splitting up of large and unstabel nuceli into smaller nuclei
the process of nucelur fission prodduce loads of energy ,this is how we get nucleur energy here on earth
1. spontaneous
2.by absorbing a nuetron
large unstable nuclei which can be uranium 235
we fire a small moving neutron ,which will make it more unstable making it split into 2 other nuclei called daughter nuceli , which also produec 2 or 3 other nuetorns
gamma radiation
each nuetron will go on again to repeate the process with another uranium nucllie
when one reaction results in other reaction
the whole system can go out of control and realease large amount of energy this is what happens in nucluer bomb
we fir ea nuetron to uranium makin it spli tinto 2 daughter nuclei and also releases 2 or 3 nuetron these then continue teh porcess with anothe unstabel uranium nuclei
the rod typa thingy werefuel lik eiranium is kept
the middle of reactor where all teh fuel and stuff kept in
these fuel element are emersed in moderater like water
to slow down teh energy of nuetron
absorb any excess neutrons, can be inserted if we neeed to increase teh speed of fisssion reaction and vice versa