dates antiquites
- 3500
apparition de l’écriture en Mésopotamie
- 2600
construction des pyramides de Gizeh en Egypte
début de l’âge du bronze en Europe
- 1379 / - 1362
le pharaon Akhenaton instaure le culte unique du dieu Soleil Aton.
- 1250 / - 1230
Moïse conduit les Hébreux hors d’Egypte vers le pays de Canaan.
- 1183
guerre légendaire de Troie menée par les Grecs contre les Troyens.
- 1000
invention de l’alphabet par les Phéniciens.
les premiers Celtes occupent l’Europe.
- 800
composition des poèmes homériques de l’Iliade et de l’Odyssée.
- 776
premiers Jeux olympiques en Grèce (à Olympie).
- 753
fondation légendaire de Rome par les jumeaux Romulus et Rémus.
- 509
la République romaine remplace la royauté étrusque.
- 508
Clisthène pose les bases de la démocratie à Athènes.
- 447 / - 432
édification du Parthénon à Athènes.
- 431 / - 404
guerre du Péloponnèse entre Athènes et Sparte.
- 332
Alexandre le Grand fonde Alexandrie en Egypte, plus grande ville du monde connu.
- 264 / - 146
guerres puniques entre Rome et Carthage, les plus grandes cités méditerranéennes.
- 58 / - 51
Jules César conquiert la Gaule.
- 27
Octave est nommé Auguste et fonde l’Empire romain.
naissance de Jésus-Christ.
début des persécutions des chrétiens par les Romains.
l’empereur Claude propose l’entrée au Sénat des nobles gaulois.
l’éruption du Vésuve ensevelit Pompéi et Herculanum.
l’édit de Caracalla accorde la citoyenneté romaine à tous les habitants de l’Empire.
essor de la civilisation maya et de celle de Teotihuacan au Mexique.
fondation de Constantinople, future capitale de l’Empire byzantin.
l’édit de Théodose proclame le christianisme religion d'État à Rome.
l’Empire romain est partagé en deux (Orient et Occident) pour faire face aux invasions.
Attila le Hun envahit l’Occident en traversant le Rhin.
chute de l’Empire romain d’Occident.
Cuestionario |
duits |
poetryok |
Bone Muscles |
Économie |
C2.1 Purity and separating mixtures |
atomes |
Acronyms |
D-T |
Drama Lines- Memory Of Water Lines
Using Cues and My lines as answers |
Anatomy and Physiology Test 3bones, joints and tissue |
Dutch vocabulary |
Criminal Offenses Terms |
♡ # |
Vocab |
Primary assessment |
Witchcraze - Sceptical authors |
Witchcraze - Case studies |
1st case Term L.1 |
Imm. Term. L1 |
Cellular Processes |
chapter 7 radio |
språkhistoria |
P-Block elements |
machts middellen |
Maatschappij 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 |
Thatcher Economics |
chemistry |
Test |
french revision |
Spanish phrasesGood phrases to use in conversation to improve fluency and speak naturally. |
AnthropologyQuestions for midterm number two |
CompTIA A+ 1101/1102 Acronyms F-L |
Dutch prepositions |
chapter 8 vocabgreat gatsby vocab |
chapter 6 radio |
SOCIAL STUDIES DECKjust for social studies purpose |
More Muscles |
annie |
history 3 - the heat goes up |
radio chapter 5test test |
Historyhistory notes |
Biologyanatomy and physiology questions |
Japanese |
frenchfrench test |
Emergency Equipment |
scienceelectricity |
Hindouisme;.. |
business - unit 1unit 1 - definitions
genral business |
Topografi |
Action words (hard) |
action words |
Spanish Midterm |
business - unit 2 marketingdefinitions of marketing |
Arbeid&organisatie psychologieEen attitude is:
Een positieve of negatieve houding tegenover mensen, dingen of gebeurtenissen |
CompTIA A+ 1101/1102 Acronyms A-E |
NGO actieweek 1 klas 1 paragraaf 2.1 2.2 |
SOCI 231 Exam |
Begrippen - H. 2 & 3 |
OPTA 204( Body Scheme Disorders and Neglect) |
finansiering |
CHEM-1111 Term 2 test |
Clinical Psychology - Schizophrenia |
Medical Terminology - integumentary |
mens en natuur |
week 7 microbiome-health and disease |
Arabic 1 |
Science Ch.3 |
AK leefomgeving HS 1&2rawr |
presentie communicatie |
Films - US Box OfficeTop films in US domestic box office by year |
anatomie |
fun 1 |
Lecture 8: Topgraphical modelling |
maatschapijleermaatschapij flashkaarten |
Economie katern 3Begrippen |
Economie katern 2Begrippen |
Economie katern 1Begrippen |
Criminal Law- recklessness |
EMC - La République française |
Science |
PSYCH 333: Infancy & ToddlerhoodExam on November 9 (slide 26-) |
PSYC-1000:Unit 2, |
Vocabualry |
Energy: Some Basic Principles |
Phonetic alphabet |
Clinical skill levels |
physics 10Questions for unit test in Canada grade 10 |
Radio Signals |
diversity terms |
Powerline Commands |
Dispatch Regions |
biology |
Physicsphysics equations |
Marxist theory |
Ratio'slearning ratios |
Soc Midterm #2- |
Residential Tenancies Act |
cells |
PSYCH 333: Middle childhoodExam November 9 |
media theory midterm - semiotics |
zinnen blz.22 |
spaans indefinido uitgangen ar |
film |
Psykologi - Stress och kriser |
Lecture 7: Raster data analysis |
Lecture 6: Raster structures |
maarschappij - H 2 en 6 |
tenta 2 |
group 1 , group 7 , group 0 |
metals and non metals |
biology gcse |
Droit |
Tidig utveckling 0-2 år |
Histoire Géo Séquence 2 |
Psykoanalytisk teori (Stadieteorier) |
Carbohydrates |
french vocab - 5/11/23 |
german vocab 6/11/23 |
Biologie hoofdstuk H11 |
biologybiology paper 1 revision |
biology |
forces |
Combinaciones frecuentes |
Criminal law- intention |
Espagnol |
anglais s3 |
Criminal law- Causation |
Biologie H10belangrijke onderwerpen en begrippen |
Lecture 5: Data Capture |
AQA Spanish GCSE Unit 1 |
Lecture 4: Geodetic reference systems and projections |
frans apprendre 1+2 |
FreudFreuds basic's |
Remote Area Survival |
Frans winter |
GS Actieweek 1 toets |
Specificity |
Strength and conditioning - Into & Neuromuscular System |
Meteorology & Turbulance |
animal |
exam 2exam 2 |
Arabiska #2 |
Arabiska #1Ord på arabiska |
Dutch board game |
chem 6/7 |
a&p |
Midterm 2: Social Influence |
WW quizWord Wednesdays |
katern 6 risico en informatie |
Biochemistry Test |
whts your nameglqoqb |
katern 5 samenwerken & onderhandelen |
dév. de l'adolescence |
dév. psycho et éducation à la sexualité |
psychology of sex |
Criminal law- Omissions |
Topic 5 and 6 Bio |
Midterm 2: Group Processes |
Unit 10: Key Terms A and P |
The halogens and halides (CHEMISTRY) |
german 8 |
Latin |
Geschiedenis van de Psychologie |
Algemene A1 niveau vragen |
Phil 250 Police Ethics |
psychology |
chemistary |
physics brrrr |
IPA Vowels |
chem naming n netals |
IPA Consonants |
Midterm 2: Attitudes and Persuasion |
blood vessels |
blood function |
blood |
blood and blood vessels. |
biology |
For Kat ^_^ |
anatomy 2 |
MDF | Pot Odds | SPR - Geomtric Bet Sizing |
actual vollyball test |
chemistry higher gcse |
chemistry gcse |
eco katern 4 ruilen over de tijd |
Lecture 3: Vector Analysis |
Eco katern 1 scharrste en ruil |
Geography GCSE paper1 |
F1 namn |
3rd Grade Biome |
Muscles Attachments |
Leadership Test |
Freddy Fazbear |
Private Mortgage Exam |
PSYCH 333: Toddlerhood/Early childhoodExam November 9 |
Science-Metals,Acids and AlkalisRevison for test. |
economics |
nederlands poezie |
maf |
ma se2 |
LATN 110 vocab |
Metabollic Test Part 2 |
sports |
mr kuilenburg |
mrs kalverda |
Lecture 1: Vector structure and DB theory |
mr dieleman |
mr tol |
mr dieleman |
mrs johannes |
Gwen de winter |
tristan |
quinten |
Juliette Tonk |
gwen |
Engelsto be, description, classroom objects, every day activities, place to go in town, prepositons of place, present continuous , rooms in the house, adverbs of frequency |
engels |
Amalgam - c |
Amalgam |
A |
socials |
amendments for part 2 |
Major and minor chords also # major and # minor |
Driving Test Questions |
grade 9 vollyball test |
science-heating and cooling |
computer test |
History unit 3 |
Bio 111 Lecture 14 |
definition of a cell |
testtoets |
biologybiology cells living things microbes imunne system etc |
mains electricity |
ecoyuhh |
phl245 rules |
Chase ch 17 vocab |
Crim Midterm |
Physics equation |
AK rep 2 |
chapter 3 vocab quizThe Great Gatsby |
Mock USA test |
bezittelijke vnw |
German Esttenten (basis) |
German -D en-T |
German Ettenten |
German haben |
German sein |
WW1 and Versailles |
vouge 1995 |
key concepts in biology |
Byggnadsmaterial_1 |
Give examples of political, economic, and social globalization? (such as source |
La seconde guerre mondiale |
Law |
Van Mens tot Cel |
constitution test part 2 |
black mirror |
shapes of molecules - chem |
Latin OCR GCSE VocabHelping GCSE Latin students |
Begrippen syllabus || Oudheid |
conference interviewjhvmghj |
juliette |
frans |
mthv |
Earth phase final 2 |
Biology 20 Biochemistry |
SLYG test #2Going over the topics of Reigion, Gender and Families |
Traffic Bowl |
bible |
Advanced English II Unit 4 Vocabulary Test Preperation |
chapter 1 test grade 10 - copy 1 |
History Exam 2 |
chapter 1 test grade 10 |
Islam terms |
words science |
scince study |
Science |
L'encéphale Chapitre 4encéphale |
RS (term 1a) |
Popular computer games |
Chapter 6 vocabThe great gatsby |
Privity |
Chapter 5 vocab |
Frans |
Anthropology Test |
Consideration (LAW) |
it-grabs GDA |