Powdered form of Amalgam Alloy and Liquid Mercury
Mercury(43%to 54%) and Amalgam Alloy powder (46%to 57%)
Silver, Tin, Copper and Zinc
A silver tooth fillimng material made from Alloy with one of the element being mercury
This Ratio is the one portion of mercury and one portion of Alloy by weight
Also called Galloy and composed of gallium , indium and tin. which are all approved by ADA.
Potential harm to patient from Mercury within Amalgam placed in teeth and toxicity level of mercury vapors affecting dental personal exposed over long period.
A process by which mercury and alloy powder are mixed together
It does look very aesthetic on the anterior teeth and patients might have the mercury Allergy
New truly Dentalloy and Micro 2
we Use to mix silver coloured amalgam capsule from dental capsule from denatl Amalgam Alloy. It starts shaking during the set period of time which is only seconds.
It gives strength and also it is corrosion Resistant.