Crim 2P33 2nd midterm-final class
John Locke: Why is Government Necessary
State of nature sometimes degenerates into a state of war under certain conditions:
- Disputes over property
- When one steals from another
- When one tries to enslave another
The benefit of creating a government
we gained:
- Laws
- Judges to adjudicate disputes
- The executive body to enforce laws
Civil Disobedience
A deliberate violation of a law generally perceived to be unjust in order to acheive a particular progressive objective/public good
- Must involve non-violent action
Debate over civil disobedience - opponents
- It causes chaos
- It undermines the authority of the government
- Its an incitement to commit crime
Debate over civil disobedience - Exponents
- It's a courageous act of nonviolent resistance to injustice
- Lawmakers have vested interests in maintaining unjust laws and thus will not willingly change them
- Whose 'order' is the law maintaining and in whose interest?
5 circumstances civil disobedience can be used in defense of social justice
1. Racial discrimination (Rosa Parks example)
2. Economic inequality
3. Freedom of speech
4. Environmental protection
5. Political oppression ( oppressive governments formulate laws to protect themselves, civil disobeidence can help ensure fair electoral campaigns
Relationship between law and social change
Law acts as a dependant and independant variable in social change (as an effect and a cause of social change)
What is Social Change?
- A change in the social sturcture and/or social relationships in society (a change in the stable social arrangements/patterned in society) (change in the structure of a family)
- Changes in the way people work, rear a family, educate their children, govern themselves or relate to each other with respect to government, economics, education, relgion etc.
2 major schools of thought
1. laws should be proactive (Jeremy Bentham) "laws should lead" social change/reforms
2. Law should be reactive (Fredrich Karl Von Savigny) legal changes should be preceded by social change
- Legal changes should be national and never universal because laws are codification of the customs of particular societies.
Crack vs. Opioid epidemic
- Crack users were mostly poor and racial minorities (race as a metaphor for class) state reaction was to criminalize and incarcerate
- Opioid users were mostly white middle-class. state reaction was to medicalize and rehabilitate users, including treatment and compassion (people were mostly fined)
Crack vs. Cocaine
- 5 grams of crack cocaine = 5 years mandatory minimum sentance
- 500 grams of powder cocaine = 5 years mandatory minimum sentance
- Growth of the prison industrial complex
- Fair sentancing act
1985 Divorce Act
Any of the partners could file for divorce solely on the ground of marital breakdown
- Both spouses have lived apart for at least 1 year
- Power to decide on divorce falls principally on the parties; courts limited only to administrative role
Implications of the Divorce Act
- High divorce rate
- Increase in single parent families
- new family forms (combined/blended/stepfamilies
- Divorce became less stigmatizing
- Social change in these contexts could manifest as transformed/modified values, attitudes, behaviors or institutions
Law as an instrument of social change
- 1 child policy in China (fears of the effects of an aging population on the economy)
- Canadian charter of rights and freedoms (as a basis for dismantling discriminatory practices embedded in customs
5 feminist legal theory arguements
1. Economic inequality
2. Inaccurate gender interpretation of the law
3. Cultural and traditional beliefs
4. Societal expectations
5. Influence of pornography
6. Intentional efforts by parents, teachers and society
5 civil disobedience arguments
1. Civil disobedience is especially important in promoting social justice against systemic racism
2. Economic injustice is exposed through strikes directed at unequal distribution of resources or exploiting working conditions among others
3. civil disobedience allows for society to engage in peaceful protest to rebel against certain notions and policies that governments produce
4. Within our society there at many environmental struggles that lead to protests all over the world, want to gain attention to lead to social change
5. Civil disobedience may help ensure fair electoral campaigns that end with governments that are
Cuestionario |
Economie |
tent |
Gov final |
2.2 History Review |
2.1 History Flashcards |
diritto internazionale |
initiation |
frans |
frans |
woorden |
L2 S1 : HDP Section 5 & 6 (Mr Hoarau) (7) |
EPA - Project Management |
L2 S1 : HDP : Des peines et des châtiments (Mr Hoarau) (6) |
L2 S1 : HDP La naissance et développement de la procédure laique (Mr Hoarau) (5) |
PSYCH 333: Early AdulthoodFinal exam on December 11 |
droit penal international |
PSYCH 333: Middle AdulthoodFinal exam on December 11 |
French |
Science test Prep 2 |
science |
french verbs |
New Religious Movements |
L2 S1 : HDP Section 1 : justice royale et 2 : sources (Mr Hoarau) (4) |
Life science |
Criminal Law- Duress |
Criminal law- Self-Defence |
Criminal law- Theft |
Chapter 13- STD's |
spanska till 5 December |
Psych exam! |
L2 S1 : HDP La peine dans le monde héllénistique antique (Mme Lault) (3) |
Module 6 part 3 final anatomy |
Chapter 12- Substance Use and Abuse |
Fegato |
the atomic structure |
Chapter 11- Cancer development |
Criminal, Civil or Administrative |
L2 S1 : HDP De la justice domestique à la justice publique (Mme Lault) (2) |
Chapter 10- Cardio disease |
L2 S1 : HDP Introduction (Mme Lault) (1) |
chap 13les sentiments |
chap 55time and calendar |
micro final |
zinnnen c franslet op interpunctie
groetjes juul |
Biology Revision Y8 2023 |
frans b |
Marie |
L2 S1 : FP La procédure du budget de l'Etat et son contrôle : Partie 5 (5) |
MusclesMuscles |
physics revision part 2 |
Bio lecture 28-30 slide 14 |
REC 230 |
physics revision part 1 |
Climate change |
anatomy 3 |
Labo des nerfs |
L2 S1 : FP La procédure lois de finances/ budget : Partie 3 & 4 (4) |
motion |
energy |
space |
electricity |
sound |
forces |
geschiedenis blad |
L2 S1 : FP La loi de finances : Partie 2 (3) |
bio lec 6 |
bio lec 5 |
Weather Abbreviations |
unit 4 higher vocab 2 |
french |
19 gedragsproblematiek |
maths conversions |
crime 1.4 |
franska viktiga verb |
franska grammatik |
Nederlands woordenschatwoorden en spreekwoorden |
la comida |
frans a |
crime 1.3 |
3x3 bld |
SOC109 Theories |
Prebiotic earth |
Cell Types |
geo quiz unit 3 |
fnce 3 |
tobom final |
Ento. 4 |
Sociology 100 Exam (Chapters 4 & 5) |
labo - 7 et 8 - muscle |
geo |
All Quiet on the Western Front List B |
fnce 2 |
biolec 4 |
bio120 |
ecosystems |
health |
reproduction |
cells |
organs |
theater |
Exam |
espagnol 2 |
espagnol 1 |
Spanish |
Dutch board game - copyPJ |
Dutch prepositions - copyPJ |
Dutch vocabulary - copyPJ |
French DL - Units 1-3 - copyPJ |
French Unit 1 Revision - copyPJ |
french body parts - copyPJ |
French (les verbes- family) - copyPJ |
French infinitive words and endings - copyPJ |
French language - copyPJ |
Les verbes pronominaux & hobbies (french) - copyPJ |
french weather - copyPJ |
L2 S1 : FP LOLF 2024 (à part) |
final vocab |
Geschiedenis hoofdstuk 11.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 |
ELA: Government |
math multiplacationmath is number 1# |
chapter-2 |
chapter-9 Human Resource Management |
chapter-11 Duplicate |
chapter-11 Risk Management |
chapter-10 Communication Management |
chapter-13 DONT NEED TO STUDY |
chapter-12 edited |
chapter-8 edited |
chapter-7 edited |
chapter-6 duplicate |
chapter-6 edited |
chapter-5 edited |
chapter-4 edited |
chapter-3 edited |
Sociology 100 Final Exam (Chapters 2 & 3) |
blood spatter terminology |
Travel- Exta info i didn't add |
Italian Pizzas |
Traditional Pizzas |
Lower Limb Muscles Origin Insertion and Action |
Un frere penible |
History 106 Exam |
Spanish 101 Exam |
Humanities 110 Exam |
Business 121 Exam |
Religion 110 Exam |
sexual reproduction in animals |
reproduction in animals |
diabetic foot |
Diabetes |
Material tenta |
13 gezondheidseducatie en bewegingsactiviteiten |
stems list 8 |
PhysicsPhysics [Waves] |
Bio 105 Lecture 9 |
Biological molecules |
georgia national real estate exam |
georgia real estate laws and pratices |
Biological molecules |
Intro to Canadian Justice Final |
🌎 📜wrld hstryjiba
jiba |
TDM, Toxicology, Vitamins, and Tumor Markers |
SOC109 Final |
Psychological Dirosders |
psychology disorders |
Strat Comm Exam 3 |
Unit 14: Key Terms |
OPTA 222 (respiratory) |
Unit 13: Key Terms |
Ses chap 3 |
aadrijkskunde 2.1 tot 2.3 (3 havo)Ak 3 havo so (juno) |
L2 S1 : FP Les grands principes budgétaires : Partie 1 (2) |
Spanish vocab test reading |
Bio quiz 1 |
Mental Health and Learning Disability |
Science |
CompTIA A+ 1101/1102 Acronyms A-E -copy |
chap 36town cites town life |
Pasapalabra |
Real Estates |
sciencecharge |
American Lit Writing Peices |
vocab ch 13 |
8 parts of speech |
8 parts of speech |
science |
Drama test (Personal). |
French infinitive words and endingshelp for those who are in need of revision for French, especially, for infinitive endings |
Week 9 - Skin Care 1 -AHA Exfoliation, Masks and Sun Screen |
Week 6 - Skin Care 1 - History of Esthetics - A Journey through Time: Then and Now |
Week 8 - Skin Care 1 - Skin Analysis & Toners |
BCS Foundation |
Latin 2nd Declension |
Latin nouns revisionLatin nouns revision: noun cases and their meanings, 1st declension and 2nd declension endings singular and plural. |
Ordslista fysisk stridsvärde |
Biology Unit 3: Evolution |
main scene in romeo and juliet |
romeo and juliet epithets |
Module 3 Psych |
aadrijkskunde 2 |
french |
NE klas 1 periode 2 toets |
Theory Comm Exam 3 |
jordy |
737 |
AI |
Sociology changing patterns of partnership |
italiano |
camel |
GA laws & practices |
All Quiet on the Western Front List A |
FNCE 1 |
Jr proficiency |
Chapter 7- Alkyl Halides |
Kin module 3 quiz |
OPTA 222 (endocrine system) |
Chirurgie générale - Orale |
farm animal ocular exam |
yo mamayuh |
maw |
IAL Exam |
Franskafranska |
L2 S1 : FP Introduction (1) |
no ekologi |
geography |
bio se2 |
l'économie |
Youth trends and personal identity (les verbes) |
French (les verbes- family) |
health and social |
L'industrie |
vocab 12 |
history vocab quiz |
science |
Japanese Unit 5 |
Bio 111L Skull |
Fnce |
bio |
gcse biology paper 2 |
Families |
Business- Booklet E Breakeven |
Business- Booklet E Cashflow Forecast |
Business |
Kin module 2 quiz |
Kin module 1 |
belangrijke begrippen |
Kollen |
Emergency Equipment Practical |
canin crew exam |
klimaat zones |
Labo - 5 et 6 |
Box Office |
Emergency Equipment - copy 1 |
Science test |
Kinesiology and Pathologies |
Kinesiology Shoulder and ArmKey Concepts |
Romeo and Juliet (Act 3, 4, and 5) |
FSC 360 final |
Emergency Equipment |
histoire |
radiationalpha , beta ,gamma rays |
S |
f |
biologie |
Lecture 5 |
H3 formules |
Lecture 4 |
german 11 |
japanese |
media theorists |
Doctor Who |
PSYCH 333: AdolescenceFinal on December 11 |
Renal Medicine |
chem lab examchem lab exam prep |
Periodic Table (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Compounds (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Aqiedah les 6 |
Spreekwoorden |
Endocrinology |
stofwisselingen en voedingstoffen |
Aqieda les 5 |
natuur elementen |
business |
Engels irregular verbs |
Lecture 1 |
Aqieda les 4 |
My fav things |
Science |
physics chaopet 1 |
englishyou are the best |