Originally BNA, describes the authority, parliament, etc.
Charter of rights and freedom
Sets out the way the constitution can change
King Charles
Head of state
Governer General
Municipal, federal, and provincial.
Member of parliament
Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judical Branch.
Prime minister and cabinet.
you must be a leader of a political party and get elected into parliament
not permanent
House of commons, senate, and governer general
Major law making body in the government
Party with the second most seats
House of commons.
People who compete for the job of an elected representative
the policies of a party
Government with majority of the vote
Government with less seats than the majority
bills from the house of commons for a second study
propose laws, but not taxes
105 seats
appointed by the governor general
Interprets and applies laws
5 stages in the hosue of commons and then 5 stages in the senate
hired by a group to speak with and influence government officials