O: c1- c4 transverse process
I: medial border of scapula, superior to spine
A: scapula elevation
O: occiptal bone
nuchal ligament
thoracic spinous processes
I: clavicle
spine of the scapula
A: depression
scapula elevation
O:C7-T5 spinous processes
I: medial border of scapula
A: scapula retraction
O: Spinous processes of lumbar and lower thoracic
I: Bicipital groove of the humerous
A: arm adduciton
arm elevation
medial rotation of arm
O:ilium crest
lower thoracic and lumbar spinous processes
I: transverse/ spinous thoracic and cervical vertebrae
A: back extension
lateral flexion of the back
I:mastoid process of the temporal bone
A: neck flexion
neck rotation
lateral flexion of the neck
innermost: fibers run downwards, and backwards (expiration)
internal: fibers run downwards, and backwards (expiration)
extrernal: fibers run downwards, and forward (inspiration)
O: inferior thoracic aperture
I: central tendon
A: inspiration
O: Medial attatchment--> lateral surface of ribs of 1-9
I: Lateral attatchment--> medial border of scapula
A: protraction of scapula
O: sternum
thoracic ribs 1-7
I:bicipital groove of humerous
medial rotation of arm
O: ribs 2-5
I: coracoid process of the scapula
A: weak shoulder protaction
O: pubis bone
I: xiphoid process
lower ribs
A:stabilize pelvis when walking
flex vertebral column
O: outer surface of ribs
I: linea alba
rotation and lateral flexion of vertebral column
O: lumbar fascia
iliac crest
I:linea alba
lower ribs
A: flex
lateral flexion
O: lumbar fascia
iliac crest
I: linea alba
A: compresses abdominal content