To gain or re-etablish contact with an enemy withing assigned boundaries
To engage a target with direct or indirect fire without closing that target
To deny access to a given area, movement in a given direction
To force a passage through an obstacle
To constrain movement to a specific narrow zone
To take possession of enemy personnel, material or info
To ensure an area is free of enemy troops and their obstacles
To restrict an entity freedom of movement to within a specific aream
To diminish the effectiveness of an enemy of adversary to the extent that is unable of unwilling to resist or achive its intent
To damage a target to such an extent that is unable to fulfil its intended function
To break contact with a hostile entity
To prevent any part of a hostile entity from moving from a specifik location for a specific period of time
To covertly move into or through an area under hostile control
To determine the geographical postion of a specific entity of object
To position a force in a specific aream of location that is free of active opposition
To extract a friendly entity of material from an area of location not under friendly control
To take possession of a specific area, location of object by force
To disengage and move away from a hostile entity