True love isn’t known for what it requests, but for what it offers.
Al verdadero amor no se le conoce por lo que exige, sino por lo que ofrece.
Love lasts so little time while oblivion lasts so long.
Es tan corto el amor y tan largo el olvido.
One can learn to love, not when they find the correct person, but when they learn to believe in the perfection of an imperfect person.
Uno aprende a amar, no cuando encuentre a la persona perfecta, sino cuando aprenda a creer en la perfección de una persona imperfecta
Love opens every door, bitterness closes them.
El amor abre todas las puertas; el rencor las cierra.
Every time there’s a hole in your life, fill it with love.
Siempre que tengas un hueco en tu vida, llénalo con amor.
Stay with whoever kisses your soul, because anyone could kiss your skin.
Quédate con quien te bese el alma. La piel te la puede besar cualquiera.
To Err Is Human, but It Is Even More So to Blame Others for It
(humans are more likely to try to blame others for their problems, than to own up to their mistakes.)
Errar Es Humano, pero Más Lo Es Culpar de Ello a Otros
“I know you’ll be there for me, so I’m here for you”.
(today for you, tomorrow for me)
What’s true of real friends is that they’re always there to support you. No matter the situation, a good friend will have your back.
Hoy Por Ti, Mañana Por Mí
“to bad weather, good face”.
It reminds us that even if we have problems and things go wrong, everything will work out better with a positive attitude. It is a way of saying that with a smile, everything looks better.
Whenever you find yourself in a bad situation, Face the difficulty with good spirit.
Al Mal Tiempo, Buena Cara
One word at the right time is more valuable that 100 words at the wrong time.
Más vale una palabra a tiempo que cien a destiempo.
Whoever doesn't rise with the sun won't enjoy the day.
Quien no madruga con el sol no disfruta de la jornada.
He who doesn't know how to enjoy good fortune when it comes to him shouldn't complain when it passes him by.
El que no sabe gozar de la ventura cuando le viene, no debe quejarse si se pasa.
Even the best of us make mistakes. Nobody's perfect.
Al mejor escribano se le va un borrón.To the best scribe comes a smudge.
a faire
La vida es como un espejo: te sonríe si la miras sonriendo.
(Life is like a mirror: it smiles at you if you look at it smiling.)
Amar es encontrar en la felicidad de otro, la propia
Aimer c’est trouver dans le bonheur d’un autre, le sien
Te volvería a decir sí un millón de veces ‘I’d say yes a million times’.
En tus días malos te voy a querer el triple means ‘On your bad days I will love you triple’. .
. Quiero ser la razón por la que despiertas con tu bonita sonrisa
‘I want to be the reason you wake up with your beautiful smile’
No dejes escapar a la persona que hace más bonito tu mundo.
The meaning of this beautiful love quote is ‘Don’t let go of the one who makes your world prettier.’
Seré el abrigo que caliente tu corazón
‘I’ll be the coat that heats your heart’
.No te imaginas lo mucho que me importas ‘You have no idea how important you are to me.
may be aimed to remind you what you deserve when being in a relationship.
In this case, Escoge a una persona que te mire como si fueras magia means that you should stick to the one that looks at you with fascination and it can be translated as ‘Choose somebody who looks at you like you’re magical’
mala leche = “bad mood” / “bad vibes”
[lit. “bad milk”; this expression conjures up bad vibes in general… if someone is de mala leche it generally means they’re very unpleasant to be around and probably a bad person, though it can just mean that someone is temperamental; there are also times when people say de mala leche to mean something feels wrong or there’s bad vibes, and in family you can also use it sometimes to mean “bad blood”… it’s very hard to explain, but just know whenever mala leche comes up, it’s bad news and you need to be aware of it]
ahogarse en un vaso de agua = to blow something out of proportion, “to make a mountain out of a molehill”
[lit. “to drown in a glass of water”]
ahogarse en un vaso de agua = “to make a mountain out of a molehill” / “to blow things out of proportion” Literally, dar guerra is “to give war”
Idiomatically, this is “to be a pain in the butt” or “to give someone a hard time”,
ahogarse en un vaso de agua
Literally, “to drown (oneself) in a glass of water”
Idiomatically, the expression ahogarse en un vaso de agua is when someone over exaggerates their problems and gets worked up over something very simple. It’s very similar to “to make a mountain out of a molehill” or “to blow something out of proportion”.
una mano lava la otra literally means “one hand washes the other”
something like “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” or it conveys the idea of working together for mutual benefit.
its longer form: una mano lava la otra y las dos lavan la cara “one hand washes the other and both wash the face”
pasar por alto = “to neglect” / “to overlook”
me tienes hasta la coronilla
Literally, “you’ve got me up to the (little) crown”
“I’m fed up with you” or “you’re annoying me”. T“I’m up to here with you” This is synonymous with estoy harto/a “I’m fed up” or me harto “I’m fed up / I’ve had enough”, and also estar cabreado/a “to be angry / to be pissed off”.
me tiene hasta la coronilla “he/she/it ticks me off” or me tienen hasta la coronilla “they tick me off”
hacer algo a la ligera = “to do something lightly” / “to not take something seriously”
vender humo
“to sell smoke”
“to try to convince someone (about something) using words and arguments that are lacking in sense”
This is said when someone makes claims without evidence, or tries to misrepresent the facts, or someone who outright lies for political or personal gain. If someone is making baseless claims and/or it’s all very suspect, then that person vende humo “sells smoke”
The closest equivalent in English is “to blow smoke” / “blowing smoke”
Borra con el codo lo que escribe con la mano.He/she erases with the elbow what his/her hand is writing. (Whatever good actions or decisions he makes, he invalidates by other actions)
Quien no tiene, perder no puede. He who doesn't have is unable to lose. (You can't lose what you don't have.)
"Del dicho al hecho, hay mucho trecho. From the saying to the act, there is much distance. (Saying something and doing it are two different things.)
‘You were, you are and you always will be, my most beautiful chance’,
Fuiste, eres, y siempre serás, mi más bonita casualidad
‘I love you just the way you are’.Me encantas tal y como eres
Me gusta tenerte en mi vida, which literally means ‘I like having you in my life’
.Tengo mono de ti is the same as saying ‘I miss you’; however, its significance is stronger because mono is the Spanish word used to describe the feeling you experience when you quit drugs.
So its a way to express you are really looking forward to spending some quality time with your beloved.
Todo es más bonito si estás conmigo means ‘Everything is nicer if you are with me’
.Queda mucho por sentir.
Its literal meaning is There is still a lot to feel,
“Eres la luz de mi vida.” (You are the light of my life.)
Eres mi sol en días nublados.” (You are my sunshine on cloudy days.)
Abrazo – Hug Devoción – Devotion
Se feliz y sonríe Be happy and smile’,
disfruta de las pequeñas cosas, which means ‘Enjoy little things’.
Mereces lo que sueñas s ‘You deserve what you dream of’.
Pongamos de moda la felicidad.
‘Let’s make happiness a trend’
Hoy es un buen día para sonreir
It means that ‘Today is a great day to smile’.
Un día sin reír es un día perdido
‘A day without laughing is a day lost’.
Que solo tus besos me hagan callar can be translated as ‘Only your kisses will shut me up’
al separarse se comprende la fuerza con que se ama might be used to explain your deep feelings to your partner.
It’s the best long distance love quotes in Spanish as it translates to ‘when you are apart, you understand the strength of your love’
quotes like this may be considered a mantra to guide your relationship with your couple.
Moreover, it can be the perfect piece of advice to use with those friends who are not being treated like they should.
El amor parte del respeto y del cuidado is something you should never forget and it just means ‘Love starts with respect and care’
Eres la manera que tiene el mundo de decirme lo bonita que es la vida ‘You are the world’s way of telling me how beautiful life is.
La sonrisa es mía pero el motivo eres tú
The smile is mine but the reason is you’,
Saying Te elijo hoy y por el resto de mi vida may be used not only to reassure how convinced and happy you are about having a relationship with your couple but also to express your intention to stay together forever.
The English translation of this love quote in Spanish for him is ‘I choose you today and for the rest of my life’
Eres la casualidad más bonita que llegó a mi vida
‘You are the most beautiful coincidence that has come into my life’ i
’ fuimos un cuento corto que leeré mil veces, which means ‘we were a short story that I will read a thousand times’
Si quieres ser mi estrella, prometo ser tu cielo, which can be translated as ‘If you want to be my star, I promise to be your sky’
La vida está llena de oportunidades, solo necesitamos estar abiertos a ellas is ‘Life is full of opportunities, we just need to be open to them’
eres la casualidad más bonita que llegó a mi vida. ‘You’re the most beautiful chance that ever came into my life
“Eres mi sol en días nublados.” (You are my sunshine on cloudy days.)
each person has their own way of acting and thinking.
If we want to understand it literally, this popular Spanish saying would refer to the fact that each teacher has their own pedagogical method to teach to their students. However, we can also apply this saying to other contexts. When we say that “ Cada maestrillo tiene su librillo ” what we really mean is that each person has their own way of acting and thinking.
Cada maestrillo tiene su librillo
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Love me, love my faults.
Si quieres el perro, acepta las pulgas.
A small thing in hand is worth more than a great thing in prospect.
Be grateful for what you have rather than what you think might be out there.
Literal translation: A bird in your hand is worth more than a hundred flying.
Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando
There’s always someone around to gossip about lovers.
Literal Translation: Love is blind; but the neighbors ain't.
El amor es ciego, pero los vecinos no
Quiz |
♡♡ |
prov tyska |
Socialpsykologi tenta |
EnglishVocabulary |
RFI Ranges 200bb (GTO Wizard) |
Taals |
Meiosis & Mitosis |
juridik😪bye |
spanish 2 |
OPTA 222 (Renal System patho and disorders) |
nederlands begrijpend lezen 2 |
notions de philo |
Lvl 3 Specs |
Privatjuridik successionsrättjuridik |
Fysiskt stridsvärde |
state nicknames |
Film FranchisesHunger Games, Wonka, Paddington, ... |
ak se2 |
Minerals |
♡ Questions |
Ordtest v.47 |
patie 4 |
♡ ropa |
religion chapter 5 vocabvocab |
french - education |
nederlands begrijpend lezen |
partie 3 |
Ropas |
partie 2 |
partie 1 |
Science Part bPractice test/ flashcards |
Chirurgie générale - Pathologies bénignes et malignes du foie |
bokföring |
Business Booklet A |
Chirurgie Générale - Tumeurs de l'oesophage |
microbiology |
Business Booklet C |
flashcards ECO |
Transactions émotionnelles |
Renal |
Privatjuridik familjerättjuridik |
Business Bookelet B |
Travel- Booklet C&D |
completed |
Maslow's New Hierarchy of Needs |
Business Test 3 |
Booklet E- Types of outflows |
Booklet E- Types of Inflows |
Information and Promotional Service Providers. |
Trade Associations, Government departments and Regulatory Bodies. |
Metod Social Psykologi |
Phlebotomy final study |
le accent |
Atomic Size (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Hospitality |
Canadian stduies |
JROTC Inspection Questions |
history of Generative AI |
Leadership |
English - Dracula Quizg7uu |
BIO Examen 3 |
Reneasia Turnerspelling |
Biodiversity |
Travel- Booklet B |
Travel- Booklet A |
bio208 midterm 2 |
nederlands ( woord- synoniem) |
spanish grammer |
physics |
Journalism vocab |
french word revisonunit 4 higher vocab |
Förenklad arabiska Glosor |
AS UNIT 1.1 BIOflash cards |
Electrotherapy |
Psychologypsychology 104 - |
Produit intérieur brutquiz |
Medieval medicine 1250-1500 GSCEKnowledge Organiser - Topic One: Medieval Medicine 1250-1500
Medieval Britain
Key Words
A belief, not based on knovledge, but in the
Medieval Britain is the period between 1250-1500 also ... |
economie globale |
Medieval medicine |
Chapter 6- Chemical reactivity and mechanisms |
Frencv high frequency words |
Elements columns 3&4elements |
GEN-PSYC Test #5 |
aardrijkskunde |
Infectious Disease |
History - WWII, Fall of Singapore & Kokoda -ajaks quiz for history |
goat production traits, reproduction traits and structural traits that are best |
goat production traits, reproduction traits and structural traits that are best |
7 physical and chemical changes 17physical changes is when something that CAN be undo for example tearing a piece of paper, u can stick them back together
chemical changes is something that CANT be undo for example tarnish forming ri... |
chicken digestive system and egg production system, egg incubation australia, |
MAWflash |
Strange Cases |
Atoms (Pre-IB SC 9) |
3x3 Blind Algs |
Chemical Families (Pre-IB SC 9) |
afkortingen |
Tables de multiplicationsAPPREND TES TABLES!!! (1 à 12) |
MythsMyths |
(IATA=International Air Transport Association) |
manicure & pedicure testbased on pg 29 - 35 in mani/pedi manual
manicuring powerpoint
nail disorders powerpoint |
cambridge u1&2hoofdstuk1&2 woordjes |
Introduction to Parasitology = MicroImm 2500 |
Ions (Pre-IB SC 9) |
Anatomy 101 Chapter 9 Muscles |
Instudering vxl/el 2023-11-14 |
math |
dictionary - JPN |
Tekenen beeldaspecten |
Optics quiz 2 |
Surgical Conditions |
Psychology 1100 Quiz 2 |
modul 6 mån |
l'Europe des lumières |
L'Europe des lumières |
L'Europe des lumières |
Cold war |
Historytest |
biologi systematik 1 |
component 11-14 |
geog 133-150 |
duits |
gezondspsychologie |
britain cap |
Math and ScienceEXAM |
the man with the hoe |
English |
Vocabulario de la casa |
Bio 111L |
behaviour |
maatschijpijkundemaatschijpijkunde |
Written Impact drills - Primary and Assist (Land) |
H9 lever |
strategies - geography |
micro test#2 |
measuring - geography |
characteristics - geography |
psycology midterm |
Endocrine System |
Prof.prac |
factors - geography |
biology |
history quiz unit 4 |
What i love about you |
Chapter 9- Stress |
genetics |
Embry |
comptia a+ 1102 |
Engels onbekende woorden proefwerk m1 |
Crim 2P33 test 2 |
Fatigue Management |
Raag Specifics (This year + last year) |
GS 1.2/1.4 .. |
Media online content |
the declaration of independence and the american revolution |
anglais ds |
Thaats and Raags |
abbie |
Biology |
Extra vocab |
Structural Techniques |
Budgetplan |
school |
History Test Prep |
sociology family and households |
Bio H36 |
Week 46 |
year 9 physics |
Bio H35 |
Words to practise |
Spanska läxprov |
ak |
Bio genetics |
Elanläggn omprov |
Science - Universe |
year 9 french |
maths |
Commerce - Work and Wellbeing |
englishmeaning of words |
german vocab 9 |
Commerce - Promoting and Selling |
Biology |
frans |
computing |
Histoire dedinitions |
EN4-1A responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, criticok\ |
History - WWII, Fall of Singapore & KokodaKokoda, Singapore and WWII |
math |
MCU Film List |
spanish |
Science yr8 Term 4 part 3 |
méiose |
méiose |
biology |
Biobio |
Thermo Chapter 2 Energy and Environment |
Directors' Films |
349 and 352 Excavator Systems |
Portuguese |
Obstructed airway - Unconscious victim |
Raag Similarities and Differences |
Protocols and Ports(TCP&UDP) for Servers |
Secondary assessment |
Insurance Exam |
EMS exams |
Voca |
module 3: section 3 |
physics paper 1 |
PBE- 'Good,bad, right or wrong' |
Olympics CitiesSummer Olympics Cities, since WWII |
Ekologi 1 |
english |
psych multi-choice stuff |
Nuisance to Defamation |
change in state of matter -physicsincludes change in state of matter ,equations and so on........luv ya |
No Time To Say Goodbye Proper Nouns |
Tort to Trespass |
english viet vocabterm 1 test |
Section 2: Muscular System |
Science Yr8 Term 4 part 2 |
Science Yr8 term 4 Part 1 |
Bio chema test of bio chem 9 |
Biographies |
9.1 Hazardous environments |
Best Director OscarYears when Best Director Oscar differed from Best Picture |
SOPsStandard Operating Procedures |
UESCA Running Coach Certification |
Overload |
Chapter 8- Weight management |
cauaees of disease in renaissance period. |
renaissance medicine |
US Election LosersPost-WWII US Election Losing Candidates |
EKOLOGI åk 9 |
lecture 4 exam |
HIS102 Term Test |
♡ comida |
Community Leadership |
Module 3: Section 1 |
Engineering Materials Semester 1.1All content relating to engineering materials before reading week in semester one. |
Female Reproductive SystemTest 11/10/23 |
shapes of molecules |
Inlärningsteori, psykodynamiskts, anknytningsteoris, kognitivteori, och dess teo1. En inlärningsteoretiker (tex. klassisk inlärningsteori, modern inlärningsteori och social inlärningsteori),
2. En psykodynamiker (tex. Freud, Erikson och anknytningssteori) 3. En kognitiv teoretike... |
SSAT VocabI wanna go home |
History Punishment |
Tonåren från 11 år |
Chem: Chapter 7 |
Verplichte Arresten ARW1 |
sci |
religion quiz 3 |
Shrutis |
Sandhiprakash Raags |
Chapter 2 Definitons The Expand of Trade Social |
city state |
vocab 10a flipped |
vocab 11 |
Physics |
Spanish verbs .1 |
Spanish verbs flashcardsspanish verb meanings |
vocab 10a |
Revalida Enfermeria |
Module 2 |
psycology midterm 3 - Copy |
fixateur |
gsh |
industrial revolution and robert koch |
Short story reviewshort story review flashcards |
Tap Exam Elementary |
inspector calls |
Aerodynamics |
french grammar- 13/11 |