The treaty of Versailles is an agreement applying to Germany, which required the surrender of all German overseas investments to allied powers, payment of reparations and acceptance of blame for the war. This resulted in humiliation, deep resentment, unfairness and military, territorial and economic precautions. Germany was dealt with repercussions such as the world guild cause, paying and excepting for blame, I'll say Lorraine returning to France affecting their economy and the Ryland region demilitarized to Allied forces which which was established at the Paris peace conference in 1919 by President Wilson of the USA, France and Britain President Wilson created the league of nations
Europe was shaped by Austrian Hungary split to separate countries. I'll say Lorraine returned to France after taking an 1871 Rylan region of Germany occupied by Allied forces Yugoslavia created from Serbia creation of Czechoslovakia creation of Poland Poland receiving strip of Germany, territory for sea in overall territories once in Germany and and over.
19 1920s economics were extremely strong average people were able to make a lot of money because of good jobs in booming stock market however it was flawed with irresponsible spending in production which led to serious problems. This began when soldiers came home with resentment and anger factories and jobs were put out of work. Women fired, and wages, drastically decreased, and unemployment increased.
communism states, all power and society should belong to workers in overthrow rich leading to nationwide, private poverty mass executions in personal freedoms while democracy is the ideology that people have power over how they are govern and respects individuals right to own property and production
Creates class levels through risk and reward, private ownership and the rich
A union is a collection of people joining together to promote a change. The of this to the government is the active socialism that leads to communism like how Vladimir Lennon was the founder of a communist revolution one big union was caused when a nation of unions after World War I gathered in Calgary 1919 to increase bargaining power in social reconstruction all worker unions were organized into one union this occurred in the Winnipeg General strike and 94 union together.
Took place on May 1, 1919 members of Winnipeg building trade unions went on strike when their employees refused to negotiate a wage increase on May 15 Winnipeg trade in labour council called for city wide strike a total of 20,000 members and 94 units were off the job within days. The number went above 30,000 and caused, closing a factories store and even stock cars the strike significance because it marks the red scare which is the governments fear of communist revolution which took over Russia government, and represents the power of union to socialist group and introduces new era of workers and advocate for workers rights
promoted responsible, citizenship and domestic violence against women through prohibition laws. It was the first and most powerful women's movement and was the direct result of female suffrage, and shows that women were the most powerful political force with young men women taking and not going back to old ways in few rights who strict social roles other women's movements were, famous in the women's suffrage act of 1917 that a lot of women
Prohibition was an effect in all provinces except Quebec by 1917 and ended by 1927 but still affecting the US by 1933 the The band begin the women's temperance movement that promoted responsible citizenship to invest violence through probation laws crimes related to drunkenness and domestic violence decrease
Provinces lost tax revenue because alcohol was controlled by federal government. US also introduced probation which led to smuggling opportunities, secret bars, moonshine species, blind pigs, and corruption and smuggling increase also increase an organized crime through mafia crime groups, gangster such as alcohol Penny and Rocco Perry.
People who smuggled illegal alcohol
Illegally made alcohol
Bars that sold alcohol illegally moonshine often described in pharmacies
Young new era women who defied the social rules, young women with short hair dresses, smoking drink in public earn money and dance, sexual liberation became more accepted the society fear this change
had a huge impact on society, became popular in soundtrack of the roaring 20s various of race and played in bars and spec
Prices dropped as technology improved broadcast announcements from p.m. McKenzie beginning of news broadcast and entertainment and homes shows consumerism and people now living in rule. Parts of countries brought in touch with the
Revolutionized appliances inconvenience in morning routines, as well as significant impact on habits on ha
And did labour intensive tasks done by hand and contributed to changing gender rules with men
1920s American American industry was well established using Canadian actors such as Mary Pitt
Became more social activity breaking away from traditional informal dances with new dance styles
Revolutionized transportation and travel, first affordable automobile before more accessible to average person, causing the innovation of assembly lines assembly lines allowed mass production to breaking the manufacturing lines into smaller specialized task to increase efficiency, speed, productivity, and affordability
Prime Minister McKenzie King made more independent through changing Britain as Canada's main trade partner prior 1920 America grew stronger and decreased cannabis with Britain. They became chief cheating partner, benefitting Canada economy with good flow and transportation relying on Canada's resources, branch prints, etc. the statue of Westminster was Canada's declaration of independence by being established for the continuing relationship between Britain and Canada, but adopting.
Emily Murphy wanted to run for senator but was denied in 1928 Canadian Supreme Court ruled women aren't persons in eligible. The five fought for women to be recognized as person at law when in case England over for tribe council these ladies were Irene Nelly McClung, Lou McKinley.
A few rights strict, social rules World War I change their rules in society young women refused to go back to old ways
most Canadians had to struggle while only a few enjoyed the good times in stock profits. Begin with economic distress and Winnipeg and ended with an economic collapse with the stock, market crash, racism, and intolerance with new immigrants when they were deported if they cannot find work, people felt immigrants were taking jobs from other Canadians and immigration law to be changed. My minority groups were scapegoats, such as Italians polls, Asians, and Jews
overproduction bracket companies confirm to expand rapidly in the 20th but the demand for products do not grow at the same place leading to price drops layoffs, making more products than sell and started from expanding with consumer thanks bracket on credit people in industry spend more money than they can make took advantage of playing the stock market with borrowed money and loans begin to default buy on credit were loans available to the average person where someone can't repay your debt three the stock market crash business public go by selling pieces of itself shares to the stock, market market or businesses by and sell the shares they also shares other people they're doing more money than they bought them for shares owners of the company and extra money Smart investors realize that with investing borrowed money and overproduction it was heading to disaster so major investors pulled out making prices drop on October 29, 1929, and New York stock market exchange collapse and stock prices to almost nothing with black Tuesday. Four bank and government overreact bank called back their loans as well when people couldn't pay the bank property government called back all loans and stop trading with other countries hurting Canadians because the trade ties plants and trees and prairies return to dust prairies resembled the farm with extreme heat and dust storm
Hardship and widespread with unemployment people lost everything people struggle to make ends, meet and provide for families decreasing consumer spending declining standard of living hoboes chaos living off of believes and hurt for men. They were 20s with the time of economic group, cultural change, and celebration the great depression was severe economic downturn. Hardship 20s were characterized by booming stock market prosperity consumer spending it dark market crash in 1929 marked up unemployment.
is government given income services to survive to qualify had to publicly declare they were broke and show items they didn't have which hurt many egos
wages and prices of goods are both low a dollar could buy more with prices lower and $20 per week was well
had no income because of severe drought and hot weather called dustball, but we're not eligible for dual because they had a property owned
as banks collected loans, people lost everything workers except weight reductions, finding work impossible good jobs and live well
Thousand hundred country insert of work and would ride the rails survive doing odd jobs hustling and stealing they lived in hobo jungles, also known as shanty town on outskirts of most cities which were shacks and had violence and crime
Horse drawn car with engine removed named after RV Bennett, which was a symbol into depression for farmers to show they have nothing
One 1930 consecutive election with promise of solving through intervention people voted after kings five since speech in because Bennett is rich and successful businessman. He would raise taxes and provide subsidies for small businesses and also giving out his own money to assist needy families
raising tariffs by putting tax on imported goods by highly taxing foreign products, Canadians will be forced to buy Canadian products. Unemployment relief setting 20 million for unemployed person must be a man with no job car phone radio alcohol instant publicly then created the dual system that was full of problems because it was too little for families in Kos major communion disorganization with no money for farmers. camp been concerned of writing rails in the ideas of communism with the red scare with lack of jobs and opportunities so many camps for work and staying out of trouble were backbreaking work poor food and clothing conditions $.20 a day and treated like prison but this resentment they started to the Ottawa track on April 1935 with protest against government to begin law March to Ottawa to the better conditions in the camp as they cross the country and join each place in Regina ben sent letters to
King believe the depression was a slump and would correct itself left alone. He balanced budget lower taxes and increased trade with English, but 1930 lost election due to his five cent speech RB Bennett Wong with the promises solving through government intervention and he was a rich and successful businessman ultimately he became the most unpopular with the Regina riots due to sending intervention, which was the last straw for Canadians it crushed in the 1936 election and McKenzie. Try to say it's king or chaos.
people try to escape their problems to entertainment. They did not want to see anything serious or depressing entertainment of the 1930s is bigger louder and more colourful than ever before and in the 20s people became obsessed with the latest fabs and