What is learning?
Permanent changes in behaviour
What is Classical Conditioning?
Type of learning that is involuntary
Classical conditioning - Stimulus/stimuli
Any event or object in the environment to which an organism responds. Sound, light, touch.
Classical conditioning - Reflexes
Inborn, Unlearned, automatic responses to environmental stimuli. Swallowing, coughing, blinking, sucking, grasping
Unconditioned reflex
Involuntary response to stimulus
Whats CR
Conditioned Reflex
What is a Conditioned reflex?
Learned involuntary reponses
What is UR
Unconditioned Response
What is an Unconditioned Response?
Automatic, unlearned response to US
What is US?
Unconditioned Stimulus
What is an Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
Stimulus elicits UR
What's CS?
Conditioned Stimulus
What is Conditioned Stimulus?
Previously neutral stimulus
Whats CR
Conditioned Response
What is Conditioned Response?
Learned Response Made to CS
Classical Conditioning - Extinction
Eventual Disappearance of learned response
Spontaneous Recovery
Sometimes occurs after the extinction
Whats Generalisation?
Conditioned response to a Stimulus similar to the original CS. (Fear of dogs)
Learned ability to distinguish between similar stimuli
Factors in Classical Conditioning
1. Number of pairings of CS and US
2. Intensity of US
3. How reliably CS predicts US
4. Temporal Relationship between CS and US
Chapter 3
Sensation and Perception
Whats Sensation?
Senses detect visual, auditory and other sensory
Whats Perception
Sensory information is actively organized, interpreted by brain
Whats JND?
Just noticeable difference
Sensory Receptors
Detect, Respond to one type of stimuli
Sensory receptors change sensory stimulation into neural impulses
Sensory Adaotation
Become less sensitive to unchanging sensory stimulus over time
Vision - Photons
Tiny light particles
The Eye: Cornea
Tough, transparent, protective layer covering front of eye, bends light rays inwards, through pupil
The Eye: Pupil
Small Dark opening in centre of iris
The Eye: Iris
Coloured part of eye; Muscles dilate and contract pupil through reflex
Suspended behind iris and pupil, thin layers
Lens to Retina - Nearsightedness (Myopia)
See nearby objects clearly, distant images blurry
Lens to Retina - Farsightedness (Hyperopia)
See distant objects clearly, clo,se objects blurry
Light sensitive receptors in retina
help see colour and fine detail. Dont function in very dim light
The clearest point of vision
Blind spot
Where cable runs through retinal wall
Optic Nerve
After Cable leaves retinal Wall
Three Dimensions of colour vision
Colour we see (Red, green, blue, etc)
Purity of colour
Intensity of light energy we perceive
Outer Ear
Pinna: Visible curved flap of cartilage and Skin
Middle Ear
Ossicles - 3 smallest bones in body
Hearing Loss (Conductive hearing loss)
Disease or injury to the eardrum or middle ear bone - Hearing aid can bypass middle ear
Hearing Loss - Sensorineural Hearing Loss (Damage)
Damage to Cochlea or auditory nerve
Olfaction, olfactory Epithelium, Olfactory bulbs
Smell - Olfaction
Sensation of smell; a Chemical sense
Smell - Olfactory Epithelium
Patch of tissue at top of each nasal cavity, also contains 10 million smell receptor cells
smell - Olfactory Bulbs
Messages from olfactory bulbs relayed to different parts of brain
Taste - Gustation
Sense of taste, four basic tastes: Sweet, sour, salty, bitter (Umami)
Taste - Flavour
Combined sensory experience of taste, smell, touch
Taste - Taste Buds
Small bumps called Papullae
The Mechanism of touch?
Tactile information conveyed to brain when object touches skin
German Word meaning whole form
Gestalt principles of grouping - Similarity
Visual, Auditory, other stimuli with similar characteristics
Gestalt principles of grouping - Proximity
Objects close together in space or time perceived as belonging together
Gestalt Principles of grouping - Continuity
Appear as continuous pattern
Gestalt Principles of grouping - Closure
If parts of figure missing, perceive as whole
Extraordinary Perceptions
Ambiguous Figures
impossible figures
Bottom-up Processing
Individual components of stimulus detected by sensory receptors
Top-Down Processing
Past experience, knowledge of context plays role in forming perceptions
Influences on perception - Perceptual Set
Expectations affect perceptions
Influences on Perception - Attention
Process of sorting sensations and selecting some for further processing
Chapter 4
State of Consciousness
Continuous stream of Thought, feelings, Sensations, perceptions
Altered States of Consciousness
Circadian Rhythms
Controlled by the brain - Heart Rate
Ultradian Rhythms
Hunger patterns, eyeblinks, heartbeats
Infradian Ryhthms
Cycle exceeds 24 hour pattern
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
Small Structure in hypothalamus of brain
"NREM" Sleep?
Non-rapid eye movement or quiet sleep
"REM" Sleep
Rapid Eye Movement or Active sleep
Sleep Cycles
Sleep Cycles last about 90 minutes
Sleep Cycles stage 1
Light sleep - Transition between waking to sleeping
sleep cycles - Stage 2
50% of sleep occurs; Somewhat deeper than stage 1
Sleep Cycles - Stage 3
Deep sleep
Sleep Cycles - Stage 4
Deepest sleep; more than 50% delta waves
Individual Sleep - Infants and Young Children
Longest sleep time
Individual Sleep - Middle Childhood
Fall asleep easily for 9 hours
Individual sleep - Teenagers
Average 7.6 hours sleep
Individual Sleep - Adults
More difficulty falling asleep, lighter sleep
Larks (25% of people)
Early to bed, difficulty with night shifts
Owls (25% of people)
Body temperature rises gradually through day, drops in evenings
REM Dreams
Vivid dreams we remember
NREM Dreams
Mental activity during NREM sleep
Variations in sleep - Short sleepers
Less than 6 hours sleep
Variations in sleep - Long Sleepers
More than 9 hours sleep
Sleep disturbances
Sleepwalking (Somnambulism)
Eyes open, blank stare
Sleep Terror
Often no memory of episodes
Frightening dreams during REM sleep
Sleep Talking (Somniloquy)
Occurs during any sleep stage
Major Sleep Disorders
Focus attention on breathing, block out all distractions
Aware of what is going on
Physical Drug Dependence
Compulsive drug use
Drug Tolerance
Users progressively less affected
Withdrawal Symptoms - Drug Dependence
Physical and psychological symptoms occur when drug discontinued
Psychological Drug Dependence
Craving for drugs pleasurable effects
Four factors influence addictive potential
1. How quickly effects are felt
2. How pleasurable effects are
3. How long pleasurable effects last
4. How much discomfort when drug discontinued
John B. Watson
Skinner and Operant conditioning
Conditioning voluntary responses
Dating Tip 6
It is probably nice to be nice and reward your partner for anything.
Operant conditioning - Shaping
Condition complex behaviour, Skinner box
skinner box
Is a operation to study one kind of behaviour
Negative shaping behaviour, Risk?
Taking the reward out of the task, it'll change their behaviour
Operant Conditioning - Superstitious behaviour
Believe a connection exist between acts and consequences
Operant Conditioning - Extinction
Can lead to frustration
Operant Conditioning - Generalisation
learned response to stimulus similar to original stimulus
Operant Conditioning - Discrimination
learning to distinguish between stimulus reinforced and other similar stimuli
Positive reinforcement is
Adding a reward
Negative Reinforcement is
Subtracting something aversive
Positive Punishment is
Adding something aversive
Negative Punishment is
Subtracting something valuable
Primary Reinforcers
Fulfil basic physical need for survival, unlearned
Secondary Reinforcement
Acquired via association with other reinforcers
Continuous Reinforcement
Reinforce every correct response
Partial Reinforcement
Portion of correct responses are reinforced
Fixed Ratio Schedule
Reinforcements given
Variable - Ration Schedule
Reinforcement after varying number of correct response
Fixed-interval schedule
Reinforcement after a specific time interval passed response rate increases as time for reinforcement approaches, then drops after reinforcement
Variable-interval shedule
Reinforcement after varying amounts of time
Cuestionario |
Produit intérieur brutquiz |
Medieval medicine 1250-1500 GSCEKnowledge Organiser - Topic One: Medieval Medicine 1250-1500
Medieval Britain
Key Words
A belief, not based on knovledge, but in the
Medieval Britain is the period between 1250-1500 also ... |
economie globale |
Medieval medicine |
Chapter 6- Chemical reactivity and mechanisms |
Frencv high frequency words |
Elements columns 3&4elements |
GEN-PSYC Test #5 |
aardrijkskunde |
Infectious Disease |
History - WWII, Fall of Singapore & Kokoda -ajaks quiz for history |
goat production traits, reproduction traits and structural traits that are best |
goat production traits, reproduction traits and structural traits that are best |
7 physical and chemical changes 17physical changes is when something that CAN be undo for example tearing a piece of paper, u can stick them back together
chemical changes is something that CANT be undo for example tarnish forming ri... |
chicken digestive system and egg production system, egg incubation australia, |
MAWflash |
Strange Cases |
Atoms (Pre-IB SC 9) |
3x3 Blind Algs |
Chemical Families (Pre-IB SC 9) |
afkortingen |
Tables de multiplicationsAPPREND TES TABLES!!! (1 à 12) |
MythsMyths |
(IATA=International Air Transport Association) |
manicure & pedicure testbased on pg 29 - 35 in mani/pedi manual
manicuring powerpoint
nail disorders powerpoint |
cambridge u1&2hoofdstuk1&2 woordjes |
Introduction to Parasitology = MicroImm 2500 |
Ions (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Anatomy 101 Chapter 9 Muscles |
Instudering vxl/el 2023-11-14 |
math |
dictionary - JPN |
Tekenen beeldaspecten |
Optics quiz 2 |
Surgical Conditions |
Psychology 1100 Quiz 2 |
modul 6 mån |
l'Europe des lumières |
L'Europe des lumières |
L'Europe des lumières |
Cold war |
Historytest |
biologi systematik 1 |
component 11-14 |
geog 133-150 |
duits |
gezondspsychologie |
britain cap |
Math and ScienceEXAM |
the man with the hoe |
English |
Vocabulario de la casa |
Bio 111L |
behaviour |
maatschijpijkundemaatschijpijkunde |
Written Impact drills - Primary and Assist (Land) |
H9 lever |
strategies - geography |
micro test#2 |
measuring - geography |
characteristics - geography |
psycology midterm |
Endocrine System |
Prof.prac |
factors - geography |
biology |
history quiz unit 4 |
What i love about you |
Chapter 9- Stress |
genetics |
Embry |
comptia a+ 1102 |
Engels onbekende woorden proefwerk m1 |
Crim 2P33 test 2 |
Fatigue Management |
Raag Specifics (This year + last year) |
GS 1.2/1.4 .. |
Media online content |
the declaration of independence and the american revolution |
anglais ds |
Thaats and Raags |
abbie |
Biology |
Extra vocab |
Structural Techniques |
Budgetplan |
school |
History Test Prep |
sociology family and households |
Bio H36 |
Week 46 |
year 9 physics |
Bio H35 |
Words to practise |
Spanska läxprov |
ak |
Bio genetics |
Elanläggn omprov |
Science - Universe |
year 9 french |
maths |
Commerce - Work and Wellbeing |
englishmeaning of words |
german vocab 9 |
Commerce - Promoting and Selling |
Biology |
frans |
computing |
Histoire dedinitions |
EN4-1A responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, criticok\ |
History - WWII, Fall of Singapore & KokodaKokoda, Singapore and WWII |
math |
MCU Film List |
spanish |
Science yr8 Term 4 part 3 |
méiose |
méiose |
biology |
Biobio |
Thermo Chapter 2 Energy and Environment |
Directors' Films |
349 and 352 Excavator Systems |
Portuguese |
Obstructed airway - Unconscious victim |
Raag Similarities and Differences |
Protocols and Ports(TCP&UDP) for Servers |
Secondary assessment |
Insurance Exam |
EMS exams |
Voca |
module 3: section 3 |
physics paper 1 |
PBE- 'Good,bad, right or wrong' |
Olympics CitiesSummer Olympics Cities, since WWII |
Ekologi 1 |
english |
psych multi-choice stuff |
Nuisance to Defamation |
change in state of matter -physicsincludes change in state of matter ,equations and so on........luv ya |
No Time To Say Goodbye Proper Nouns |
Tort to Trespass |
english viet vocabterm 1 test |
Section 2: Muscular System |
Science Yr8 Term 4 part 2 |
Science Yr8 term 4 Part 1 |
Bio chema test of bio chem 9 |
Biographies |
9.1 Hazardous environments |
Best Director OscarYears when Best Director Oscar differed from Best Picture |
SOPsStandard Operating Procedures |
UESCA Running Coach Certification |
Overload |
Chapter 8- Weight management |
cauaees of disease in renaissance period. |
renaissance medicine |
US Election LosersPost-WWII US Election Losing Candidates |
EKOLOGI åk 9 |
lecture 4 exam |
HIS102 Term Test |
♡ comida |
Community Leadership |
Module 3: Section 1 |
Engineering Materials Semester 1.1All content relating to engineering materials before reading week in semester one. |
Female Reproductive SystemTest 11/10/23 |
shapes of molecules |
Inlärningsteori, psykodynamiskts, anknytningsteoris, kognitivteori, och dess teo1. En inlärningsteoretiker (tex. klassisk inlärningsteori, modern inlärningsteori och social inlärningsteori),
2. En psykodynamiker (tex. Freud, Erikson och anknytningssteori) 3. En kognitiv teoretike... |
SSAT VocabI wanna go home |
History Punishment |
Tonåren från 11 år |
Chem: Chapter 7 |
Verplichte Arresten ARW1 |
sci |
religion quiz 3 |
Shrutis |
Sandhiprakash Raags |
Chapter 2 Definitons The Expand of Trade Social |
city state |
vocab 10a flipped |
vocab 11 |
Physics |
Spanish verbs .1 |
Spanish verbs flashcardsspanish verb meanings |
vocab 10a |
Revalida Enfermeria |
Module 2 |
psycology midterm 3 - Copy |
fixateur |
gsh |
industrial revolution and robert koch |
Short story reviewshort story review flashcards |
Tap Exam Elementary |
inspector calls |
Aerodynamics |
french grammar- 13/11 |
4.2 worden wie je bent |
crime |
pluriforme samenleving 4.1 |
nieuw nederlands woordenschat hoofdstuk 2 opdract 1 en 4 |
woordenschat |
Biologiska perspektivetPsykologi 1 |
Chapter 7- Nutrition |
maak flashcards van de stoffen aluminium, argon, barium, broom, cadmium, calcium |
The Liver |
spanish term 1spanishhhh |
francais rythme recitr |
IPA Diacritics & More Symbols |
Biology 🌱 |
pharma test2 |
RE |
Minitenta 2 - copy 1 |
Flashcards Maatschappijleer toets |
EOIR Acronyms |
spanishok |
Test |
Skolåren 7-11 år |
arabic vocabulary |
Vocab test spanish( sport/technology) |
Boolean expressionGeneral |
gestion |
annihilation |
cateshism revision |
citoyenneté |
thai words |
bio |
bio quizz |
Les verbes pronominaux & hobbies (french) |
Ancient HistoryAncient History |
History of jazz exam 2 |
English: Camera anglesCamera angles |
Ento. 2 |
Phase 1 - Chpater 6 |
trial |
smad 342 exam 2f |
Nieterlandsysu k gooi je uit het raam |
physics |
The australia big dry 2002-2009 efffects |
The boscastle cornwall 2004 flood effects |
...... |
Phase 1 - Chapter 5 |
criminal justice test 1 |
mary 1 queen of england |
bloody mary |
Grade 10 Math |
Grade 9 Math |
ak terms hv 1 year 2 |
louis XVILouis XVI |
Imm. Advisements L.6 |
ts - test for gasesslayyy |
Key Term. for Statement of the Law L.5 |
Phase 1 - Chapter 4 |
Post-WWII World LeadersPost-WWII World Leaders |
Imm. Term. L5 |
Key Term. for Court orders L.4 |
basic kommands |
US Presidents and VPsChronology of US Presidents and VPs |
Imm. Term L.4 |
Imm. Term. L3 |
L2 S1 : HCE Restauration (2) |
Japanese Reading: Food |
Phase 1 - Chapter 3 |
common drugs |
L2 S1 : HCE Introduction (1) |
Förskoleåren 2-7 år |
Master Calendar Hearing Pro Se L.2 |
Imm. Term. L2 |
Phase 1 - Chapter 2 |
Skyway code |
Phase 1 - Chapter 1 |
Criminal Terminology L.2 |