Due to the most abundant biomolecules on earth and they are used asd the main energy source for all living organsims in glucose.
Also important for strcutural component such as Ribose and deoxyribose in RNA and DNA
D glucose is non-cyclic and opem chained so can undego nucleophillic additon on the alehyde group of carbon 1
To form either A or B glucose
In a glucose the hydroxtyl is in down and in B glucose it is in up posotion
Fructose + Glucose + Galactose
Lactose + Sucrose + Maltose
Due to being a mnaor structural component of plants due to, being a linear polymer of D glucose connected by glycosidic bonds that is then organsied into microfibrils in plants made of cellulose chains
A B1-4 polymer od D xylopryanose with side groups of other carbohydrate polymer attached, this will lead to cross linked network of carbohyrates so is branched
A branched polymer with alpha 1-4 bonding
D galactose with B1-4 bonding with an ether bridge connencting carbon 3-6
Very complex polysachharides
Main component of the exoskeleton in arthropods
Polymer of N-acetly glucose with B1-4 linkage
Arranged in long extened fibres for extra strength
Polymer of glucuronic acid with glucose or galatctose with N-acetly on them
Important matrix to hold together protein components of skin and connective tissue
Bacteria cell walls are made of peptidoglycans made up of ground positive that are multi-layered surface and retain dye complex when added and then negative ground that are thin layers between membranes that dont reatin added dye to them
The attachement of oligosachharides to proteins that take place in the golgi or the ER
Takes place in the ER during translation and done by the enzyme oligosachharide tranferase
The precursor of saccharide held in ER by dolichol lipid
Can lead to highyl complex glycoproteins
Takes place in the Golgi and much simpler due to only adding simple proteins like Serine
Help protein folding in the ER due to kept in ER longer
Direct proteins to their final desitnation due to Lectins guide protein from ER to golgi
Improve protein function due increase solubiltiy and stability