import sys
sys.path.append("C: \\Users\\Anna\\Anaconda\\Modules")
import sys
if__name__ == "__main__":
print "Don't do that!"
sys exit ()
Preferred installer Programm
The repository and stands for Python Package Index
it is referred to ss the Cheese shop
it is maintained by a working group, named packaging, working group and part of the python software foundation
pip list
-U package_name
pip install package_name == package_version
note the double equal signs
uses 8 bits for each sign: 265 different characters
the first 128 are for the alphabet
the other 128 ( code points) can be stored to specific national chatacters. such a concept is called code page
a code point is a number which makes a character.
ASCII consists of 128 code points
a code point is a number which makes a character
unicode assigned unique characters - letters, hyphen, ideograms - into more than 1 million code points
ucs4 uses 33 bits to store each character.
a file using ucs4 encoded text may start with a BOM
an unprintable combination of bits, announcing the nature of the file's content
is a special combination of bits, announcing the encoding used by a file's contents eg UCS4 or UTF8
UTF8 most commonly used
unicode transformation format
UTF8 uses as many bits for each of the code points as it really needs to represent them