Psychology 1100 Quiz 2
what is Consiousness
everything of which we are aware at any
given time, our thoughts, feelings, mental processes,
and events outside ourselves.
What happens in Sleep Stage 1
unaware you are in it
theta waves, hynagonic imergary, includes bizzare imagery
May have sensation of falling (hypnic myoclonia) or experience
sudden jerks (myoclonic jerks) of limbs
How Long is the first stage of sleep?
About 10 mins
What happens during stage 2 of sleep?
Burst of electrical activity (sleep spindles) and k-complexes appear.
heart and body rate lower and muscles relax.
spend about 65% of sleep in this stage
How long does stage 2 of sleep last?
about 30 minutes
What happens during stage 3&4 of sleep
Slow wave sleep and delta waves.
Non-rem sleep
difficult to awaken
43% of dream reports
How long does sleep stage 3&4 last?
about 30 minutes
What happens during stage 5 of sleep?
vivid dreaming happens
rem sleep
20-25% of our nights sleep
How long does stage 5 of sleep last?
about 20 minutes
What is Classical Conditioning?
A type of learning in which an organism comes
to associate stimuli
What is operant conditioning
A type of learning in which behaviour is
strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a
What is Unconditioned Stimulus?
An unlearned stimulus that automatically triggers a
What is unconditioned Response?
The unlearned, naturally occurring response to the
unconditioned stimulus
What is conditioned stimulus?
An originally irrelevant stimulus that, after
association with an US, comes to trigger a CR
What is Conditioned Response
The learned response to a CS.
What is extinction
Lessening of a CR, when US does not occur after a CS.
spontanius recovery
The reappearance after a pause, of an extinguished CR
The tendency for stimuli similar to
the CS to elicit similar CRs
The learned ability to distinguish between a CS and
stimuli that do not signal an US.
Conditioned sexual arousal
Something as seemingly gross as
onion breath can become
associated with sexual arousal
Whole-object bias:
Infants assume that a novel
word they hear refers to a whole object
Shape bias (taxonomic bias).
Infants generalize their word to other “like kinds”
Mutual exclusivity:
The child rejects the notion that a novel word is a synonym
of a word they already know. (handle cup example example)
involves allowing an infinite number of unique sentences
to be created by combining words in novel ways
are simple, thinking strategies that allow us to
make judgments and solve problems efficiently
Functional Fixedness
The tendency to be rigid in how
one thinks about an object’s function
Working memory:
Memory you use for information
you are actively working on.
Are organized knowledge structures
that we’ve stored in memory.
Method of Loci:
Visualize a familiar room in detail,
Explicit memory
(declarative memory) stores
information that can be brought to mind verbally or
can be stored in images
Episodic memory
a part of explicit memory that stores the
memory of the events of your life.
Implicit memory
memory without awareness
Semantic memory
knowledge, facts & information.
Misinformation Effect
incorporating misleading information
into one’s memory of how an event unfolded.
Operant Conditioning
A form of learning in which the consequences of
involves something being given
Negative .
involves something being taken away.
strengthens behaviour
weakens behaviour
Positive reinforcement
refers to any pleasant or
desirable consequence that, if applied after a response,
increases the probability that the response will re-occur
Positive punishment
refers to the application of an
unpleasant stimulus, which tends to suppress a response.
Negative reinforcement
refers to a behaviour that is
likely to occur again because it was followed by the
termination of an aversive condition.
Negative punishment
removal of a pleasant stimulus
Continuous reinforcement:
when each correct response is reinforced
Partial reinforcement:
when correct responses are reinforced
randomly or intermittently. Much more like in everyday life.
Fixed Ratio
is reinforcement given after a fixed number of
correct responses.
teacher giving students stars for good behaviour
Variable Ratio
is reinforcement given after a varying number
of correct responses.
eg slot machines or abusive relationships
Fixed interval
is reinforcement given after a specific time interval
has passed.
Eg., checking more frequently for the mail as delivery
time approaches
Variable Interval
Variable Interval is reinforcement given after a varying amount of
E.g., You expect to receive an e-mail but don’t know when.
everything of which we are aware at any
given time,
REM Behaviour Disorder
act out their dreams because brain stem
structures responsible for the paralysis that normally occurs
during REM
REM dreams
can be emotional, illogical, and show sudden
“plot” shifts
non-REM dreams
are often shorter, more
thought-like and repetitive,
Lucid dreaming
occurs when you realize you are dreaming
while asleep
Somnambulism: (sleepwalking)
occurs during stage 3 & 4
occurs during any sleep stage
and is more frequent among children
a sleep disorder characterized by excessive
daytime sleepiness and uncontrollable REM sleep.
Sleep apnea:
consists of periods during sleep when
breathing stops
a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty
falling and staying asleep; by waking too early; or by sleep
that is light, restless, or of poor quality
a sense of our consciousness leaving our body
Near Death Experiences:
: out of body experiences reported
by people who’ve nearly died
Deja Vu:
a feeling of reliving an experience
that is new.
provides people with suggestions
for alterations in their perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviours
: Refers to the ‘movement’ of
the drug through the body that involves absorption,
distribution, metabolization, and excretion
Refers to the mechanism
of action of drugs
Primary Effect
Tendancy to remember words at the beggining of the list especially well
Von Restorff Effect
tendancy to remember stimuli that are disinctive or that stick out like sore thumbs from other stimuli
our ability to identify a stimulus more easily or more quickly after we've encounterd similar stimuli
reactivation of or reconstruction of experiences from our memory stores
process of keeping information in memory
process of getting information into our memory bank
anterograde amnesia
Inhibitlity ro encode new memories from our experiences
Procedual Memory
memory for how to do things including motor skills and habits
instinctive drift.
tendancy for animals to return to innate behaviours following repeated reinforcement
Stimulus discrimination
process by which organizms display a less pronounced conditioned response to conditioned stimuli that differ from the orginal conditioned response
category of sounds our vocal apparatus procedures
smallest meaninful unit of speach
grammatical rules that govern how words are composed into meaningful strings
meaning dervived from words and sentences
Neurocognitive Theory
theory that dreams are meaninful products of our cognitive capacities which shapes what we dream about
Dream Continuity Hypothesis
hypothesisis that there id continuity between sleeping and walking experiences and that dreams can mirror life circumstances
Quiz |
modul 6 mån |
l'Europe des lumières |
L'Europe des lumières |
L'Europe des lumières |
Cold war |
Historytest |
biologi systematik 1 |
component 11-14 |
geog 133-150 |
duits |
gezondspsychologie |
britain cap |
Math and ScienceEXAM |
the man with the hoe |
English |
Vocabulario de la casa |
Bio 111L |
behaviour |
maatschijpijkundemaatschijpijkunde |
Written Impact drills - Primary and Assist (Land) |
H9 lever |
strategies - geography |
micro test#2 |
measuring - geography |
characteristics - geography |
psycology midterm |
Endocrine System |
Prof.prac |
factors - geography |
biology |
history quiz unit 4 |
What i love about you |
Chapter 9- Stress |
genetics |
Embry |
comptia a+ 1102 |
Engels onbekende woorden proefwerk m1 |
Crim 2P33 test 2 |
Fatigue Management |
Raag Specifics (This year + last year) |
GS 1.2/1.4 .. |
Media online content |
the declaration of independence and the american revolution |
anglais ds |
Thaats and Raags |
abbie |
Biology |
Extra vocab |
Structural Techniques |
Budgetplan |
school |
History Test Prep |
sociology family and households |
Bio H36 |
Week 46 |
year 9 physics |
Bio H35 |
Words to practise |
Spanska läxprov |
ak |
Bio genetics |
Elanläggn omprov |
Science - Universe |
year 9 french |
maths |
Commerce - Work and Wellbeing |
englishmeaning of words |
german vocab 9 |
Commerce - Promoting and Selling |
Biology |
frans |
computing |
Histoire dedinitions |
EN4-1A responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, criticok\ |
History - WWII, Fall of Singapore & KokodaKokoda, Singapore and WWII |
math |
MCU Film List |
spanish |
Science yr8 Term 4 part 3 |
méiose |
méiose |
biology |
Biobio |
Thermo Chapter 2 Energy and Environment |
Directors' Films |
349 and 352 Excavator Systems |
Portuguese |
Obstructed airway - Unconscious victim |
Raag Similarities and Differences |
Protocols and Ports(TCP&UDP) for Servers |
Secondary assessment |
Insurance Exam |
EMS exams |
Voca |
module 3: section 3 |
physics paper 1 |
PBE- 'Good,bad, right or wrong' |
Olympics CitiesSummer Olympics Cities, since WWII |
Ekologi 1 |
english |
psych multi-choice stuff |
Nuisance to Defamation |
change in state of matter -physicsincludes change in state of matter ,equations and so on........luv ya |
No Time To Say Goodbye Proper Nouns |
Tort to Trespass |
english viet vocabterm 1 test |
Section 2: Muscular System |
Science Yr8 Term 4 part 2 |
Science Yr8 term 4 Part 1 |
Bio chema test of bio chem 9 |
Biographies |
9.1 Hazardous environments |
Best Director OscarYears when Best Director Oscar differed from Best Picture |
SOPsStandard Operating Procedures |
UESCA Running Coach Certification |
Overload |
Chapter 8- Weight management |
cauaees of disease in renaissance period. |
renaissance medicine |
US Election LosersPost-WWII US Election Losing Candidates |
EKOLOGI åk 9 |
lecture 4 exam |
HIS102 Term Test |
♡ comida |
Community Leadership |
Module 3: Section 1 |
Engineering Materials Semester 1.1All content relating to engineering materials before reading week in semester one. |
Female Reproductive SystemTest 11/10/23 |
shapes of molecules |
Inlärningsteori, psykodynamiskts, anknytningsteoris, kognitivteori, och dess teo1. En inlärningsteoretiker (tex. klassisk inlärningsteori, modern inlärningsteori och social inlärningsteori),
2. En psykodynamiker (tex. Freud, Erikson och anknytningssteori) 3. En kognitiv teoretike... |
SSAT VocabI wanna go home |
History Punishment |
Tonåren från 11 år |
Chem: Chapter 7 |
Verplichte Arresten ARW1 |
sci |
religion quiz 3 |
Shrutis |
Sandhiprakash Raags |
Chapter 2 Definitons The Expand of Trade Social |
city state |
vocab 10a flipped |
vocab 11 |
Physics |
Spanish verbs .1 |
Spanish verbs flashcardsspanish verb meanings |
vocab 10a |
Revalida Enfermeria |
Module 2 |
psycology midterm 3 - Copy |
fixateur |
gsh |
industrial revolution and robert koch |
Short story reviewshort story review flashcards |
Tap Exam Elementary |
inspector calls |
Aerodynamics |
french grammar- 13/11 |
4.2 worden wie je bent |
crime |
pluriforme samenleving 4.1 |
nieuw nederlands woordenschat hoofdstuk 2 opdract 1 en 4 |
woordenschat |
Biologiska perspektivetPsykologi 1 |
Chapter 7- Nutrition |
maak flashcards van de stoffen aluminium, argon, barium, broom, cadmium, calcium |
The Liver |
spanish term 1spanishhhh |
francais rythme recitr |
IPA Diacritics & More Symbols |
Biology 🌱 |
pharma test2 |
RE |
Minitenta 2 - copy 1 |
Flashcards Maatschappijleer toets |
EOIR Acronyms |
spanishok |
Test |
Skolåren 7-11 år |
arabic vocabulary |
Vocab test spanish( sport/technology) |
Boolean expressionGeneral |
gestion |
annihilation |
cateshism revision |
citoyenneté |
thai words |
bio |
bio quizz |
Les verbes pronominaux & hobbies (french) |
Ancient HistoryAncient History |
History of jazz exam 2 |
English: Camera anglesCamera angles |
Ento. 2 |
Phase 1 - Chpater 6 |
trial |
smad 342 exam 2f |
Nieterlandsysu k gooi je uit het raam |
physics |
The australia big dry 2002-2009 efffects |
The boscastle cornwall 2004 flood effects |
...... |
Phase 1 - Chapter 5 |
criminal justice test 1 |
mary 1 queen of england |
bloody mary |
Grade 10 Math |
Grade 9 Math |
ak terms hv 1 year 2 |
louis XVILouis XVI |
Imm. Advisements L.6 |
ts - test for gasesslayyy |
Key Term. for Statement of the Law L.5 |
Phase 1 - Chapter 4 |
Post-WWII World LeadersPost-WWII World Leaders |
Imm. Term. L5 |
Key Term. for Court orders L.4 |
basic kommands |
US Presidents and VPsChronology of US Presidents and VPs |
Imm. Term L.4 |
Imm. Term. L3 |
L2 S1 : HCE Restauration (2) |
Japanese Reading: Food |
Phase 1 - Chapter 3 |
common drugs |
L2 S1 : HCE Introduction (1) |
Förskoleåren 2-7 år |
Master Calendar Hearing Pro Se L.2 |
Imm. Term. L2 |
Phase 1 - Chapter 2 |
Skyway code |
Phase 1 - Chapter 1 |
Criminal Terminology L.2 |
phrases to use |
Onderzoeken |
Dutch |
French language |
French |
anglais |
konsult/konsultstöd |
medicine in medieval England and the black plague |
Optikteknik |
Capitales |
German Clothing |
Figure de Style |
Social Studies |
community |
CompTIA A+ 1101/1102 Acronyms S-X |
Te Reo Maori Vocab |
Soins et méthode |
CompTIA A+ 1101/1102 Acronyms M-R |
Nervous System |
Summer BlockbustersTop Summer Blockbusters by Year |
intro pratique esf |
italian end of year speaking test |
projekthantering |
Psychology Module 2 |
English: Language Featureslearn your language features |
music theory midterm |
history 3 the rise of hitler |
history 3 the causes of ww2 |
chapter 8 radio |
Oscars and US Box OfficeOscar for Best Picture and top US Box Office by Year |
ShaneCell parts |
Amalgam - c - |
Engelska Nato ord |
states of matterstates of matter properties |
duits |
Biological Psychology - Basics |
Nato mission task verbs |
dates antiquites |
duits |
poetryok |
Bone Muscles |
Économie |
C2.1 Purity and separating mixtures |
atomes |