
Rate of reaction |
cellbiologi - metabolism |
Inhibition enzymatique |
Anatomy bonesbones i need for my anatomy test |
Geography Year 9 Term 1Includes
-oceanic and continental crusts
-pangea and evidence
-convection currents
-plate boundaries (diagrams, what happens, features) |
Intersectionallities RG&S |
Détermination protéines |
SRMSocial Research Methodology |
L2 S1 : DP (6,7,8) |
L2 S1 : DP : Les élements constitutifs de l'IP : élément moral (5 2/2) |
MEtabolism |
Tentamen Kwalitatief Onderzoek |
Figure de répulsion |
Stéréochimie |
L2 S1 : DP : Les élements constitutifs de l'infraction pénale : élément matériel (5 1/2) |
WW6 |
lucy |
Psy 3080 final exam |
civics unit test |
macromolecules |
digestive system |
chapter 4 |
Etre- to be (present tense) |
Samhällskunskap 9 prov |
RE judaism |
modern world exam |
latijn woorden 1/130latijn leren |
Hoofdstuk 1 #2 |
Reading Unit 5 Vocabulary 11-20 |
1- SCIN 1505 Discipline infirmières (mi-session) |
english vocabulary (mixed) |
discipline infirmière |
anglais |
History of Ireland |
L2 S1 : DP : L'application de la loi pénale (4 2/2) |
Pools hoofdstuk 1 #1 |
Mécanique ventilatoire |
L'appareil ventilatoire |
L2 S1 : DP : L'application de la loi pénale (4 1/2) |
Physiologie respiratoire |
yr 9 knowledge JPN |
Triple gcse biology paper 2 |
Bella Dunnelecrity |
german 12 |
Gonnerhea |
memory |
jia yi rekenen |
memory |
jia yi |
Unit 15: Key terms |
Final Exam Questions |
All Quiet on the Western Front List C |
biologygrowth and differentiation year 9 |