HIC gni per capita =$13,206
LIC = up to $1,085
middle income countries:
HMIC =$4,256 - $13,205
LMIC =$1,086 - $4,235
total value of goods and services a countires citizens produced including how much gov can spend on services & infrastructure. Includes money earned by someone overseas
a countires average income
HIC Poverty: Very low or none. has extreme povery $1.90/day relitive poverty living on less than countires gni
MIC poverty: Still have levels of extreme poverty but higher than HIC. Transistioning.
LIC poverty: Large partcipation of population live in poverty & extreme poverty
HIC birth & population: Low birth rate, slow population growth access to contraceptio & education
MIC birth & population: high rate of birth and growth. Lack of education + family plannning which slow down rates in MIC
LIC birth & population: high birth & growth lack of education & family planning.
HIC food security: Generally have access to quality food supply
MIC food security: genrally access to quality food but some groups have fodd insurcurity
LIC food secuirty: lack of food secuirty natural disasters impact food supply
LE increases in all income groups
obesity rate & condtions increase in all income groups
LE is considered better in HIC compared to MIC & LIC
Many MIC have double burden of disease compared to HIC
process where boundaries between countires on reduced or elimanted allowing people, groups & companies to act on global scale
activites of a company associated with selling a product or service including advertising & delivering
Access to clean water: kids miss school due to collecting water. Unclean water more infections and disease in MIC & LIC.
poverty: $1.90/day extreme poverty from lack of income if people are unemployed gov can't collect tax so can't provide health care.
tobbacco manfactures target LIC & MIC they want to make up for lost revenue in HIC. theres no laws that restrict tobbaco
Alcohol targets LIC & MIC make up lose revenue in HIC and no laws to restrict it. Alcohol big factor in obesity & injuries
no regulation in HIC, MIC, LIC with increased movment from rural LC city can market to them increased life sytle diseases