comparing it to something else by using LIKE or AS or THAN (e.g AS cold AS ice or swim LIKE a fish
repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words (e.g Big Brown Bear)
exaggerated statement or claim that shouldn't be taken literally (e,g her smile was a mile wide)
when a single word ot phrase is used multiple times (e.g TIME after TIME or HEART to HEART)
repetition of vowels sounds in any part of a word (e.g clAp your hAnds And stAmp your feet)
technique used to create and outcome that is opposite from what was expected (e.g if it were a rainy, cold, gray day you might say "what a beautiful day")
a question that isn't or shouldn't be answered (e.g if you prick us, do we not bleed)
a naming word (e.g it names a person, an animal, a place, or a thing)
when we list things using commas (e.g I want to eat an apple, banana, and orange)
short story of an amusing or interesting event (e.g I remember when I used to sit on my dads lap when I was little while he drove around delivering mail)
when we give an object or thing human like features (e.g the snowflakes danced in the cold winter breeze)
naming thing of an action or a work that sounds like a noise (e.g buzz, hiss, crunch, boom)
comparing two things that are unrelated (e.g her cheeks were on fire or he has a heart of a stone)
a describing word to describe a person, place, animal, or a object this usually comes after a noun (Jane is a CLEVER girl)