phenomenon that changes subjects behavior by researchers being present/ awareness
Knowledge, language, values, customs, matriel objects passed down from generations
physical/ tangible creations that members of society make, use, and share
abstract, intangible creations of society that influences behavior
mental acceotence/ conviction that things are true or real
customs/ practices that occur in all societies
meaningfully represents something else
symbols that express ideas and lets people think and communicate with people
language shapes the view of reality of its speakers
Ideas about whats right, wrong, good, bad, desirable, undesirable in a culture
values that conflict with one another or mutually exclusive
established rules/ behavior/ standards of conduct
rewards for appropriate behavior or penalties for innappropiate behaviors
INFORMAL norms/ everyday custums thag may be violated WITHOUT serious consequences
STRONGLY held norms with moral and ethical cannotations that MAY NOT be violated without serious consequences
Mores so strong that their violation is considered extremely offensive/ unmentionable
formal/ standarized norms enacted by legislatures and enforced by formal sanctions
knowledge/ techniques/ tools that allow people to transform resources into usuable forms
Term for a gap between the technical development and its moral/ legal institutions
category of people who share distinguishing attributes/ beliefs/ values/ norms that set them apart from the dominant culture
Disorientation that people feel when they encounter cultures that are different than their own
practice of judging all other cultures by ones own culture
belief that behaviors and customs of any culture must be viewed and analyzed by the cultures own standards
Classical music/ opera/ ballet/ live theatre/ other activities thats oatronized by elite audiences
Activities/ products/ services appealed to members of working class
extensive infusion of one nations culture into other nations