-in 1933 he was appointed (not elected) chancellor
-he wasnt given full control unless an emergency or crisis
-the parlaiment buildings are set fire to (arson)
-it is an emergency so hitler takes full power as dictator
-hitler begins to rebuild army, navy and airforce
-puts into effect antisemetic laws
because he annouced plans to overthrow the government
he wrote his manifesto mein kampf (my struggle)
-an autobiographical treatise outlining hitlers beliefs and plans for germany
-wanted more territory for germany
-wanted racial purity (aryans) and dominance of aryan race
-wanted to eliminate jewish people
-german dominance and power
-hates communists
-calls for revenge against the french
-threatened and scared nazi members to show up to vote
-won by 43.9% of the vote
-allowed government to pass and enforce laws without anyone objecting
-made germany and hitler a dictatorship