Nerves outside of the central nervouse system (CNS), somatic component includes sensory and motor nerves.
Control system of body functions such as breathing, cardiovascular function etc.
Brain and spinal cord
Cell bodies, dendrites, axon terminals, areas of synaptic connections
Axons, pathways between grey matter areas.
Afferent neurons bring sensory information to the CNS, Efferent neuron controls the tissue (e.g., skeletal muscle)
Basic information processing unit that receives input, processes infromation and provides output
Depolarization is when the membrane potential becomes positive, Repolarization is when the membrane potential becomes negative. Membrane potential is negative at rest -70mV
They provide support to neuron function (helps with structure, metabolism, and repair.
structure permitting communication between two neurons
change in electrical potential that can travel along a cell membrane
A chemical messenger that transmits a message between cells
1. an action potential travelling down an axon is an electrical signal
2. this electrical signal is converted to a chemical signal at the axon terminals
3. the chemical signal is converted to an electrical signal at the post synaptic neuron.
1. Structure - Structural imaging
2. Function - neuronal activity -> functional imaging, EEG, electrophysiology
3. Behaviour - Timed (reaction time), Non-timed (errors, response)
An electrical potential that is measured between two points in living cells, tissues, and organisms. It is measured by electrodes, amplifiers and electrical activity
1. EEG measures electrical activity (bio potentials) arising from the central nervouse system
2. neuronal activity -> action potentials -> depolarization and repolarization is being measured