anatomy lecture 3 exam
less light in
pupillary constriction
more light in
pupillary dilation
Our bodies are constantly exposed to sensory
information called?
Our conscious awareness to these stimuli is called
Stimuli are detected by ___ in our body
receptors - temperature, pain, touch, stretch, and pressure
general senses
receptors – gustation (taste), olfaction, vision, equilibrium, and audition (hearing)
special senses
structures that detect stimuli and monitor changes in either the external or internal body
General sense receptors are distributed
throughout the?
skin and organs
Special sense receptors are housed in complex?
organs in the head
3 criteria used to describe receptors
1. stimulus origin
2. receptor distribution
3. modality of stimulus
3 types of stimulus origin receptors
1. exteroceptors
2. interoceptors
3. proprioceptors
found in skin or mucous membranes such as nasal and oral cavities, vagina, and anal canal
found in the walls of viscera; detecting stretching, oxygen depravation, temperature, and pressure
found in muscles, tendons and joints; detecting body and limb movement, muscles contraction/stretching
3 types of receptors based on distribution
1. somatic receptors
2. visceral receptors
3. special senses
found within the body wall; they include receptors for chemicals, temperature, pain, touch, proprioception, and pressure
somatic receptors
found within the walls of the viscera; they respond to chemicals, temperature, and pressure
visceral receptors
located only in the head; gustation, olfaction, vision, equilibrium, and hearing
special senses
6 major classes of receptors based on the stimulating agent
1. chemoreceptors
2. thermoreceptors
3. photoreceptors
4. mechanoreceptors
5. baroreceptors
6. nociceptors
detect specific dissolved molecules
detect changes in temperature
detect changes in light
detect physical deformation due to touch, pressure, vibration, and stretch
detect pressure changes within body structures
detect tissue damage and pain
mechanoreceptors that react to touch, pressure, temp, and vibration stimuli
• Most numerous type of receptor
• Located in the dermis and subcutaneous layer of the skin
tactile receptors
taste receptors housed in specialized organs termed taste buds
gustatory cells
Each gustatory cell has a dendritic ending called ____ or taste hair.
gustatory microvillus
taste hair extends through
taste pore
Inside the nasal cavity are paired ______
consisting of several components
olfactory organs
olfactory epithelium - consists of three distinct cell types:
1. olfactory receptor cells
2. supporting cells
3. basal cells
At the apical end of the olfactory receptors cells are
nerve endings called ____ that project through the mucous covering the olfactory epithelium
olfactory hairs
capable of detecting light, color, and movement
Three principal layers form the wall of the eye
fibrous tunic
vascular tunic
composed of cornea and sclera
fibrous tunic
Anterior part, transparent, avascular
makes up the majority of the fibrous tunic; considered the “white” of the eye and allows for the attachment of the extrinsic eye muscles to the eye
contains a vast network of capillaries, which supply nutrients and oxygen to the retina
composed of choroid, ciliary body, and iris
vascular tunic
Composed of ciliary muscles and ciliary processes; ciliary muscles contract or relax shaping of the lens to focus incoming light onto the retina
ciliary body
Pigmented part of the eye. Black hole is called
the pupil, which allows light to pass on to the retina
Internal layer of the eye wall composed of two layers
attached to the choroid; absorbs light energy that passes through the retina and provides photoreceptors with vitamin A
pigmented layer
houses photoreceptors and other associated neurons
neural layer
• Area of retina that contains the highest proportion of cones and almost no rods
• Sharpest area of vision
fovea centralis
"Blind spot” on retina
• Located where ganglion cell axons exit retina to form optic nerve (CN II)
• Lacksphotoreceptors
optic disc
between the lens and the cornea--Aqueous humour
anterior cavity
posterior to the lens and anterior to the retina--Vitreous humour
posterior cavity
3 layers of the neural layer
photoreceptor layer
bipolar cells
ganglion cells
outermost layer composed of rods (dim) and cones (color)
photoreceptor layer
synapse with photoreceptors and ganglion cells
bipolar cells
innermost layer of the retina; axons of these cells leave the retina and form the optic nerve
ganglion cells
The ear is divided into three distinct anatomic regions:
1. external ear
2. middle ear
3. inner ear
Skin covered, funnel-shaped,elastic cartilage supported structure called the
Auricle leads to a bony tube called the external
acoustic meatus, which ends at the
tympanic membrane
3 auditory ossicles:
1. malleus
2. incus
3. stapes
attached to tympanic membrane; articulates with incus
middle of the three bones; articulates with stapes
fits into the oval window on cochlea
Located in spaces within the petrous portion of the temporal bone
inner ear and bony labyrinth
spaces in petrous portion of the temporal bone are called
bony labyrinth
fluid filled tubes
1. vestibular complex
2. cochlea
detects balance and rotation
vestibular complex
• Utricle and Saccule
• Macula
Crista ampullaris
semicircular canals
Contains hair cells that are sensory receptors for balance/equilibrium
maculae structure
On their apical surface of each hair cell are many stiff microvilli called
one long cilium called
gelatinous mass is known as the
otolithic membrane
Within each semicircular canal is an expanded region called the
The ampulla contains an elevated region called the
crista ampullaris
The stereo cilia/kinocilia of the hair cells embed into an overlying gelatinous dome called the
cochlea contains 3 chambers:
1. cochlear duct - medial
2. scala vestibuli - superior
3. scala tympani - inferior
spiral organ consists of thick sensory epithelium that includes hair cells and supporting cells on the
basilar membrane
detects movement of endolymph
spiral organ
The stereocilia of hair cells project into an overlying mass
called the
tectorial membrane
The spinal cord and its attached spinal nerves serve two important functions:
1. A pathway for sensory and motor impulses
2. Responsible for reflexes, which are the quickest reactions to a stimulus
The spinal cord is partitioned into an ____
matter region and an ____ matter region:
inner gray, outer white
dendrites and cell bodies of neurons, unmyelinated axons, and glial cells
gray matter
myelinated axons
white matter
Centrally located in spinal cord
• Sectioned shape resembles butterfly
gray matter
subdivided into:
1. anterior horns
2. lateral horns
3. posterior horns
4. gray commissure
are ductless organs secrete their molecular products (hormones) into the bloodstream
endocrine glands
All endocrine organs have an extensive distribution of many
blood vessels
Endocrine glands produce informational molecules
Hormones can only affect cells (target cells) or organs (target organs) that have ____ for a specific hormone.
the study of the structural components of the endocrine system, the hormones they produce, and the effects of these hormones on target organs
3 major classes of hormones based on their chemical structure:
1. peptide hormones
2. steroid hormones
3. biogenic amines
growth hormone
peptide hormones
steroid hormones
thyroid hormone
biogenic amines
Hormone secretion is regulated by a self-
adjusting mechanism called a
feedback loop
2 types of feedback loop
1. negative
2. postive
in a negative feedback loop, a ___ starts the process
A hormone is ____ in response to elevated stimululs
The hormone secreted ____ the stimulus
In this type of loop, the stimulus does not produce an opposite and counteracting effect like a negative feedback loop
positive feedback loop
the ____ is the interface between the nervous system and the endocrine system
hypothalamus controls most endocrine functions including:
1. release of regulatory hormones that control the anterior pituitary
2. secretes oxytocin and antidiruetic hormones from posterior pituitary
3. controls the stimulation and secretion activities of the adrenal medulla
Located just inferior to the hypothalamus
• Connected to the hypothalamus by a thin stalk called the infundibulum
• Divided into anterior and posterior lobes
pituitary gland
Anterior pituitary hormone production is controlled by ___ secreted by the hypothalamus
regulatory hormones
These regulatory hormones travel to the anterior pituitary through a blood vessel network called the
hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system
7 major hormones secreted from the anterior pituitary:
1. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
2. Prolactin (PRL)
3. Adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) 4. Growth hormone (GH)
5. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
6. Lutenizing hormone (LH)
7. Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
Low GH from birth
Pituitary Dwarfism
Excess GH from birth
Pituitary Gigantism
Excess GH in adulthood
comprised of the 2 major regions, pars nervose and infundibular stalk
Posterior Pituitary
infundibular stalk
Neural connection between the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary is the
hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract
Located just inferior to the thyroid cartilage and anterior to the trachea
• Butterfly shape with right and left lobes connected by a midline isthmus
• Secretes thyroid hormones
thyroid gland
Functional unit of the thyroid gland
• Comprised of simple cuboidal cells that produce an iodinated glycoprotein called thyroglobulin (TGB)
• Digestion of TBG releases thyroid hormones
thyroid follicle
Excess TH secretion
an autoimmune disorder where an antibody auto-activates TSH receptor on thyroid gland. Causes exophthalmos
graves disease
Decreased TH secretion
Small glands (usually four) embedded on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland
• Secretes parathyroid hormone (PTH) that helps regulate serum calcium
parathyroid glands
Paired glands anchored on the superior border of the
two kidneys
adrenal glands
Divided functionally into an outer adrenal cortex and
an inner adrenal medulla
adrenal gland structure
Located between the duodenum and spleen and posterior to the stomach
• Bothan exocrine(ducted)and endocrine(ductless) gland
produce alkaline pancreatic secretions into ducts
pancreatic acini
The remaining 1–2% of cells are small clusters of endocrine cells called
pancreatic islets
Comprised of four different types of endocrine
cells each secreting a different hormone:
pancreatic islets
secrete glucagon
alpha cells
secrete insulin
beta cells
secrete somatostatin
delta cells
secrete pancreatic polypeptide
F cells
a lifelong (chronic) disease in which there are high levels of sugar in the blood
can be caused by too little insulin, resistance to insulin, or both
In this disease, the body makes little or no insulin. Daily injections of insulin are needed.
type 1 diabetes
makes up most diabetes cases. It most often occurs in adulthood. However, because of high obesity rates, teens and young adults are now being diagnosed with it. Many people with ____ do not know they have it.
type 2 diabetes
A distribution and collection system to main homeostasis
Distribute oxygen, collection and removal of CO2
Absorbed by digestive system • Stored – Liver, fat, bone
Eliminated by urinary, respiratory, integumentary
• Excess H2O, minerals, metabolic wastes
collection of waste products
Antigens, antibodies, leukocytes, platelets
Transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide as well as nutrients and waste products
• Regulation of body temperature, pH, and fluid volume
• Protection by mounting an immune response and the
production of antibodies
• 7-8% body weight; 5L (1.3gal) in 140lb person
represent 44% of total blood volume
represents about 1% of total blood volume
buffy coat
represents 55% of total blood volume
92% of serum. Acts as solvent in which formed elements, solutes, and wastes are suspended
7% of serum
plasma proteins
4 major types of plasma proteins
1. albumin
2. globulins
3. fibrinogen
4. regulatory
blood viscosity and transports hormones/fatty acids
transport lipids and antibodies
enzymes and peptide hormones
Na, K, Ca, Cl, Fe
amino acids, glucose, cholesterol, vitamins
lactic acid, urea, ammonia
the process of erythrocyte production
During maturation, all organelles within the erythrocyte, including the nucleus ____
biconcave discs contain
Every erythrocyte contains 280 million molecules of a
red-pigmented protein called ____
Hemoglobin is capable of reversibly transporting
____ in the blood
oxygen and carbon dioxide
Each hemoglobin molecule can bind a combination of ___ oxygen molecules – 1 at each heme. CO2 binds the globin chain.
possess a nucleus and organelles
• Initiate immune response and defend the body against pathogens
• 1.5 to 3 times larger than erythrocytes.
Capable squeezing out of blood vessels, diapedesis, and entering a tissue.
Irregular membrane-enclosed cellular fragments that
represent shed cytoplasm from cells in the red bone
marrow called
platelets are involved in the
clotting of blood
Cuestionario |
VäderHögtryck, lågtryck, nederbördstyper, m.m. |
BBP182 midterm prep |
gs woordjesha |
No - Prov - Kroppen💕💕💐 |
Finansiell analys 2.0 |
health |
Tree ident - latin to english |
Espagnol Vocabulario : El Flamenco |
définitions droit |
Unit 2 - Lisa Walker |
Meningit |
Straffrätt JPG 014 |
Infektiösa tarmsjukdomar Endokardit |
Medicine through time |
PE: Nutrion |
PE: Strategies to Improve Performance and Recovery |
Homework Week 43 |
??? |
PE: Chronic adaptations to training |
PE: Training principles and training methods |
PE: Fitness components |
PE: Acute responses |
PE: Energy systems |
PE: levers |
PE: Qualitative movement |
PE: Direct or constraint based coaching |
PE: Feedback for skill development |
PE: Learning stages movement skills |
PE: Characteristics of skills and stages of learning |
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Mod 6 Protein Synthesis |
Vocabulary #6This Vocabulary quiz consist of 10 words |
Factors Affecting the Business Environment |
lecon 4AFrench 9 |
225 |
PE: biomechanicsbiomechanics test |
OPTA 204 (sleep) |
Physics |
French |
OPTA 222 (Cerebral Palsy) |
OPTA 222 (Tourette Syndrome) |
1510 MIDTERM |
OPTA 222 (ADHD) |
demografi |
PSY113 midterm prep |
laagland module 3 |
driving test |
mode 2 week 2 |
Astronomy |
Physics P2a revision - copy x |
Läkemedel Cellväggssynteshämmare |
Business Test#2 |
biology |
Populuma |
latijns 3.Alatijn 3.A |
Neuroscience and control |
Persuasieve Communicatie |
greyhoundraise your knowledge on history and training of a greyhound |
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1MC615 - SEPSIS & UVI |
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photosnthesis. |
georiv |
knoppar |
Mod 5 Molecular basis of Inheritance |
Animal/Plant cell anatomy (flashcards)KILL ME PLEASEEE (It's 12:33AM) |
Different body systems (flashcards)AHHHHHH I hate quizzessssss (also made at 12:26AM) |
Cell ---> Organism (flashcard)Science test flashcards I might at literal 12:20AM the day before the test. |
science |
irregular verb conjugations |
fractions, decimals and percents |
Universum NO |
Cybersecurity Final Exam |
scisci test |
Kemet Civilization |
Soci Test 2 |
Science testScience test soon need to sturdy. |
Africanna Studies: Ancient Christian ✝️ Nubia |
Biology 102 Exam 2 |
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l'approche phénoménologiqur |
month , day in a week |
numbers 0-100 |
style academy |
chapter 7 - 1480 |
1MC615- INFEKTIONSSJUKDOMAR - INFEKTION & PNEUMONIVi lever tillsammans med mikroorganismer som inte ska hamna på fel ställe. |
Kemiprov |
Homework porter |
GeografiPrivate |
bio |
SOC Term 1 |
Naturvetenskap |
PE-Psychological and social principles(paper 2)-Classification Continuums(3.2.1) |
Amount of substance (Chapter 2) (CHEMISTRY) |
Spanish unidad 3 |
Ritningsläsning |
Literature - Poems |
hsk3 |
Chemistry: Group 2 |
Biologi ekologi |
Japanese Words - Animals |
begrippen 2 |
Japanese Words - Body |
history of the britons |
Physics (Unit 3 + 4) |
Physics |
Chem: Chapter 6 |
Bio 105 Lecture 5 |
Chem: Chapter 5 |
Government |
French 4 |
ene |
physics unit review |
jillian |
periodic table |
jillian |
bio |
African American History: Reconstruction |
African American History: American Civil War Era II |
African American History: Colonial Slavery I |
religion |
FCS360 midterm 1 |
Biology - Staying Alive |
Bio 142 exam 2 part 1/5 - cop |
chemistry |
Africanna Studies: Post 25th Dynasty |
marketing chapter 1-7midterm |
silk road and trade expansion |
social ch.02 |
cancer prostateHBP et cancer de la prostate |
GRE Words |
dérivées des fonctions élémentaires |
règles de dérivation |
les ajectifs (2) |
m&m h1 |
World englishes |
Marchant de Venise Act 5 |
macbeth |
Marchant de Venise Act 4 |
Marchant de Venise Act 3 |
Marchant de Venise Act 2 |
History of museums midtermMidterm |
Marchant de venise Act 1 |
Spanish Unidad 2 |
oog |
Svenska säkerhetslägetQuiz |
Byggnadsmaterial_1 |
basmatte |
Demokrati/Diktatur |
Spanish Unidad 1 |
OrtopedoOrtos - rak + paideia - barn = konsten att göra raka barn |
Ion formules |
UNIT 6: Migration |
Homework |
Traditions and customs vocab spaish |
spanish bullfighting vocab |
fysik |
UNIT 5: Health |
german 7 |
Chem: Chapter 4 |
Locations words |
quiz 10 |
Africanna Studies: 25th Dynasty II |
Biology 111 Lecture 10 |
anthropology |
Pale- pallor |
Les différences sociales ou « inégalités sociales » en matière de pratique d’APS |
Les déterminants sociaux de la santé |
Greek Mathematics |
théorie socioculturelle |
rapport au corp 6exam 1 |
PE- Psychological and social principles(paper 2)-Coach and performer-(3.1.1) |
Digestive System |
Nutrition |
UNIT 4: Democratization, Human Rights and Development |
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trad chap 10 |
trad Chap 9Le corp humain |
Journalism vocab (TV and press)Journalism vocab |
History of pressHistory of press |
did the 1920's roar for women in canada |
UNIT 3: The Agencies of Development |
airportttt |
Bio 142 exam 2 part 1/5 |
Transport Across Cell Membranes(BIOLOGY) (Chapter 4) |
UNIT 1: Globalisation adn dvelopment |
criminal justice 1defintion of the criminal justice system, what it includes, the purpose. defining home office , ministry of justice , police and policing , institutional racism, the prosecution service, the court sys... |
christmas carol |
disney9 |
computer architecture |
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lerato |
latin ord |
Transport across cell membranes (BIOLOGY)(Chapter 4) |
Geneeskunde 1.1.2 stof week 5b deel 1Farmacologie/histologie |
Revision for B4 Test - Biology - Harry Barnwell |
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IslamStarting easy with just question about islam, things you should be aware of as a muslim. |
Geneeskunde 1.1.2 stof week 5aBeeldvormende technieken |
Finansiell analys - |
ProgExam1 |
DidactiqueQuizz |
Periodismoperiodismo |
Oficios y profesionesespanol |
Madhyama Pratham Instruments Theory |
Econ Chapter 4 - Elascitity |
testPrograming |
Grundämnen kemi 1 |
FSS - Midterm FlashcardsAll my flashcards for the midterm. |
PE- Applied Anatomy and Physiology(paper1)- Lever systems-(1.1.4) |
spanish body parts |
OPTA 215 ( hearing Loss) |
PE - Applied Anatomy and Physiology(paper 1)-Types of Contraction-(1.1.2)stretch shortening cycle and types of contractions. - how they effect performance in sport or physical activity. |
PE - Applied Anatomy and physiology(paper 1)-muscular skeletal-(1.1.1)Muscular skeletal system |
Droit constitutionnel : 19 septembre 2023 Théorie de l’Etat ; Constitution (l |
latin ch1 |
Proteomik |
UK2 |
Affinité electronique et electronegativité |
PA28 POH |
Geneeskunde 1.1.2 stof week 7Fysiologie |
Kemi |
konstruktion |
Scienceidk |
science |
Franska |
chapter 1-6 1480 |
Energie d'ionisation |
french test |
Unit 8: Key terms |
Proprietés periodiques |
japanese |
math |
La mole |
all parts of the female pelvis |
menstrual cycle and hormones |
OPTA 222 (Spina Bifida) |
Module 46 |
amniotic fluid characteristics and functions |
OPTA 222 (Spasticity) |
Plancental Functions |
Spanska v.42 |
revolutionrevolution fr |
Module 45 |
science biologycell biology
infection and response
homeostasis and responses
inheritance, variation and evolution
ecology |
winnipeg general strike |
influenza epidemic |
prohibition |
Lourdes Taukeinone |
Exam 2 |
Christianity key words and meanings |
Module 44 |
stoppkörning torsdag frågor |
stoppkörning torsdag |
Module 3 |
hemkunskap |
engelska prov |
Module 2 |
Physics P2a revision |
Module 1 |
spaans |
APCO 1P01 Midterm Cue Cards |
geneeskunde 1.1.2 stof hoorcollegecollege |
Materia |
Los indocumentados - problemas (1.3) |
Riptide |
unit 1 glosor |
HRM exam prep |
SpanskaSpanska |
kemi oxidationstal |
kemi |
Labour studies test one |
studiesnooo |
indigenousindigenous studies |
Africanna Studies: Akan States , Forest Empires & Civilization |
Africanna Studies : Yoruba , Oyo , & Dahomey Empires |