the deliberate termination of a pregnancy
the feotus has the right to live
its the womans choice
women should chose because its her body
in case of rape
not fair to bring an unwanted child into the world
adoption is an alternative
playing God
ending a life before it begins
can save lives and uses jesus example of loving ur neigbour and healing the sick
not enough is known about the treatment so life is put at risk
S- sacrament
P- permanent
E- exclusive
L- lifegiving
L- love
from the moment of conception
24 weeks
12-14 days
were all made in the image of God
a slavery system
it abused the rights of the indigenous people
the humans and pigs have the ability to draw and think because we are all made in Gods image
humans were created
adam was made from soil
eve was made from the rib of adam
animals were made from soil
men and woman are treated equally and made in the image and likeliness of God
something that cant be changed, given up or taken away
all life has value and worth
image and likeliness of god
humans are interconnected
humans are capable of reasoning and understanding