'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings' 1
'Look upon my works ye mighty and despair' 2
sonnet structure represents self love
views himself as superior
shows his hubris
expects empire to last
power of man
It was an act of stealth 1
Huge peak, black and huge 2
1- he knows he is morally wrong
1- proud to steal from nature
1- unaware of consequences
2- repetition of 'huge' shows how the mountain looks over him
2- overwhelmed by power of nature
1- But nothing happens
2- Our brains ache in the merciless iced east winds that knive us
2- psychological impact of war
2- all soldiers are suffering, nature is the real enemy
2-personification 'winds that knive us' shows how the cold is painful
2- unsafe weather, nowhere is safe