China and India
Eurasian and Indian
Any 1 from:
. rescue of people trapped
. emergency shelters
. medicine and food provided
Any 1 from:
. heritage sites reopened
. water supply restored
.$500 million on earthquake-resistant housing
Any 1 from:
. 9000 died
. 22,000 injured
. 4 million left homeless
Any 1 from:
. 800,000 bulidings destroyed
. cost $5 billion
. roads and bridges destroyed
Any 1 from:
. landslides
. avalanches on Mount Everest
Any 1 from:
. 2 died
. 50 injured
. 60 needed emergency housing
Any 1 from:
. tens of thousands homes destroyed
. cost $8.5 billion
Any 1 from:
. landslide blocked river
. 10 farms evacuated
. waves of 5m
Any 1 from:
. tsunami warning
. emergency shelters
. evacuation
. warships with supplies
Any 1 from:
. road and rail routes repaired
. donations
. rebuilding of water systems and habour