Supraorbital foramen
Mandibular fossa
External acoustic (auditory) meatus (canal)
Mastoid and styloid
Foramen magnum of the occipital bone
The occipital condyles of the occipital bone
Sella turcica (hypophyseal fossa)
Pterygoid processes
Cribriform plate of ethmoid
The perpendicular plate of ethmoid
The lateral mass of ethmoid
The superior and middle nasal conchae
The superior and middle nasal conchae
inferior nasal concha
Infraorbital foramen of maxilla
Alveolar margin (process) of maxilla
Palatine processes of maxilla
Superior: perpendicular plate of ethmoid Posterior and Inferior: vomer
Anterior: septal cartilage
Mandibular foramen
Mental foramen
Coronoid process
Alveolar margin (process)
Olfactory foramina
Optic canal
Superior orbital fissure
Foramen rotundum
Foramen ovale
Internal acoustic canal
Jugular foramen
Hypoglossal canal
Ethmoid Air Sinuses.