OPTA 222 (Renal System patho and disorders)
Stucture and Location
Two bean shaped organs that lie outside the peritoneal cavity, in the back of the upper abdomen. One on each side of vertebral column between the 12th thoracic to 2nd lumbar vertebrae.
Each kidney is 10-12cm long and 5-6cm wide.
Urine Formation
- Filtration of plasma through glomerular capillaries
- Fluid movement is determined by: Capillary filtration pressure, Colloidal osmotic pressure, Capillary permeability
- This plasma is similar to the rest of the body but does not contain larger molecules like proteins
- Once the filtrate moves into the tubular segments of the nephron reabsorption and secretion between the tubule and the peritubular capillary occur: Active transport is the mechanism of movement for Na, K, Cl and Ca; Passive transport is used for water and urea
How the kidney concentrates urine reading
- Most of nutritionally important substances are reabsorbed: Na+, K+, Cl-, bicarbonate, glucose, amino acids, lactate, water soluble vitamins
- In adults, kidneys are perfused with 20%-25% of the cardiac output.: This ensures sufficient removal of waste products from the blood
- where blood filtrates
- high pressure capillary system
Bowmans Capsule
doubled wall capsule of capillaries
Bowmans Space
is a fluid filled space in the Bowman's capsale
Portion of blood that filtured into the capsule space
Renal corpuscle
The mass capillaries and surrounding epithelial capsule
Proximal convoluted tubule
Loop of henle
recovers of water and sodium chloride from urine
Distale convoluted tubule
Collecting tubule
join with several tubule to collect filtrate
Diluting segment
Reabsorbs salt from urine
Late distale tubule
fuses with the collecting tubule
Cortical colllecting tubule
raise the fractional solute contribution and absolute concentration of area in fluid that it delivers to outer medullary collection
Inner collecting tubule
recieves filtrate from multiple initial collecting tubules and decreasesinto renal medulla
Autoregulatory Mechanisms
- Normally autoregulation ensures blood flow is maintained to kidneys in consistency with the metabolic needs of the tissues
- Also allows for regulation of solute and water excretion
- One mechanism is that when there in an increase in blood pressure, the vasculature relaxes
Elimination functions of kidney
- Regulation of sodium and potassium elimination
- Regulation of pH
- Uric acid elimination: High uric acid can cause kidney stones, Associated with gout
- Urea elimination: End product of protein metabolism
- Drug elimination
Endocrine functions of kidney
- Kidneys produce chemical mediators that travel through the blood to distant sites where they exert their action mechanism.
- Kidneys participate in control of blood pressure (through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system)
- Participate in regulating red blood cell production
- And calcium metabolism
- Increase urine volume
- They often work by blocking Na+ reabsorption so usually result in the loss of Na+ and water
- Can be prescribed when have fluid build up in body
Kidney function assists in regulation of the following:
-Fluid and electrolyte balance
-acid/base balance
As such, disorders related to both can be impacted by kidney function
Disorders of fluid and electrolyte imbalance
- Compartmental distribution of bodily fluids: Extracellular and intracellular fluid volume, Note: ECF is more easily lost from the body, Infants normally have higher ECF rate so are more prone to dehydration
- Capillary -interstitial fluid exchange: Edema
- Body water balance: Amount of total body composition made up of water, Normal total body water changes for age/gender
-Sodium balance
-Disorders of thirst and antidiuretic hormone: Hypodipsia, Polydipsia
Disorders of water and sodium balance
- Hyponatremia: Low sodium, Elderly more susceptible
- Hypernatremia:High sodium
Disorders of potassium balance
- Hyperkalemia
- Hypokalemia
Disorders of calcium balance
- Hypercalcemia
- Hypocalcemia
Disorders of phosphorous balance
- Hypophosphatemia
- Hyperphosphatemia
Disorders of phosphorous balance
- Hypophosphatemia
- Hyperphosphatemia
Metabolic acidosis
- Body compensates for decrease in pH by increasing the respiratory rate in an effort to decrease PCO2 (pressure of carbon dioxide) and H2CO3 (carbonic acid)
- Weakness, fatigue, general malaise, dull headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea
- When pH falls to 7.1 to 7.2, cardiac contractility decreases, can get fatal ventricular arrythmia
Metabolic alkalosis
- Excess HCO3 causing increase in pH
- Caused by increased consumption of base, loss of acids from stomach, hypokalemia and hypochloremia
- Significant morbidity can occur
Respiratory acidosis
- Occurs in conditions that cause alveolar ventilation and an increase in PCO2 (hypercapnea)
- Causes include lung disease
- Symptoms:headache, blurred vision, irritability, psychological disturbances
- Can lead to respiratory depression, coma etc.
Respiratory alkalosis
- Hypocapnea not enough o2
- Hyperventilation or respiratory rate increase
- Lightheadedness, numbness, tingling in fingers and toes, sweating, palpitations, convulsions
Cuestionario |
nederlands begrijpend lezen 2 |
notions de philo |
Lvl 3 Specs |
Privatjuridik successionsrättjuridik |
Fysiskt stridsvärde |
state nicknames |
Film FranchisesHunger Games, Wonka, Paddington, ... |
ak se2 |
Minerals |
♡ Questions |
Ordtest v.47 |
patie 4 |
♡ ropa |
religion chapter 5 vocabvocab |
french - education |
nederlands begrijpend lezen |
partie 3 |
Ropas |
partie 2 |
partie 1 |
Science Part bPractice test/ flashcards |
Chirurgie générale - Pathologies bénignes et malignes du foie |
bokföring |
Business Booklet A |
Chirurgie Générale - Tumeurs de l'oesophage |
microbiology |
Business Booklet C |
flashcards ECO |
Transactions émotionnelles |
Renal |
Privatjuridik familjerättjuridik |
Business Bookelet B |
Travel- Booklet C&D |
completed |
Maslow's New Hierarchy of Needs |
Business Test 3 |
Booklet E- Types of outflows |
Booklet E- Types of Inflows |
Information and Promotional Service Providers. |
Trade Associations, Government departments and Regulatory Bodies. |
Metod Social Psykologi |
Phlebotomy final study |
le accent |
Atomic Size (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Hospitality |
Canadian stduies |
JROTC Inspection Questions |
history of Generative AI |
Leadership |
English - Dracula Quizg7uu |
BIO Examen 3 |
Reneasia Turnerspelling |
Biodiversity |
Travel- Booklet B |
Travel- Booklet A |
bio208 midterm 2 |
nederlands ( woord- synoniem) |
spanish grammer |
physics |
Journalism vocab |
french word revisonunit 4 higher vocab |
Förenklad arabiska Glosor |
AS UNIT 1.1 BIOflash cards |
Electrotherapy |
Psychologypsychology 104 - |
Produit intérieur brutquiz |
Medieval medicine 1250-1500 GSCEKnowledge Organiser - Topic One: Medieval Medicine 1250-1500
Medieval Britain
Key Words
A belief, not based on knovledge, but in the
Medieval Britain is the period between 1250-1500 also ... |
economie globale |
Medieval medicine |
Chapter 6- Chemical reactivity and mechanisms |
Frencv high frequency words |
Elements columns 3&4elements |
GEN-PSYC Test #5 |
aardrijkskunde |
Infectious Disease |
History - WWII, Fall of Singapore & Kokoda -ajaks quiz for history |
goat production traits, reproduction traits and structural traits that are best |
goat production traits, reproduction traits and structural traits that are best |
7 physical and chemical changes 17physical changes is when something that CAN be undo for example tearing a piece of paper, u can stick them back together
chemical changes is something that CANT be undo for example tarnish forming ri... |
chicken digestive system and egg production system, egg incubation australia, |
MAWflash |
Strange Cases |
Atoms (Pre-IB SC 9) |
3x3 Blind Algs |
Chemical Families (Pre-IB SC 9) |
afkortingen |
Tables de multiplicationsAPPREND TES TABLES!!! (1 à 12) |
MythsMyths |
(IATA=International Air Transport Association) |
manicure & pedicure testbased on pg 29 - 35 in mani/pedi manual
manicuring powerpoint
nail disorders powerpoint |
cambridge u1&2hoofdstuk1&2 woordjes |
Introduction to Parasitology = MicroImm 2500 |
Ions (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Anatomy 101 Chapter 9 Muscles |
Instudering vxl/el 2023-11-14 |
math |
dictionary - JPN |
Tekenen beeldaspecten |
Optics quiz 2 |
Surgical Conditions |
Psychology 1100 Quiz 2 |
modul 6 mån |
l'Europe des lumières |
L'Europe des lumières |
L'Europe des lumières |
Cold war |
Historytest |
biologi systematik 1 |
component 11-14 |
geog 133-150 |
duits |
gezondspsychologie |
britain cap |
Math and ScienceEXAM |
the man with the hoe |
English |
Vocabulario de la casa |
Bio 111L |
behaviour |
maatschijpijkundemaatschijpijkunde |
Written Impact drills - Primary and Assist (Land) |
H9 lever |
strategies - geography |
micro test#2 |
measuring - geography |
characteristics - geography |
psycology midterm |
Endocrine System |
Prof.prac |
factors - geography |
biology |
history quiz unit 4 |
What i love about you |
Chapter 9- Stress |
genetics |
Embry |
comptia a+ 1102 |
Engels onbekende woorden proefwerk m1 |
Crim 2P33 test 2 |
Fatigue Management |
Raag Specifics (This year + last year) |
GS 1.2/1.4 .. |
Media online content |
the declaration of independence and the american revolution |
anglais ds |
Thaats and Raags |
abbie |
Biology |
Extra vocab |
Structural Techniques |
Budgetplan |
school |
History Test Prep |
sociology family and households |
Bio H36 |
Week 46 |
year 9 physics |
Bio H35 |
Words to practise |
Spanska läxprov |
ak |
Bio genetics |
Elanläggn omprov |
Science - Universe |
year 9 french |
maths |
Commerce - Work and Wellbeing |
englishmeaning of words |
german vocab 9 |
Commerce - Promoting and Selling |
Biology |
frans |
computing |
Histoire dedinitions |
EN4-1A responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, criticok\ |
History - WWII, Fall of Singapore & KokodaKokoda, Singapore and WWII |
math |
MCU Film List |
spanish |
Science yr8 Term 4 part 3 |
méiose |
méiose |
biology |
Biobio |
Thermo Chapter 2 Energy and Environment |
Directors' Films |
349 and 352 Excavator Systems |
Portuguese |
Obstructed airway - Unconscious victim |
Raag Similarities and Differences |
Protocols and Ports(TCP&UDP) for Servers |
Secondary assessment |
Insurance Exam |
EMS exams |
Voca |
module 3: section 3 |
physics paper 1 |
PBE- 'Good,bad, right or wrong' |
Olympics CitiesSummer Olympics Cities, since WWII |
Ekologi 1 |
english |
psych multi-choice stuff |
Nuisance to Defamation |
change in state of matter -physicsincludes change in state of matter ,equations and so on........luv ya |
No Time To Say Goodbye Proper Nouns |
Tort to Trespass |
english viet vocabterm 1 test |
Section 2: Muscular System |
Science Yr8 Term 4 part 2 |
Science Yr8 term 4 Part 1 |
Bio chema test of bio chem 9 |
Biographies |
9.1 Hazardous environments |
Best Director OscarYears when Best Director Oscar differed from Best Picture |
SOPsStandard Operating Procedures |
UESCA Running Coach Certification |
Overload |
Chapter 8- Weight management |
cauaees of disease in renaissance period. |
renaissance medicine |
US Election LosersPost-WWII US Election Losing Candidates |
EKOLOGI åk 9 |
lecture 4 exam |
HIS102 Term Test |
♡ comida |
Community Leadership |
Module 3: Section 1 |
Engineering Materials Semester 1.1All content relating to engineering materials before reading week in semester one. |
Female Reproductive SystemTest 11/10/23 |
shapes of molecules |
Inlärningsteori, psykodynamiskts, anknytningsteoris, kognitivteori, och dess teo1. En inlärningsteoretiker (tex. klassisk inlärningsteori, modern inlärningsteori och social inlärningsteori),
2. En psykodynamiker (tex. Freud, Erikson och anknytningssteori) 3. En kognitiv teoretike... |
SSAT VocabI wanna go home |
History Punishment |
Tonåren från 11 år |
Chem: Chapter 7 |
Verplichte Arresten ARW1 |
sci |
religion quiz 3 |
Shrutis |
Sandhiprakash Raags |
Chapter 2 Definitons The Expand of Trade Social |
city state |
vocab 10a flipped |
vocab 11 |
Physics |
Spanish verbs .1 |
Spanish verbs flashcardsspanish verb meanings |
vocab 10a |
Revalida Enfermeria |
Module 2 |
psycology midterm 3 - Copy |
fixateur |
gsh |
industrial revolution and robert koch |
Short story reviewshort story review flashcards |
Tap Exam Elementary |
inspector calls |
Aerodynamics |
french grammar- 13/11 |
4.2 worden wie je bent |
crime |
pluriforme samenleving 4.1 |
nieuw nederlands woordenschat hoofdstuk 2 opdract 1 en 4 |
woordenschat |
Biologiska perspektivetPsykologi 1 |
Chapter 7- Nutrition |
maak flashcards van de stoffen aluminium, argon, barium, broom, cadmium, calcium |