the muscle primarly responsible for a movement
the muscle that opposes the movement of the agonist
the simultaneous actrivation of the agonist and inactivation (relaxation) of the antagonist
simultaneous activation of the agonist and antagonist
maximizes the amount of force the agonist produces
allows us to stabilize the movement very effectiveely
knee is quadriceps, hip is gluteus maximus
eccentric is lengthening of the muscle, concentric is shortening of the muscle. Eccentric occurs when movement is with gravity (towards the ground)
the study of the effects and control of the forces that act on and are produced by living beings
the study of the motion of objects (without reference to the forces that caused the motion)
the study of forces that cause motion
an action of influence that moves the body or influences the movement of the body. Internal forces are created primarily by skeletal muscles. External forces are created by the ground, external loads, other individuals.
a force that tends to change the rotational motion of an object (NxM)
clockwise is negative, counter clock wise is positive
downward (-y)
the point in an object where mass of the object is equally distributed in all directions
Force = mass x acceleration(gravity, 9.8m/s^2)
Moment = Force x distance
1. visual observation
2. goniometer - instrument to measure angles
3. inertial sensors
4. optical or magnetic motion capture
1. manuel assesment
2. Dynamometer - device to mesure force, moment or power
3. Force plates - instrument to measure group reaction forces